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Thread: Cant gain weight

  1. #1

    Cant gain weight

    I'm hoping to get some help with a diet plan. I am currently 234lbs 36yo 6'1 and prolly 20%bf. I have been weightlifting fora solid 3 years now and I'm on my 2nd week of a cycle of 400mg/Deca 600mg/Test Cyp and running 150mg Test Prop to jump start it. I plan to start 50 Dbol week 3. My gains to date are great but I'm trying to bulk up and hope to get to 250-260ish but can't seem to ever break 240. I eat pretty clean but far from perfect I know. I have a semi physical demanding job also. Thanks in advance for any help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Diet forum
    are you eating 4500-5500 calories daily? and are you increasing calories weekly while on cycle? and also maybe your gear is fake.

    your body will be trying to shed fat while maintaining the weight you are now, so at first glance looks like you are not gaining weight instead u are losing body fat.

    if you want help you're going to have to make more of an effort on letting people know what youre eating..

  3. #3
    Gear is pretty fire actually! I not real good at counting calories and this is where I need help. I'm just curious as how many meals I should eat a day and the best things to eat for max gains?! I eat lots of grilled chicken and 93% ground beef. Eggs and oats in the mornings. Whole grain pastas and rice. Diet has been my downfall.

  4. #4
    My gains have been very good as of yet and have gained much size and mass but my weight has been between 225 and 240 for the past year or better

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Well you are cycling at 20%+ body fat and by the sounds of it had not figured out how to eat before you started the cycle. You have a few weeks to figure this out or you will, most likely, lose any gains you made during this "bulk".

    Post an exact diet with macros and we can go from there. Not being good at counting is just an excuse, figure this out or you might as well stop the cycle right now!


    Follow my personal story here on this blog: An honest journey
    Trophy Husband - a countdown timer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by MutantD View Post
    I not real good at counting calories and this is where I need help
    Get the app : myfitnesspal , will help to keep track of macros , and calories

  7. #7
    Thank you for the response guys!

  8. #8
    Should I ultimately be shooting for 5-6000 calories a day?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Thers are lots of articles with all the info you need Mate. Your best bet is to read them then put a diet plan together and post it and youl get a lot of help.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Paradise Valley
    I am curious as to how much you weighed and what your body fat percentage was when you started three years ago?

  11. #11
    I'm not 100% on bf but prolly around 35% if had to make a good guess but weight was about 241

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Paradise Valley
    Quote Originally Posted by MutantD View Post
    I'm not 100% on bf but prolly around 35% if had to make a good guess but weight was about 241
    You have made good progress then. Congratulations!

  13. #13
    Thanks bro I work my butt off and love to reap the reward! I just feel at a horrible plateau and it's disheartening and rough for me...I feel I've made a great transformation to date but want over the hump lol

  14. #14
    I work a Lot and have a family life but very dedicated to the gym but all that make the diet side a little tough sometimes

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    just an FYI: I don't know everything but as far as I know, if you are 20% bf you really shouldn't be running a cycle. It will just amplify the sides and create more risk. Anyone please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

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