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Thread: Diet advice needed....

  1. #1

    Diet advice needed....

    Hello, thanks for any feedback on this first of all.

    I'm 40, 6'1, 228 lbs, and 16% bf right now.

    I'm just starting my first ever real cut cycle with the proper diet. I'm taking gh, test, and var....

    Can someone tell me what macros to try and hit? I don't want to lose my muscle (obviously)...I want to, for the first time ever, have Abs....I can never see my abs fully no matter how much gear I have done on cycle or how much cardio I've done. So I'm looking to obtain this goal and trying to get someone to Steer me In the right direction. Thanks for the help. If anyone has a link to a good diet or any other helpful tips feel free to lemme know. Thanks!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Read the cutting 101 sticky. That should help you devise a plan that you can then post for critique.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    Read the cutting 101 sticky. That should help you devise a plan that you can then post for critique.

    Thank you very much.

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