I posted a thread about wanting to do a blast. I have been on TRT for 8 years at 200 mg weekly. I am gonna try a 500mg weekly blast for 12 weeks. I have been reading some stickies and threads about nutrition.
I'm 200 lbs and would like to gain about 10 lbs. I presume I need about 260+ gms protein daily? I figured I need about 3000 ish calories and thinking about trying to get 40/40/20?? Someone please tell me how I can get that much protein daily. I just started tracking my intake yesterday with a phone App. (It's a really cool App) I mostly eat clean, I ate well yesterday and came about 60gms short on protein. I do have to say that I am lazy in the morning and tend to wait a couple hours to intake food. (Gotta have coffee) So I know where I am missing SOME protein/calories.
My schedule is this. I work 3p-11p 5 days a week. I am up generally at 8a-9a give or take. I train at 1pm on work days. Off days it varies. I don't wanna start the blast and waste it if I am not getting enough protein/calories. Is it as easy as just eating more, more, more??? (of the correct food of course) Sometimes it's difficult to be able to get meals/shakes in during 8 hours at work. Thank you.