hey guys after recovering from herniated disc and after a year of my married life i can finally take out time for getting into shape ,below is my diet for the regime i am gonna follow to lose fat(high priority) and gain some muscle in the bargain.
Age : 32
Length (cm) : 176
Bodyweight (kg) : 86.0
Lean body mass (kg) : 60.2
Body fat % : 25.0
Activity level : 1.200
Body Mass Index = 27.8 kg/m2
Lean Body Mass Index = 19.4 kg/m2
TDEE : 2004 kcal
Goal : lose fat so reducing approx 300 kcal from daily intake i.e 1700 kcal
Meal Food Qty Kcal P/C/F
1. 9am whey 60gms 221 53/0/1
oats fine powder 30gms 116 3/21/2
almonds 30 gms 173 6/7/15
Total 510 62/28/18
2. 12pm beans, kidney 60gms 200 14/36/0
cabbage 200gms 50 3/12/0
papayas 100gms 39 1/10/0
Total 289 17/57/0
3. 3pm chicken, breast meat 150 gr 171 32 0 4
rice, brown, long-grain 60 gr 222 5 46 2
cabbage 100 gr 25 1 6 0
Total 418 38 52 6
4. 6pm lentils 50gr 177 13 30 1
cabbage 100gr 25 1 6 0
chicken, breast meat 50gr 57 11 0 1
Total 259 25 36 2
5. 7.30 pm Workout
Whey 30gr 110 27 0 0
6. 10.30pm cottage cheese 100gr 98 11 3 4
cabbage 100gr 25 1 6 0
Total 123 12 9 4
Kcal Protein Carbs Fat
therefore Total 1,708 181 183 31
Any suggestion or criticism is highly appreciated and also needed.
If any on has a good workout routine please point me in the right direction .