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Thread: Back aftr herniated disc and married life,need to test diet making knowledge, advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Back aftr herniated disc and married life,need to test diet making knowledge, advice

    hey guys after recovering from herniated disc and after a year of my married life i can finally take out time for getting into shape ,below is my diet for the regime i am gonna follow to lose fat(high priority) and gain some muscle in the bargain.

    Age : 32
    Length (cm) : 176
    Bodyweight (kg) : 86.0
    Lean body mass (kg) : 60.2
    Body fat % : 25.0
    Activity level : 1.200
    Body Mass Index = 27.8 kg/m2
    Lean Body Mass Index = 19.4 kg/m2
    TDEE : 2004 kcal
    Goal : lose fat so reducing approx 300 kcal from daily intake i.e 1700 kcal


    Meal Food Qty Kcal P/C/F

    1. 9am whey 60gms 221 53/0/1
    oats fine powder 30gms 116 3/21/2
    almonds 30 gms 173 6/7/15

    Total 510 62/28/18

    2. 12pm beans, kidney 60gms 200 14/36/0
    cabbage 200gms 50 3/12/0
    papayas 100gms 39 1/10/0

    Total 289 17/57/0

    3. 3pm chicken, breast meat 150 gr 171 32 0 4
    rice, brown, long-grain 60 gr 222 5 46 2
    cabbage 100 gr 25 1 6 0

    Total 418 38 52 6

    4. 6pm lentils 50gr 177 13 30 1
    cabbage 100gr 25 1 6 0
    chicken, breast meat 50gr 57 11 0 1

    Total 259 25 36 2

    5. 7.30 pm Workout
    Whey 30gr 110 27 0 0

    6. 10.30pm cottage cheese 100gr 98 11 3 4
    cabbage 100gr 25 1 6 0

    Total 123 12 9 4

    Kcal Protein Carbs Fat
    therefore Total 1,708 181 183 31

    Any suggestion or criticism is highly appreciated and also needed.

    If any on has a good workout routine please point me in the right direction .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    bump ,any help

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    diet looks good man. 40/40/20 split. just stick at that for about 2 weeks and see where it takes you. what does you normal weekly workout schedule look like? there are many routines out there, you have to see which one your body can adhere to. post up your weekly routine and we can give you some pointers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    diet looks good man. 40/40/20 split. just stick at that for about 2 weeks and see where it takes you. what does you normal weekly workout schedule look like? there are many routines out there, you have to see which one your body can adhere to. post up your weekly routine and we can give you some pointers.
    thanks alot. i plan to sticking to it as much as i can . i am just going through few workout routines , will post soon ones i have selected a one which doesn't injure my back.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    pm me and I will send you my macro calculator which will help you in the long run stay on track, within calories target and balanced macro split.

    Good luck!

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