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Thread: splenda

  1. #1
    valique is offline Junior Member
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    is it al rigth to use splenda for cutting dite?

  2. #2
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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  3. #3
    beenie's Avatar
    beenie is offline Senior Member
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    Use of Splenda also know as sucralose is somewhat controversal. As I understand it the process by which it is made is by taking regular sugar (sucrose) and adding an extra molecule. The effect is that sucrolose tastes and measures like suger but is undigestable.

    I use the stuff once in a while when I have a sweet tooth. If you are on a low carb diet and u have a lot of it. it will have the same effect as fiber (if you get my drift).

    Cirtics of sucralose say that if you can taste the "sweet" associated with it, it must be digestible. I do not believe the critics, because it that were really the case it would throw me out of Ketosis and it never has, even when I have ingested fairly high quantities of the stuff.

    Another sweetner that you may want to consider is stevia. Also very good.

  4. #4
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by beenie
    Use of Splenda also know as sucralose is somewhat controversal. As I understand it the process by which it is made is by taking regular sugar (sucrose) and adding an extra molecule. The effect is that sucrolose tastes and measures like suger but is undigestable.

    I use the stuff once in a while when I have a sweet tooth. If you are on a low carb diet and u have a lot of it. it will have the same effect as fiber (if you get my drift).

    Cirtics of sucralose say that if you can taste the "sweet" associated with it, it must be digestible. I do not believe the critics, because it that were really the case it would throw me out of Ketosis and it never has, even when I have ingested fairly high quantities of the stuff.

    Another sweetner that you may want to consider is stevia. Also very good.

    Or.. just Yes.

  5. #5
    beenie's Avatar
    beenie is offline Senior Member
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    Hey PapaPump,

    You makin fun a me?

  6. #6
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    Cutting Diet

    Most diffently. The less carbs, sugar, youcan ingest in a cutting cycle the better!


    PS. bennie- the answer to your question. Yes. but good post anyway bro!

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