Getting ready to start a bulk. Give me your thoughts. I workout in the mornings because I work 11 to 8 tues day through sat, with sun and mon off. I get an hour lunch and two 15 min breaks so I had to adjust
Pre Workout:
I cup Oatmeal 54 grams of carbs.....10g protein
7 eggs- 5 egg whites 3 whole eggs 36 grams of protein
Orange Juice
Black coffee (pre workout fuel)
Post Workout:
Whey Insolate 48 grams of protein
1 cup of Grits 29 grams of carbs
Natural Peanut Butter on two slices of Ezekiel Bread 30 grams of carbs
1 Banana
3 slices of cheese fat free 3 carbs protein 4g
1 banana
1 Cup of Jasmine Rice 30 grams of carbs
6 oz Chicken Breast 40 grams of protein
30grams Protein pudding
2oz of Raw Almonds
6oz Chicken Breast or beef 40 grams of carbs
1 cup of Veggies(broccoli, green beans, etc
1 cup of Jasmine Rice 30 grams of carbs
Before Bed
Casein Protein with a scoop of Natural Peanut butter 25 grams of protein
age 45
Your thoughts and critiques is much appreciated. Thanks