Thanks so much Scotty, that helped. (HUGs)
I know that Clen isn't the miracle drug or quick fix to weightloss. The only thing that is gonna change me is hard work. And maybe a positive attitude. I have lost 30lbs since Nov and I seem to have it a wall... or plateau or I am building muscle. The scale hasn't changed in weeks. But I have noticed different changes in my body. Like my rings now fit and my watch.... I have always struggled with my "diet". For the most part I don't get that much garbage anymore. zero POP or refined sugars, chocolates, candy, fast food. or processed food. I do eat at subway when fast food is my only option. My biggest down fall would be bread!! love the bread!! for the most part I try and stay away from it. I am a picky eater
here is my typical food intake for one day.
morning : "supplement drink" 20 mins b4 I eat.
1 Tablespoon
1 teaspoon
I take this to boost my metabolism first thing in the morning. these products I am told they give me all my veggies and fruit requirements needed for one day.
My diet is like clock work. I to seem to stray away from the food I am gonna list.
Than I have 1/3 cup of oatmeal with a teaspoon of Raw honey. I add the honey because I am getting sick of the taste of oatmeal.
gym or personal Training for at least an hour.
snack: handful of Almonds and protein shake. or hard boiled egg
Lunch and dinner are kind the same things just leftovers for lunch
sometime I don't eat lunch. or I will just have another protein shake for lunch
maybe subway if I am out.
eggs three egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambles with little Feta.
left over dinner.. ground turkey or Lean beef with Taco mix seasoning ... with steamed veggies (carrots or asparagus or broccoli) and brown rice
or chicken breast grilled ... with one of the three steamed veggies.
B4 I have my dinner I will take another "supplement drink". I keep my dinner options simple. sick of salads and won't eat fish.
Then it's off to bed ...
this part of the day I find the hardest. Maybe because I am board or I had a bad day. If I am gonna cheat this is when it will happen.. after dinner and before bed.
My water intake is bad and I know it... and It shouldn't be... I drink minimum of one liter a day... I try and drink 1 gallon and day. haven't been drinking that much in a long time. I put BCAA in my water too.
My digestive tract bowel movements .. I use to only go once every three days back in NOV. now I go once a day. That might be the key to my weight loss. Keep my bowels moving faster... But how?
I am open to any ideas
Thanks scotty, hugs