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Thread: My cutting diet, how does it look?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    My cutting diet, how does it look?

    Meal 1:
    Oatmeal, Honey, 1 cup tomato juice

    Meal 2:
    After cardio
    Oatmeal, Chicken breast, 1 cup tomato juice

    Meal 3:
    Rice, Chicken breast

    Meal 4:
    Dextrose, 1 scoop whey protein

    Meal 5:
    Dextrose, 2 scoops whey

    Meal 6:
    1 cup milk, 2 whole eggs, 1 egg white

    Meal 7:
    1 cup milk, 1 tbsp vegetable oil

    Meal 8:
    1.5 can tuna, broccoli

    2600 Calories,
    Fat 50g

    210 pounds, 18% bf, 5'10
    Doing cardio 3x a week for 30-40 mins,
    Dropping 200 cals each 3 weeks.

    Comments appreciated,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    imho to many carbs to be a cutting diet, i would opt for around 150 carbs up the protein, drop the overall kals to around 2100 for a start see how it works out then drop some from there if needed, also depends on ur body type??


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Halifax, Canada
    Meal 1:
    [Oatmeal, Honey, 1 cup tomato juice]
    -Plain protein shake (~0carbs, 20g of protein)

    Meal 2:
    After cardio
    [Oatmeal, Chicken breast, 1 cup tomato juice ]
    -tomato juice fine after cardio, but it would be better to have something like an orange or something with fiber instead.

    Meal 3:
    [Rice, Chicken breast ]
    -This is fine. Make sure it's whole grain rice. If not, just have some green vegies or a bake potatoe.

    Meal 4:
    [Dextrose, 1 scoop whey protein]
    -I'd just have a real meal. The simple carbs from the dextrose will spike your insulin and make you feel crappy during your workout.
    -eat a can of tuna with a big baked potatoe or some green veggies

    Meal 5:
    Dextrose, 2 scoops whey
    -This is fine for postworkout meal

    Meal 6:
    [1 cup milk, 2 whole eggs, 1 egg white ]
    -Not a real meal at all. Try for 6-10 egg whites, 1 cup of oatmeal mix it up and you got a nice pancake. Add some sugartwin to it for flavor or a cup of chocolate protein...yummy

    Meal 7:
    [1 cup milk, 1 tbsp vegetable oil ]
    -Milk is the worst thing for trying to get cut up. Skim milk is almost tolerable, but not great.
    -Have a protein shake instead or a chicken breast with some veggies.

    Meal 8:
    [1.5 can tuna, broccoli ]
    -This is fine. I eat tuna and brocoli before going to bed many times.

    2600 Calories,
    Fat 50g
    Last edited by dangit; 06-10-2003 at 05:44 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally posted by The Original Jason
    imho to many carbs to be a cutting diet, i would opt for around 150 carbs up the <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a>, drop the overall kals to around 2100 for a start see how it works out then drop some from there if needed, also depends on ur body type??

    I'm about to start cutting, wouldn't sropping cals from 3200 to 2100 be too much for the first few weeks?

    Dangit, thanks for the post, I was thinking of only having skimmed milk and brown rice. Do you think the number of cals, protein/carb ratio is good?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Halifax, Canada
    I think the ratio isn't too bad. I actually kept my carbs up a lot higher this year than last year while cutting and kept a lot more muscle on.

    The trick is to keep the timing on when to injest the carbs. Only in the morning after you cardio and at night after your workout can you have simple carbs. The rest of the time, your carbs should consist of complex ones.

    Bringing your calories down too quickly will kill your metabolism too. Just take it easy and gradually bring your calories down and have a good cheat meal once a week to bring your metabolism back up.

    Also, when you bring the carbs down, then I'd bring the protein level up. It easy to loose muscle when reducing your carb and calorie intake.

    I never count the calories from green veggies like broccoli. Eat as much as you want. The extra fiber is always good for you and will help you shed fat. Make sure to keep you water intake high too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    Everyone has different opinions about dieting, as there are million different ways to do it. The only way to figure out which ones will work is to try them.

    With that being said, i will offer my opinion on your diet.

    The only thing you should take precardio is a shit load of water and glutamine if you want. If you take a protein shake, your body will simply use that for energy.

    For meal 2, what you have originally is fine, i disagree with dang about taking an orange immediately after cardio. IMO, if you're dieting the only place sugar possibly has any place in your diet is your post workout shake.

