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Thread: Complete Female Idiot... But here's my journey

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    Complete Female Idiot... But here's my journey

    Hello There I'm Jo, Proud Canadian

    I am 36
    197 lbs
    45-35 % body fat (BUT, have lost 30lbs since Nov 2013)
    Training mean !! - 2 day a week personal training
    - Three day Goodlife running interval training 2.8 miles or 3.4 km in 30 Minutes and 20 Minutes Interval on spin bike
    averaging 2 lbs a week weight loss (wish it was more)

    I am Italian descent, fun loving, funny, easy going woman... I am very active, Well active as a fat girl can be. I think being Italian has played a huge role in why I am over weight, But not the only reason .... being Italian is hard to control your weight. Most people don't get it. being raised Italian all I ever ate at every meal was bread and pasta. Not eating wasn't an option. Of course I don't live at home any more. But my eating habits remained the same as growing up. And well after having a few "banbinos" (children) I paid the price. being over weight has lead me to be a type 2 diabetic ... leading to a path of type one... it would be a sad life to lead controlled by needles, if all I had to do was lose the weight..... so here I am!!! 30 lbs less and going strong. I am finally getting muscle definition in my arms and I have become obsessed with my muscles...
    I am definitely clueless when it comes health and nutrition, so I won't be give anyone any advice. The only advice I can offer is "fad diets" cuz I have done it ALL .... NONE OF IT WORKS !!!! the only thing that has worked is good old fashion hard work. However I can offer my support and encouragement to anyone on here...

    I am open to any advice or suggestions But I am here to learn.... just please keep it all positive ... as much as I am a very strong woman, my weigh is my weak spot...

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post


  2. #2
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    sounds like you're off to a GREAT start. This is a good place to get nutrition info. I thought I knew quite a bit, but I found out that I really didn't. Hard work and consistency is the name of the game. Like you, I grew up eating tons of carbs and fat. I love to cook, eat and drink. Its hard to change, but you can do it. You just have to change more than you want to stay the same. Keep up the good work.

  3. #3
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    Jo, how about you tell us your current fat loss diet and training plan?

    Also 35-45% is a huge variation on bodyfat but understand it's difficult to estimate right. Maybe this will help.

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  4. #4
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    jo first off congrats on your success so far that is great .love to see people making positive changes in their lives . welcome to the board a lot of good people and info here . keep up the good work stay positive stay focused . glad to have you

  5. #5
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    I have some good friends from an old school, Brooklyn NY Italian family. Sometimes its seems their whole lives revolve around planning the next meal. It's hard to beat a lifetime of family eating habits, but you're in the right place!

  6. #6
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Losing 30 pounds is a big deal and you are off to a great start. If you are anything like me, you will redouble your efforts as you start to see your body change. Hopefully you will enjoy this process more and more as you drop weight. Lord knows that enjoying it is important for long term success.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeniZen View Post

    I have some good friends from an old school, Brooklyn NY Italian family. Sometimes its seems their whole lives revolve around planning the next meal. It's hard to beat a lifetime of family eating habits, but you're in the right place!
    Thanks Denizen, thanks for understanding ....

  8. #8
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Hi Jo!!!! Welcome. I read your intro and congrats on changing your lifestyle. 30 pounds and you are almost halfway home!!!

    Altho it's hard to believe that marketing execs target women intro buying into the latest fad, it's proved over and over that sustained weight loss is from eating healthy.

    Have fun with it as your body changes!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    Jo, how about you tell us your current fat loss diet and training plan?

    Also 35-45% is a huge variation on bodyfat but understand it's difficult to estimate right. Maybe this will help.

    <img src=""/>
    This is a good question.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    This is a good question.

