Hey all... A warning for those grossed out by loose skin. Dont click this link . . . Anyways to cut to the chase, I lost 150lb and was on TRT and T4 at the beginning and started hitting the gym. Needless to say I soon found out T/T3 was used by all the guys there regardless if needed or not lol. I've been doing 350mg Test E for a week for 3 months now and switched to t3 and my lifts went up alot but I feel like an African child now. I can't tell if I took too much t3 with the test or what but I feel smaller and just as fat which is clearly not true. Leg press went through the roof, bench went up a fair amount and surprisingly heartrate went from around 65-49 so... Not sure if seeing ribcage is good or bad.
Diet + cycles been like this... 6'2 33 for reference
2000-2500 Cal since I figure I can build muscle + lose fat at this stage at the same time especially on T. Usually pushing 3200ish tdee without the t3 anyways so on t3 it's probably 3500-3800ish. Eat more protein when I know I worked to hell.
150-180g protein usually in the form of chicken or talipia, hate shakes
30ish g fat
rest carbs
Test E 1.4G/M bumped up from TRT dose of 600mg to 1G to 1.4g
Clo .75mg
75mcg t3
Contemplating adding tren in sometime. I read alot of BS about t3 on the net so perhaps it's been playing with my head but I got stronger so how could I have possibly lost muscle? Always feeling warmer when I bump the dosage up so must be working. Taken clen before but it made me feel absolutely shit so I stopped. Leg press completely skyrocketed so there's no way I lost muscle there... right??
Here is a quick picture to compare. Once again, there is loose skin and stretchmarks so don't click if you dont wanna see!
Tldr : what the hell is my body composition?
Thanks all