Hi, I would like to have some assistance with my diet. I would like to get your opinion on my diet and maybe fine tune it a bit.
Age 26
Height 1.72m
Weight 69.3 kg
BF% 12
I have been training for about 5 years. I was out for months now due to serious illness, and lost 10+ kg. I have not only been lifting, but all over fitness including trail running and cycling. I am a spinning, aerobics and body-conditioning instructor.
My goals are to increase lean muscle mass and burn some fat. I know one can not do both at the same time, but some days when I do cardio classes I burn an extra 700-1000 kCal on that day. That would but me in a calorie deficit which would allow me to burn fat. I usually train 6 days a week, where 2-3 days include high intensity cardio.
Any advise on the diet is welcome…
Meal 1
75g oatmeal – with milk
Meal 2
4 Eggs
100g lean beef
2 x hash browns
Meal 3
200g skinless chicken breast
100g basmati rice
70g mixed vegetables
Pre workout shake
30g Whey
2 Table spoons Peanut butter
1 Banana
After Workout (Only after cardio days)
Small energy bar or intra workout drink
Meal 4
200g skinless chicken breast
100g basmati rice
70g mixed vegetables
Last Meal
25g Casein Protein
Sometimes add 20g oatmeal