    Thanks so much for all of your support everyone. I truly appreciate it.
    After Calculating body fat I have come to the conclusion that I am 35% body fat I found it very hard to calculate. My arms in a relaxed state is 12 cm (5 inches) for my American friends. But Flexed my arms are 16 cm (6 inches) ... most of the fat being "my chicken giblets" that jiggle (triceps) ... BTW I am obsessed with my arms and shoulder muscle definition that is starting to show.
    I seem to be very hard on myself and very judgemental about my body. But hey, what woman isn't? I said I feel like 45% body fat because my obliques are huge mess... inner thigh and Butt is most of my fat... I might post my weight loss progress photos, once I can cut my face out of them... I have lost a lot of weight in my boobs. Went from being a DD to C since Nov 2013.

    diet and supplement use:
    * please note I try and drink 1/2 my body weight a day if not more. I also take BCAA's to help recover from my trainer kicking my ass.
    I don't eat bread or orange or milk or any type of juice or alcohol ...


    - wake up "fishy drink": 1 tablespoon of vegegreens 47 cals, Phytoberrry 60 cals, omegessentials Liquid 37 cals and a bit of water 1/2 a cup.
    -One minute oats : 120 cals with 1/2 tablespoon of Raw honey 40 cals.
    -supplement 2 tablets of Roxy Lean.
    - ephedrine 8mg x 3 (gives me a morning push to get moving. on my 2 ed cycle since Nov 2013)

    Personal training x2 days a week or carido at goodlife x 3 (interval training 30 minutes running/walking ... walking speed 3.5 miles to 6 miles, minute of each alternating. (average 3.5 km each time or 2.08miles ??) I will do the goodlife circuit with more reps and less weight.. and end goodlife workout with more carido. I use the spin bike, low tension. But I do interval training on this also (ride for a minute and stand and ride for a minute) I average about 20 minute. That all I can ride. I find the seat hurts my "cookie"
    work out is over.

    Post workout shake:
    I-PLX protein powder

    Lunch: if I eat. (depends if I am hungray) I try to stay under 300 cals
    -ground turkey 1 cup 296 cals
    -or lean ground beef taco mix 1 cup 255 cals
    -or handful of almonds with the meat 92 cals
    -Activia yogurt 40 cals
    - egg with two egg whites with a touch of skim milk and tons of Franks red hot..
    - soup

    Lunch supplements :
    ephedrine 8mg x 3 (done for the day) some days I don't feel like taking them I don't. I don't take it longer then 6 weeks.

    afternoon snack:
    anything I can find that is 100 cals or less.
    maybe another protein shake with Mint flavoring and PB2 (powdered peanut butter) 45 cals two tablespoons LOVE THIS !!!

    pre dinner "fishy drink"

    Dinner: 1 cup lean meat and two vegetables

    mostly chicken boiled or grilled on George foreman grill
    cup of lean meat or a wrap
    *I am just sick of salads
    * I wont eat fish (AT ALL)
    steamed vegetables
    sweet potato
    turn up

    Snacks and cheat Items :

    *if its a night time snack during the week, I try to eat it b4 9PM its frozen yogurt with protein powder or popcorn no butter !!! something healthy !!!
    *special K items

    fell off of the wagon:

    * I have fallen off of the clean eating wagon. I try not to dwele on it and move on. I recover and just more forward.
    * I don't drink at all. But did over Christmas (I stay away from people or things that cause temptations)
    *cheat Items are on sunday. I try not to do them. If I give in, I pick one item and try to count out what I am gonna eat and commit to that only... I usually cheat with panera bread something that is always average 450 cals....

    Thanks for reading and can't wait to get your great feedback.


