Okay, so this is my first time cycling on Halovar + Hexadrone, and I posted my current meal plan online... and everyone said I'm eating too little. I agree, and since this is my first time on a cycle, I'm in sincere need as to what I can add to this current diet.
Here's my mini profile:
Age: 21
Weight: 145 lb.
Height: 5'6''
Body/Fat ratio: 21%
Current supplements: Omega 3 fatty acids, Guardian: Liver Protection.
Meal One: 1 cup Go Lean Fiber Twigs, Soy Protein Grams, and Honey Puff Cereal
1 cup blueberries
2 scoops Amplified Mass XXX w/ water
Meal Two: 20 almonds
May or may not have another scoop of Amplified Mass XXX w/ water. It varies from day-to-day.
Meal Three: 3 whole grain bread slices
Lemon Rotisserie Chicken from Wal-Mart w/ skin stripped off.
Meal Four: 1 cup cottage cheese
1 cup fruits w/ banana
Meal Five (Post Workout): 2 scoops Amplified Mass XXX w/ water
16 oz. Gatoraide
3 Whole Grain bread slices.
Throughout the day, I generally drink 2.5-3.5 liters of water.