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Thread: Test and Tren cycle -- Are these appropriate macros?

  1. #1

    Test and Tren cycle -- Are these appropriate macros?

    I am a 24 year old male on my fourth week with Test E and Tren Ace 10 week cycle

    (1ML each weekly -- 500x2 -- Monday AM/Thursday PM -- ten week cycle 10ML each)

    PCT - Nolva/Clomid for 5 weeks -- Clomid : 25mg daily -- Nolvadex : 10mg daily

    BMR : 2200 Cal -- TDEE : 3000 Cal -- Diet : 3500 Cal -- PCF : 394/360/59 (45/40/15)

    Current Weight : 205 lbs -- BF : 19%/39 lbs -- LBM : 156 lbs -- Bone : 9 lbs

    Start of Cycle Weight : 192 lbs -- BF : 18.5%/35.5 lbs -- LBM : 146.5 lbs -- Bone : 9 lbs

    I've gained a solid 9.5 lbs LBM; but, I have also gained 3.5 lbs of BF....

    I am not trying to finish my 10 week cycle gaining about 10 lbs of BF whatsoever.

    While I am thoroughly pleased with my LBM gains there must be a way to lower the BF

    Or at least keep it at a current IF NOT lessened state than started. What should I do about

    my current macros? Do you feel that these are sufficient enough?

    Anything I can do to optimize this cycle from your personal experiences and knowledge?

    Work out days : Split between 7 meals divided equally of my macros

    Off Days : Split the first 3 meals equally of my carb macros and the rest between 7 --

    NO CARBS after 1 pm on off days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Change your PCT to
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/50/50/50

    Why no carbs after 1 p.m.?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Keep eating right. Don't worry too much, a portion of that weight isn't fat, most likely water. You'll lose a bit of it during and after your pct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I thought you were going to stop this cycle after your first week after all the advice you got in another thread?!

    You are gaining fat because you eat too much. You should have plenty of dietary knowledge before you start cycling not worry about it after.

    Tren on a first cycle?

    As stated your pct is insufficient and I hope you are running an AI and HCG and have some prolactin control to hand.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    I thought you were going to stop this cycle after your first week after all the advice you got in another thread?!

    You are gaining fat because you eat too much. You should have plenty of dietary knowledge before you start cycling not worry about it after.

    Tren on a first cycle?

    As stated your pct is insufficient and I hope you are running an AI and HCG and have some prolactin control to hand.
    I eat under 10 grams of saturated fat a day -- the rest comes from POLY/MONO.

    All complex carbs, low glycemic, low sugars, no frozen/preservatives, no HCFS,

    no simple carbs, all fresh organic foods, no dairy, all lean meats - turkey, fish, tuna

    chicken. I take multi-vitamins, all omegas, fiber/bromelain, creatine mono, BCAA,

    pride respect protein, amino acids, I also juice (bought a ninja), oats, quinoa, brown rice,

    oatmeal, wheat germ, oat bran, flaxseed, pumpkin/sunflower, greek yogurt, all high

    fiber leafy greens and a variety of healthy vegetables. I'm not trying to be cocky or

    anything. But I have researched the hell out of everything back and forth. I track

    everything from my workouts, PCF daily, I took my RMR, V02, Deca Scan, etc.

    None of this was taken lightly and so far I've gained just about 10 pounds of LBM

    in a month off test and tren... I think thats pretty impressive.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by fitness89 View Post
    I am a 24 year old male on my fourth week with Test E and Tren Ace 10 week cycle

    (1ML each weekly -- 500x2 -- Monday AM/Thursday PM -- ten week cycle 10ML each) YouTren ace needs to be taken every other day or everyday. Test E is twice a week. You should have taken Test Prop the ester is more in sync with Tren Ace.

    PCT - Nolva/Clomid for 5 weeks -- Clomid : 25mg daily -- Nolvadex : 10mg daily You need a stronger PCT. Clomid 100/50/50/50 Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    BMR : 2200 Cal -- TDEE : 3000 Cal -- Diet : 3500 Cal -- PCF : 394/360/59 (45/40/15)

    Current Weight : 205 lbs -- BF : 19%/39 lbs -- LBM : 156 lbs -- Bone : 9 lbs

    Start of Cycle Weight : 192 lbs -- BF : 18.5%/35.5 lbs -- LBM : 146.5 lbs -- Bone : 9 lbs

    I've gained a solid 9.5 lbs LBM; but, I have also gained 3.5 lbs of BF....

    I am not trying to finish my 10 week cycle gaining about 10 lbs of BF whatsoever.

    While I am thoroughly pleased with my LBM gains there must be a way to lower the BF

    Or at least keep it at a current IF NOT lessened state than started. What should I do about

    my current macros? Do you feel that these are sufficient enough?

    Anything I can do to optimize this cycle from your personal experiences and knowledge?

    Work out days : Split between 7 meals divided equally of my macros

    Off Days : Split the first 3 meals equally of my carb macros and the rest between 7 --

    NO CARBS after 1 pm on off days.
    You should also have Prami or Caber and an Adex .25mg/ed, HCG 250iu twice a week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Then there's no problem. Except you didn't gain 10lbs LBM already. You'll be lucky to gain that all cycle. Your research led you try tren on a first cycle and come up with a poor PCT.

    I stand by my comment that you are gaining fat because you eat too much. It doesn't matter how organic or lean you eat, too many calories = fat gain.

    If it helps, and you are interested, your TDEE is likely in the region of 2400cals. Add to that your activity calories and you will be somewhere close to your actual TDEE. You should have really tried working out your maintenance before you started so you knew what it was.

    You also eat waaaaaaaay too much protein.

    And don't limit your saturated fats too much.