  11. #11
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    Hi Jo been following thread and first of, congrats on the weight you have lossed so far. I had a read of above post am I not convinced you need the ephedrine. At the bf% you are you can achieve a natural healthy weight loss without the added ephedrine. You may be looking at it as a pick me up but getting addicted to ephedrine is not good , or you may be looking at it to aid in weightloss. Ephedrine does this with caffeine and aspirin ..... but your also putting a unnecessary strain on your heart , ephedrine is giving you NOTHING that you can't achieve naturally.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reiid13
    Hi Jo been following thread and first of, congrats on the weight you have lossed so far. I had a read of above post am I not convinced you need the ephedrine. At the bf% you are you can achieve a natural healthy weight loss without the added ephedrine. You may be looking at it as a pick me up but getting addicted to ephedrine is not good , or you may be looking at it to aid in weightloss. Ephedrine does this with caffeine and aspirin ..... but your also putting a unnecessary strain on your heart , ephedrine is giving you NOTHING that you can't achieve naturally.
    I would have to agree with REIID on this. Save this and aas til later. Jo, u can accomplish much more with diet and training. yOU Do not need this stack at this point in time.

    Us gals need to learn that the tools we need to cut is consistent food and i include myself in the us gals.

  13. #13
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    Jo. Bib and others will chime in but real quick

    1. Calories are important but equality critical is the macronutrient split between protein, carbs, fat. Many women do not eat enough lean protein.
    2. Take progress picture w/out your face then u don't have to crop your head out
    3. Carbs r from processed foods, need to reduce and eventually eliminate and replace with brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa etc.
    4 Kellogg snacks seems like code for sugary treats.
    5. Fibrous veggies like broccoli, green beans, spinach, etc should be included in diet.
    6. Am I understanding your training program is circuit training or mostly cardio? I am not familiar with the training programs u listed. Are u a cardio bunny??
    7. Minimize cheats (easy for me to say lol) if gonna cheat make it a meal and be purposeful in the day. Meaning dont take a bite today and another cheat bite tomorrow. I can convince myself that one or two chest bites a day are innocent. Ha!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reiid13 View Post
    Hi Jo been following thread and first of, congrats on the weight you have lossed so far. I had a read of above post am I not convinced you need the ephedrine. At the bf% you are you can achieve a natural healthy weight loss without the added ephedrine. You may be looking at it as a pick me up but getting addicted to ephedrine is not good , or you may be looking at it to aid in weightloss. Ephedrine does this with caffeine and aspirin ..... but your also putting a unnecessary strain on your heart , ephedrine is giving you NOTHING that you can't achieve naturally.

    Thanks, defitely no addicted to ephedrine. I used it as an appetite suppressant. And one of the side effects is that I can't sit still.. that where I get my boost from.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Jo. Bib and others will chime in but real quick

    1. Calories are important but equality critical is the macronutrient split between protein, carbs, fat. Many women do not eat enough lean protein.
    2. Take progress picture w/out your face then u don't have to crop your head out
    3. Carbs r from processed foods, need to reduce and eventually eliminate and replace with brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa etc.
    4 Kellogg snacks seems like code for sugary treats.
    5. Fibrous veggies like broccoli, green beans, spinach, etc should be included in diet.
    6. Am I understanding your training program is circuit training or mostly cardio? I am not familiar with the training programs u listed. Are u a cardio bunny??
    7. Minimize cheats (easy for me to say lol) if gonna cheat make it a meal and be purposeful in the day. Meaning dont take a bite today and another cheat bite tomorrow. I can convince myself that one or two chest bites a day are innocent. Ha!
    Thanks Girly, not sure what "macronutrient split between protein" is ? I am going to spend the afternoon goggle. I am sure that I will be back with more questions ?
    my off days from personal training. I really try to concentrate on Cardio to burn fat. After my Run/ stepmill I will do "goodlife's" full body workout full body circuit. Only cuz I am not that confident at the gym. So this "circuit" I do is Idiot proof... plus I am super sore from my trainer .....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOJO77
    Thanks, defitely no addicted to ephedrine. I used it as an appetite suppressant. And one of the side effects is that I can't sit still.. that where I get my boost from.
    Hi Jo , yes that's all well and good but bare in mind at 35%bf you don't want to put your heart under un-nesseasary pressure there are plenty of safer appetite suppressants . I really think you should drop the Eph for now , it's really not needed. As for waking you up , yes it gives you a boost you desire but IMO your using it for the wrong reasons.
    Last edited by Reiid13; 02-26-2014 at 02:17 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reiid13 View Post
    Hi Jo , yes that's all well and good but bare in mind at 35%bf you don't want to put your heart under un-nesseasary pressure there are plenty of safer appetite suppressants . I really think you should drop the Eph for now , it's really not needed. As for waking you up , yes it gives you a boost you desire but IMO your using it for the wrong reasons.
    I won't debate with you over the fact that I am misusing a product. I know 100% that I am not using it the way your seem to be implying. Your comment if very offensive of to me. But thank god opinions are like assholes, everyone seem to have one (super smiley face)
    May I also remind you of what type of website your on??? 90% of the people on here don't have prescriptions for what in their medicine cabinet or gym bags!!!!!!! So please,GIVE ME A BREAK!! you don't know me ... So be so quick to pass judgement. I was told to make a post on this website by a fellow member. And to use as a journal to log my journey, I was insured that everyone would be super positive, especially the men. However with you !!!! You seem to pass judgement on me !!! But Whatever!!! please go away I don't care to hear from you!!!!

