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Thread: Time to get Shredded!

  1. #1

    Time to get Shredded!

    Last edited by breakthelines; 12-21-2013 at 12:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Good results so far, well done

    Why single digits?

    Do you know your maintenance calories because you have been eating at that level at a certain macro split that maintains your status quo?

    Is your lifting/cardio plan what you have been doing or what you will do? Or both? Just trying to work out if your 600cals a day reduction is the total deficit.

  3. #3
    Thanks mate.
    I used a number of different formulas to work it out about 6 weeks ago and have been hitting 2850-2940 with a similar macro split for the same length of time. Still sitting at 89kg.

    Currently trying 5-6 days weights but no cardio. Going to add that in.

  4. #4
    Want to get to single digits so I can bulk for the first time in May next year.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ok, 600 cal deficit plus additional cardio. That's gonna pop you at about 800cal daily deficit if you do 3 x 30 minutes moderate intensity cardio. Unless you are happy to lose muscle tissue that's too much. I appreciate you will want to lose the fat ASAP but that shouldn't be at the expense of hard earned muscle.

    For me, I would create a caloric deficit of no more than 300cals if you are adding that cardio. In fact, I'd prefer to stay at maintenance cals and create the deficit through cardio to start with. 3 or 4 sessions at 30-45 minutes each.

    What style of lifting do you do?

  6. #6
    BB style lifting. Running 8-12 reps with total of 12-15 sets for major muscle groups and 10-12 sets for smaller muscle groups.

    Cardio I normally do in 25 mins of hiit running. Burns between 400-425 cals.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ok, well that's up to1275cals through cardio alone plus a bit of EPOC if you are doing HIIT. I'd start with that then start reducing cals when it stops working. Cutting slowly is key from your bodyfat down.

  8. #8
    So to drop a pound of fat need to be in a dedicate of 3500 cal.
    1200 from cardio then 1300 from food. But start with just cardio?
    Cheers for the help BiB

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by breakthelines View Post
    So to drop a pound of fat need to be in a dedicate of 3500 cal.

    in theory yes, there are approximately 3500cals in 1 pound of fat. But that doesn't mean every calorie extra you burn will be recruited from fat cells

    1200 from cardio then 1300 from food.

    Assuming you means 2300 from food, in an ideal world yes. But it isn't as simple as that.

    But start with just cardio?

    yes, then each time your weight loss stall you can reduce cals a little and/or up your cardio. If you start with a really low deficit you will have nowhere to go should your weight loss stop.

    Cheers for the help BiB

    No worries, our stats aren't too dissimilar. My maintenance is about 3200cals with 4x lifting and 2 x cardio sessions a week.
    You don't need to be single digits to start a bulk but, having been fat, can certainly appreciate why you would want to do that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum
    With this style and frequency of cardio i wouldn't even eat in a deficiency for the first 20 days. just do the cardio

    also changing macros around with out lowering calories.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    With this style and frequency of cardio i wouldn't even eat in a deficiency for the first 20 days. just do the cardio

    also changing macros around with out lowering calories.
    Why change macros around?

  12. #12
    Could I drop down 300-400 cals and leave cardio out for the first month or so?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by breakthelines View Post
    Could I drop down 300-400 cals and leave cardio out for the first month or so?
    Yes. When the plateau comes you can add cardio.


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Yes. When the plateau comes you can add cardio.

    I've drop 400-500.
    Then when I'm stuck, I'll add in cardio.

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