Hi all.
I'm looking to bulk up over the next 12 weeks or so and I've come up with this diet. I'm 25 years old, 5ft 8, 174lbs at 12%bf.
I'm hoping to stay relatively lean as I've just come off a cut.
Meal 1
Oats, whey powder, peanut butter
60g protein, 58g carbs, 28g fat
Meal 2
Protein shake with carbs powder and rice cakes
42.5g protein, 52g carbs 1g fat
Meal 3
Chicken with rice and olive oil
50g protein, 55g carbs, 10g fat
Meal 4
Rice cakes
2.5g protein, 27g carbs, 1g fat
Meal 5
Oats, whey powder, peanut butter
40g protein, 58g carbs, 28g fat
Meal 6
Chicken with rice and olive oil
50g protein, 55g carbs, 10g fat
Meal 7
Protein shake
40g protein, 5g carbs
285g protein
310g carbs
78g fat
3082 calories
This is 400 calories above maintenance for me.
If it helps I'll also be taking test cyp and tbol plus ancillaries whilst bulking.