    thanks for being a jerk, all the best have a super great day

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    Wow ... I'm the jerk , at what point was I offensive ? Since when has giving creditable advice , and looking out for someone been a bad thing.... Clearly that time of the month. And yes feel free to remind me of the website were on ..... But that won't mean people will give out crap information , key word : SAFE
    Last edited by Reiid13; 02-26-2014 at 05:08 PM.

  19. #19
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    hahaha off to the gym in beast mode...fueled with my hate for people who say stupid shit .... killing it this week so far!! fitbit say I have been burning over 3,000 calories each day this week so far!!!



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    that this point "IMO your using it for the wrong reasons."


  21. #21
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    Look ... I never intended to offend you , but you can't expect to come onto a forum and not here people's input ....that's the point in forums.The point I was making was for the sake of a morning boost , you could potentially damage your health , you're heart is working hard when your working out , let alone adding the Eph. All I was saying was IMO I would not use it as you'd achieve just as good results. It was really never intended to be offensive ..
    Last edited by Reiid13; 02-26-2014 at 05:40 PM.

  22. #22
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    Jo. Here's an alternative to eca stack. I have used and gives me a boost.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Jo. Here's an alternative to eca stack. I have used and gives me a boost.

    Thanks girly, I will have a look ....

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Jo. Here's an alternative to eca stack. I have used and gives me a boost.

    Thanks for the amazing advice !!! That was the best post ever !!! I have stopped the ECA Stack ...

  25. #25
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    Any progress?

  26. #26
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    I have lost another 5lbs this week alone... I haven't been using ECA stack or anything... This week has been super busy .... haven't hit the gym as much as I would have liked 4 times ...

  27. #27
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    Jo. There are educational wdsticky at the tip of each subforum.

    You need to establish the composition of intake that maintains your weight. We are all different based on metabolism and how effective out bodies utilize food. My metabolism is very slow so I can't eat as much and not gain whereas someone with an efficient metabolism can eat more. Life's not fair Females are notorious for crash diets, eating very little. Don't do this! You want to eat as much food as possible as long as possible and still lose weight. That's why it is important for you to understand the total calories you are consuming from protein, carb and fat sources so u can adjust your calories to support avg 2 lb fat loss per week. Those stickys will help.
    Last edited by GirlyGymRat; 03-02-2014 at 05:58 AM.

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    Thanks so much .. you have been a huge help to me (hugs) ... I truly appreciate it. You gave great advice without judgement. I have come a long way and still have a long way to go. I feel more confident and educated .... I still need help but wow.. I use to think people starve on a 1500 calories a day diet. I had no clue how to really clean eat or how to count calories and what empty calories are... Now I have made the lifestyle change with your help... now I need to keep moving forward and really figure out my metabolism like you said. I am gonna read the links you have provided me .. Thank you so much .. your amazing !!!

