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Thread: Diet tweak

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    South Africa

    Diet tweak

    Hi, I would like to have some assistance with my diet. I would like to get your opinion on my diet and maybe fine tune it a bit.

    Age 26
    Height 1.72m
    Weight 69.3 kg
    BF% 12

    I have been training for about 5 years. I was out for months now due to serious illness, and lost 10+ kg. I have not only been lifting, but all over fitness including trail running and cycling. I am a spinning, aerobics and body-conditioning instructor.

    My goals are to increase lean muscle mass and burn some fat. I know one can not do both at the same time, but some days when I do cardio classes I burn an extra 700-1000 kCal on that day. That would but me in a calorie deficit which would allow me to burn fat. I usually train 6 days a week, where 2-3 days include high intensity cardio.

    Any advise on the diet is welcome…

    Meal 1
    75g oatmeal – with milk

    Meal 2
    4 Eggs
    100g lean beef
    2 x hash browns

    Meal 3
    200g skinless chicken breast
    100g basmati rice
    70g mixed vegetables

    Pre workout shake
    30g Whey
    2 Table spoons Peanut butter
    1 Banana

    After Workout (Only after cardio days)
    Small energy bar or intra workout drink

    Meal 4
    200g skinless chicken breast
    100g basmati rice
    70g mixed vegetables

    Last Meal
    25g Casein Protein
    Sometimes add 20g oatmeal

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You need to pick a goal mate. As you say, you can't really do both at the same time with any kind of satisfactory results.

    Once you decide tell us what is is and your proposed macro's.

    Any idea on your true maintenance calories and not some calculator estimate?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    You need to pick a goal mate. As you say, you can't really do both at the same time with any kind of satisfactory results.

    Once you decide tell us what is is and your proposed macro's.

    Any idea on your true maintenance calories and not some calculator estimate?
    GOAL - Lean bulking
    TDEE - 2000 kCAL except on Cardio days. ±800 kcal more

    I don not have proposed macro's. THis is what my diet looks like right now and I'm asking for advise on the diet or proposed changes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Macros determine your goal so please add that to this post so we can give feedback.

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