    Meal 3 is fine, like dang said, make sure its whole grain rice. IMO i wouldn't add a potato here, you should be getting plenty of carbs from the rice which is a better carb source then potatos for this meal. If you want to add a veggie like brocoli,cauliflower,etc, go for it.

    Meal 4- I would repeat Meal 3 here, but to a lesser extent since it is pre workout.

    Meal 5- This is fine.

    Meal 6- I would have this about an hour after my postworkout shake. I would go with something similar to what dang said, but skip the sugar. I would also drop the milk.

    Meal 7-I would go with dang's second suggestion, i would also switch the veg. oil with flax seed oil. I would also try and add some flax seed oil to another 2-3 meals

    Meal 8- Perfectly fine.

    As far as the big picture goes, i probably couldn't disagree with you more. IMO gradually decreasing calories is an incredibly stupid idea. IMO the amount of carbs play a much bigger role than the amount of calories.

    If you continually lower your calories, your metabolim will adapt and slow down, its possible it could go into a "starvation" mode and will instead tend to store more fat and utilize less calories for energy and you could end up gaining fat even though you are dieting.

    To prevent this, you must give it a "kick in the balls" every so often and just crank up the carbs for a whole day. This speeds your metabolism right back up, and if done under the right circumstances it will trigger an anabolic response which is pretty damn cool if you ask me.

    The last thing i would like to add. Go as far with your diet as you can, and maybe even try different types of diets and really test yourself on how low BF you can go without doing cardio. That way when you do start up your cardio, it will have a much greater benefit in lower your BF.

    IMO it is easier not to do something (adjusting your diet and not eating certain things) than to add another couple hours of boring cardio to your daily schedule.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    bringing down cals to the amount i suggested can still be broken down over 7 to 8 meals which would still not have a negative effect on the metabolism. As i said at the end of the post depends on ur body type???? still asking??

    personally i cant take in that many carbs when im maintaining and i am only somewhere around there when bulking as i can gain fat very easily, but yes if you had have said you were going from bulking to cutting i woudl say dont cut them to fast this can be disasterous for losing all gains


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Well I took some of your advice and put this together, I'll give it a try and see what works.

    Workout days:

    Meal 1:
    Precardio(if any)
    Oatmeal, 1tbsp Honey, 1 cup tomato juice

    Meal 2:
    After cardio (if any)
    Oatmeal, Chicken breast, 1 cup tomato juice

    Meal 3:
    Rice, Chicken breast

    Meal 4:
    Oatmeal, 1 scoop whey protein(can't stand oatmeal, tastes like paper, hence the scoop of protein)

    Meal 5:
    Dextrose, 2 scoops whey

    Meal 6:
    0.5 cup brown rice, 2 whole eggs, 1 egg white

    Meal 7:
    1 cup milk, 1 tbsp vegetable oil

    Meal 8:
    1.5 can tuna, broccoli

    2600 Calories,
    Fat 53g

    Non workout days:

    Meal 1:
    1.5 cup Oatmeal, 2tbps Honey, 1 cup tomato juice

    Meal 2:
    After cardio
    Oatmeal, Chicken breast, 1 cup tomato juice

    Meal 3:
    Rice, Chicken breast

    Meal 4:
    1 cup b. Rice,Chicken breast

    Meal 5:
    Whey protein shake
    2 whole eggs, 1 egg white

    Meal 6:
    1 cup milk, 1 tbsp vegetable oil

    Meal 7:
    1.5 can tuna, broccoli

    2400 Calories,
    Fat 51g

    Comments appreciated,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Halifax, Canada
    I agree with saboudian. Everyone has their own apinion and everyone reacts differently to foods and dieting. I only gave you what I typically eat when dieting. I works for me, but not for alot of people. I tend to loose weight really easilly and I found that last year when being super strict, that lost alot of muscle with the fat I was loosing.

    This year I kept the carbs up alot higher (roughly doubled the amount) and things turned out alot better and I wasn't a big crank bag.

    Your best bet is to try something for a while and change things around if you see it doesn't work. Remember to stick to something for at least a couple of weeks.

    As a rule of thumb, I tend to beleive that what I look like today is from what I ate in the last two weeks. It takes a while for your body to adapt and change to a new eating habit and it doesn't happen overnight.

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