  29. #29
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    Those stickies were written by valued members of the forum who are paying it forward. It's a great concept!

    There's another on carb cycling that might interest you as near your goal.

    Keeps us posted on your progress!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Those stickies were written by valued members of the forum who are paying it forward. It's a great concept!

    There's another on carb cycling that might interest you as near your goal.

    Keeps us posted on your progress!

    hey Thanks for the post ... I was taking my time going through it .... until my hydro went out yesterday... now all of a sudden I no longer have access to them.. odd... oh well I "reported it" like I read and hopefully will be give my access back I found some great stuff... I told them my real name and told them to check me out on Facebook hopefully that helps... oh maybe its a glitch in the matrix... LOL oh well !!! off to the gym I go... BTW it's -30 today in Ontario... YA FML!! have a super great day everyone

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    Had the best run of my life lastnight!!! super stoked for tonights workout!!!

  32. #32
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOJO77
    Had the best run of my life lastnight!!! super stoked for tonights workout!!!
    Where u go Jo?

  33. #33
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    I just got a little frustrated with this website. I seen a lady on here with almost the same stats, just 10lbs lighter and no one talked her out of taking the "clen". Most gave her great advice. So I was a little frustrated and didn't log on for a while. But after cooler heads prevailed I realized no one wants to see anyone get hurt. She was already mid cycle so one was gonna talk her out of it. That's why they just gave advice and didn't bother talking her out of it. This weight loss journey is very emotional. I'm not an emotional person. I have had highs and lows and last week was a low. But I am back on track and Working hard me and on my change.
    I have boosted my personal training to four days a week with and doing HIIT each day using (body rockers) and still running. (not sunday's) that's my day of rest. I am almost at the 4km mark with in 30 min..... doing intercal training to burn off my fat.....Still taking Chromium Picolinate, Synephrine, EGCG (Green Tea Extract). I find it isn't working but since I bought it I am gonna stick with it. I started taking C4 for my "boost" pre workouts...

    I am still struggling with my diet .... balancing proteins, good fats things like that.... I have such a slow metabolism so I need to adjust my diet. The weight will come off... its just not happening as fast as I would like it .... But I will get there



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    Glad your back keep your head up and keep up the good work. We all have our down times I know I certainly do , we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. wish you the best hope u have a great week.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOJO77 View Post
    I just got a little frustrated with this website. I seen a lady on here with almost the same stats, just 10lbs lighter and no one talked her out of taking the "clen". Most gave her great advice. So I was a little frustrated and didn't log on for a while. But after cooler heads prevailed I realized no one wants to see anyone get hurt. She was already mid cycle so one was gonna talk her out of it. That's why they just gave advice and didn't bother talking her out of it. This weight loss journey is very emotional. I'm not an emotional person. I have had highs and lows and last week was a low. But I am back on track and Working hard me and on my change.
    I have boosted my personal training to four days a week with and doing HIIT each day using (body rockers) and still running. (not sunday's) that's my day of rest. I am almost at the 4km mark with in 30 min..... doing intercal training to burn off my fat.....Still taking Chromium Picolinate, Synephrine, EGCG (Green Tea Extract). I find it isn't working but since I bought it I am gonna stick with it. I started taking C4 for my "boost" pre workouts...

    I am still struggling with my diet .... balancing proteins, good fats things like that.... I have such a slow metabolism so I need to adjust my diet. The weight will come off... its just not happening as fast as I would like it .... But I will get there


    Jo, I'm sorry to hear your got frustrated with this forum. Sometimes people aren't always united in the advise they give to people. This is why I for one encourage you to do as much research as possible to make your own decisions.

    My two cents on your diet would be to throw out the word "diet" The word itself implies you can't have things. Start adding things to your diet till the good stuff pushes out the garbage till you don't think you cant have something. Instead you'll think you can have it but don't want it.