    Oh, and this needs to be in the nutrition forum, I will have it moved.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Moved to nutrition forum

  9. #9
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Image.jpg 
Views:	1049 
Size:	135.4 KB 
ID:	147218

    heres a picture : top is first week -- right is second -- left is third -- bottom is fourth

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    DAMN! you were skinny fat! looking a little better now though

    wow, i like you're diet a lot. -sounds delicious

    i understand that optimum health is paramount in all aspects of life AND when considering AAS use. it looks like you know that.

    i was entertaining the idea of using Tren Ace/Test E for a first injection cycle. i'm actually stuck with some Tren Ace and no Test E right now. FML right... all i want is some test.

    after putting on weight i realized that big bulking cycles are kinda shitty. i do not wish to ever do a big bulking cycle again. besides ****ing up my career and making me slow, it makes me look fat.

    after some time i realized that it's not just the type of food i eat, or when, but how much. it's not good to guess in this type of sport, (not that everyone's goal here is to compete.) a little extra, (or a little under) really can go a long way to giving you exactly what you want. what you ate yesterday should be powering most of your day today. however, high GI foods aren't the devil. they are best used during a workout, or after and this goes for most regular guys.

    it's so easy to put on fat for some of us. building solid lean mass is a slow process and that's all there is 2 it. 1. fat makes you look bigger 2. water makes you look bigger. high carbs = high water retention

    we all want to be the hottest ken doll we can be, or the biggest most shredded hulk.

    limit the protein so that it conforms to standards set for your LBM and AAS use and for what you are going to loose in carbs/protein calories or whatever, replace with vegetables. and as far as calories go...

    i want to try out the BASIS 1. here is good review: Basis Band: B1 User Interface Review - YouTube

    it does what i want it to do... "it does what it's told" lol

    somebody correct me if i don't know what the hell i'm talking about please!
    Last edited by C3RB3RUS; 12-23-2013 at 01:11 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    How tall are you?

    Is your trainer also your dealer?

  12. #12
    6 foot

    No, I do crossfit and train at an MMA gym as well as strength/weight training.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    In all honesty I think you had a really poor base to start cycling.

    Read the sticks in this section and add them to my comments above and try and get on track. If your gear is real then there's no way you should be gaining fat with the correct nutrition plan.

  14. #14
    Thanks for the compliments and information. I wish you the best of luck! Also, i am sure that you know this

    but don't do Tren by itself. Always make sure that you use Test with the cycle! Good luck to you and your

    lean gains! I think I will try and lower my diet 100 calories a week. Starting with taking away 25 grams carbs --

    then compensating -12 grams protein and carbs each after each week until I find that solid ground! Thanks


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ok, thanks for taking your own advice, seriously 400g protein? Ridiculous.

    Good luck anyhow.

  16. #16
    I've taken everyones advice into consideration. I have formed a PCT and I will take what others said and add

    to the PCT as well. I am a painter for a living and running around with 50 pound paint buckets and running

    up and down ladders, painting ceilings and running around all day -- surely burns a lot of calories. I have sat

    down with professionals and formed a calorie intake based on a formula that adds my average heart rate from

    my heart monitor with the time of the workout as well as my daily job. Calories = [(0.6309 x average heart

    rate) – (0.09036 x weight) + (0.2017 x age) – 55.0969] x time / 4.184. So I have already found out how many

    calories from my RMR, BMR, TDEE, Work, Training, with professional help, tests, plans as well as scans. So I

    haven't taken just my own advice. I actually got all this information from this forum which led me to the

    decisions I've made. I have sat down with a nutritionist and formulated a diet and it has been working excellent

    for me besides the 3 some odd pounds of fat, which I'm sure is water weight. Which would BE from the gear, or

    a higher carb intake. So I will lower my calories 100 each week and experiment with my findings. I write down

    everything, measurements, activity, changes, weight, etc. etc. the lowest I would go is 3200 calories. Why would

    I bulk with a 200 calorie surplus? That makes no sense at all. And I am not going to yo-yo diet because you told

    me I'm eating too much and just drop under my TDEE? That is just ludicrous. Just because I don't follow

    everything that you say I am wrong and setting up for failure? I gained 9.5 pounds of LBM in 4 weeks. I am

    pretty sure thats the opposite of failure. I had a scan done the first week and just this Saturday. I highly doubt

    the deca scan is lying is it? Water weight is considered fat, not LBM. I've gained what you said you'd hope to

    gain in a whole cycle in four weeks. Sure, I had a poor frame to begin with, but I took every precaution, let my

    muscles heal properly, I do not overwork my muscles, I listen to my body, I protect my tendons and ligaments

    and when my body says its had enough, it has had enough and were on to the next day. I eat like someone who

    is preparing for a competition. Completely lean and as healthy as it gets. Sauna/steam room sessions daily as

    well as stretching before and after. I do crossfit, yoga, MMA, and weightlifting. Everyone has noticed the positive

    changes in every way. I was just seeing if I could limit water retention/minimal fat gains if its fat at all.

  17. #17
    So I will add to my PCT and change it to as advised and I will take a HCG as well as Caber and an Adex.

    don't be upset because I decided to do a test and tren my first cycle and that I don't listen to everything you say.

    I'll have my PCT all ready for the end of the cycle and starting this weekend ill have my HCG, etc.

    And if you look at my picture, thats muscle I've gained. Not fat..... I went to having one vein visible on my body

    which is my dick, and now I've got them all over. I doubt veins show through layers of 13 pounds of fat. Don't be

    jealous because I gained almost 10 pounds LBM man while not taking your advice.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ha ha, jealous? LMFAO

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    THIS thread is a great example of how NOT to do things. IMO..smh

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum
    i like this guy,

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Diet forum
    dexa scan / DXA scan

    deca dick

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    10 lbs lbm in a month, please tell me your secrets

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