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Hi ..to everybody I first apologize for my English....I'm fro Palermo ,Sicily...and I need help from u guys....since u may have a lot experience....I'm 6'5'' 288 lbs...and I'm 47yrs old....I will like to get 260/264...more lean and muscular possible... I have 20 cc testosterone cypinate ....and animal pack and whey protein ....that is it....can u guys help me with my goal I need diet and work out program ..I don't know my body fat ..I have all fat in my torso very muscular arms and legs...I will guess my body fat 20% and is only around my waist...and lower chest. But my waist size is 38...this is only info I can get ..I'm retired so I have a lot time ..no to much money to spend in supplement ..any help and suggestion will be great help and appreciate ..thamks guys ..and I hope I herd from u soon ...ciao