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Thread: Special Ingredients for Reciepes(Big Al, you may want to read this)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Special Ingredients for Reciepes(Big Al, you may want to read this)

    Hey Guys,
    I did not think about it at first, but there are some spices in some of these meals that you don't run across everyday in your local grocery store. Every recipe I have listed so far has spices that you can find in your local grocery. Cumin, oregeno,chili powder all can be found in the spice section in the local grocery. I included Big Al in the title because he expressed a special interest in the Tuna Delight that I posted earlier. It contains a spicy sauce called hoisin which isn't your everyday spice.

    What the hell is hoisin sauce and where can I find it?
    Hoisin sauce is a thick and spicy sauce used widely in Chinese cooking. It's made from a mixture of soybeans,garlic,chili peppers and varouis spices. Look for it in a jar in the Oriental food asile of your grocery store. It will keep for about 1 year in the refrigerator onced opened.
    Sorry about that guys, I'll be sure to post where you can pick up some of these spices that you don't normanlly run across in the store with the reciepe in future post.
    Yeah I know, it ain't exactly a Southern Alabama dish, But did I mention it was a spice that orginated in SOUTH China? Ha! Good luck in your cooking.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Every time im on the board i go to Diet question just so I can rread the wisdom of tobey. Thanks for everything you made eating for mass fun again

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    The Widom of Tobey?

    Thanks for the completement Puer A. Although I'm really not so sure I would be so quick to claim the title of being wise. But thanks anyway, it really made my day!

    P.S. What's for dinner tonight?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    There are a lot of speacialist stores that sell hundreds of different spices from around the world and they are worth visiting.You,ll find everything you could ever need in them.


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