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Thread: New member diet questions

  1. #1

    New member diet questions

    Greetings all! So I have been doing a lot, and I mean a lot of reading about steroid use and regards to my age. I am currently 20, and from all the readings have decided to sway from them until later years. The post from Marcus was a definite help. So now my question is diet help on growing a solid base.

    My stats are as follows.

    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 165 Lbs
    Fat: 10-12%

    My goals are to gain some muscle mass, and a leaner defined look. I've looked at testofuel as something to try out while starting my training to help my natural levels, also any other supplements to take? Thanks and much appreciated!
    Last edited by Kejones123; 08-12-2014 at 11:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Well, as you're in the diet section how about we discuss your diet instead?! You need nothing but food buddy.

    Please list your typical daily 'trying to gain weight' diet and we can go from there.

    You can also read this for a start

  3. #3
    Will give that a read over. So anything supplement questions I should change forums?

  4. #4
    For as my current diet, I am not on one, which is why I am looking for the best direction/advice. I used to tons of martial arts when I was younger and then slacked off until now, looking to get back and stay in a healthy active lifestyle. If there are answers elsewhere for all my questions or better areas I apologize for wasting time and will try to find them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Save your money on supplements and spend it on food.

    Read the link I gave you and see if you can come up with a plan. We don't write diets here because you need to be able to understand what is is you are ingesting and how to adjust that to make the gains/losses you desire.

    We will be here to assist and adjust and fine tune whatever you come up with.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    What black said, spend your money on food and not supplements. Food makes you grow!

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