    I really haven't seen a post about what you're eating now. All I've really seen is supplement talk. How much fiberous green veggies are you getting? Where you're at now I'd love to see you keep your digestive track moving quickly.

    How is your water intake?

    We're always here to help. Don't give up on us and we won't give up on you

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Jo, I'm sorry to hear your got frustrated with this forum. Sometimes people aren't always united in the advise they give to people. This is why I for one encourage you to do as much research as possible to make your own decisions.

    My two cents on your diet would be to throw out the word "diet" The word itself implies you can't have things. Start adding things to your diet till the good stuff pushes out the garbage till you don't think you cant have something. Instead you'll think you can have it but don't want it.

    I really haven't seen a post about what you're eating now. All I've really seen is supplement talk. How much fiberous green veggies are you getting? Where you're at now I'd love to see you keep your digestive track moving quickly.

    How is your water intake?

    We're always here to help. Don't give up on us and we won't give up on you
    Thanks so much Scotty, that helped. (HUGs)
    I know that Clen isn't the miracle drug or quick fix to weightloss. The only thing that is gonna change me is hard work. And maybe a positive attitude. I have lost 30lbs since Nov and I seem to have it a wall... or plateau or I am building muscle. The scale hasn't changed in weeks. But I have noticed different changes in my body. Like my rings now fit and my watch.... I have always struggled with my "diet". For the most part I don't get that much garbage anymore. zero POP or refined sugars, chocolates, candy, fast food. or processed food. I do eat at subway when fast food is my only option. My biggest down fall would be bread!! love the bread!! for the most part I try and stay away from it. I am a picky eater

    here is my typical food intake for one day.

    morning : "supplement drink" 20 mins b4 I eat.
    1 Tablespoon
    1 teaspoon

    I take this to boost my metabolism first thing in the morning. these products I am told they give me all my veggies and fruit requirements needed for one day.
    My diet is like clock work. I to seem to stray away from the food I am gonna list.

    Than I have 1/3 cup of oatmeal with a teaspoon of Raw honey. I add the honey because I am getting sick of the taste of oatmeal.

    gym or personal Training for at least an hour.

    snack: handful of Almonds and protein shake. or hard boiled egg

    Lunch and dinner are kind the same things just leftovers for lunch
    sometime I don't eat lunch. or I will just have another protein shake for lunch
    maybe subway if I am out.
    eggs three egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambles with little Feta.
    left over dinner.. ground turkey or Lean beef with Taco mix seasoning ... with steamed veggies (carrots or asparagus or broccoli) and brown rice
    or chicken breast grilled ... with one of the three steamed veggies.

    B4 I have my dinner I will take another "supplement drink". I keep my dinner options simple. sick of salads and won't eat fish.

    Then it's off to bed ...
    this part of the day I find the hardest. Maybe because I am board or I had a bad day. If I am gonna cheat this is when it will happen.. after dinner and before bed.

    My water intake is bad and I know it... and It shouldn't be... I drink minimum of one liter a day... I try and drink 1 gallon and day. haven't been drinking that much in a long time. I put BCAA in my water too.

    My digestive tract bowel movements .. I use to only go once every three days back in NOV. now I go once a day. That might be the key to my weight loss. Keep my bowels moving faster... But how?
    I am open to any ideas

    Thanks scotty, hugs


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    Quote Originally Posted by JOJO77 View Post
    Thanks so much Scotty, that helped. (HUGs)
    I know that Clen isn't the miracle drug or quick fix to weightloss. The only thing that is gonna change me is hard work. And maybe a positive attitude. I have lost 30lbs since Nov and I seem to have it a wall... or plateau or I am building muscle. The scale hasn't changed in weeks. But I have noticed different changes in my body. Like my rings now fit and my watch.... I have always struggled with my "diet". For the most part I don't get that much garbage anymore. zero POP or refined sugars, chocolates, candy, fast food. or processed food. I do eat at subway when fast food is my only option. My biggest down fall would be bread!! love the bread!! for the most part I try and stay away from it. I am a picky eater

    here is my typical food intake for one day.

    morning : "supplement drink" 20 mins b4 I eat.
    1 Tablespoon
    1 teaspoon

    I take this to boost my metabolism first thing in the morning. these products I am told they give me all my veggies and fruit requirements needed for one day.
    My diet is like clock work. I to seem to stray away from the food I am gonna list.

    Than I have 1/3 cup of oatmeal with a teaspoon of Raw honey. I add the honey because I am getting sick of the taste of oatmeal.

    gym or personal Training for at least an hour.

    snack: handful of Almonds and protein shake. or hard boiled egg

    Lunch and dinner are kind the same things just leftovers for lunch
    sometime I don't eat lunch. or I will just have another protein shake for lunch
    maybe subway if I am out.
    eggs three egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambles with little Feta.
    left over dinner.. ground turkey or Lean beef with Taco mix seasoning ... with steamed veggies (carrots or asparagus or broccoli) and brown rice
    or chicken breast grilled ... with one of the three steamed veggies.

    B4 I have my dinner I will take another "supplement drink". I keep my dinner options simple. sick of salads and won't eat fish.

    Then it's off to bed ...
    this part of the day I find the hardest. Maybe because I am board or I had a bad day. If I am gonna cheat this is when it will happen.. after dinner and before bed.

    My water intake is bad and I know it... and It shouldn't be... I drink minimum of one liter a day... I try and drink 1 gallon and day. haven't been drinking that much in a long time. I put BCAA in my water too.

    My digestive tract bowel movements .. I use to only go once every three days back in NOV. now I go once a day. That might be the key to my weight loss. Keep my bowels moving faster... But how?
    I am open to any ideas

    Thanks scotty, hugs

    eating before bed isn't always a bad thing. You just have to stay within some guidelines. Its a good time of day to get your healthy fats in. maybe a piece of salmon with a quarter of an avocado. Also chia seeds wouldn't be a bad thing to put into your diet as well.

    Stress can kill weight loss. Its your bodys way of protecting itself. Have you had blood work done?

    Find a way to manage that evening stress/boredom. Plan a small pre bed time meal into your routine so you don't have the urge to eat any garbage.

    Ok as far as the digestive track is concerned, look at adding a prebiotic to your diet as well as keeping up with the fiber.

    The best indicator of how fast your digestive track is moving (this is going to sound gross) is the color of your bowel movements. The brown color comes from bile, The slower your digestive track works the darker your bowel movements will be since they've had more time to come in contact with bile.

  38. #38
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Hey girl. We all have moments and for me, my weight shape look are emotional. Period. But Remember consistency over time.

    Re OTC fat loss. My change was subtle. I had BW done prior to taking stack and after. BW improvement after one month. I was pleased with favorable impact on that front.

    Fat loss stacks/clen/albuterol only work when training and nutrition is working together. Personally I rather get to a lower weight thru consistency in training and nutrition over time. The gimmicks never worked for me. Like you said, it's worth the effort

    Jo you haven't hit your stride yet! Rather then despise the plateau, embrace. It's your body's way of speaking. Something has to change bc what you were doing b4 isn't generating results. You r going to have to change something. Most of the time, and its hard for me to admit, its my food choices.

    I learned valuable tools from different vets and mods just by hanging in and not giving up. Sometimes the battle is in the mind. So find your strength to keep focus. We can encourage but it's all you in the execution.

  39. #39
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    Hi Jo,

    In order to switch things up you could try a low-carb meal plan for a few weeks. This is what works best for me but each person have their own favorite or sometimes it is not a matter of choice as some things simply do not work for some people.

    If you need help creating a meal plan I would suggest you look at this site:


  40. #40
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    where ya at Jojo, we need some updates

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