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Thread: Myers Log - Evolution from fat to ripped!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Myers Log - Evolution from fat to ripped!

    Age : 20
    Height : 191 cm
    Weight : around 100 kgs atm
    bf : I suspect around 18-20%
    lifting experience: around 3 years(with pauses) this is the 1st year i've taken it seriously too bad I had a few huge health problems this year.

    Plan : 5 times a week in the gym( 5 split - back,chest,legs,shoulders,arms) + 5 to 6 times 45 - 60 min cardio a week
    Goals : to get to 10% bf or even lower if possible

    Pros. of my plan: overall test has gone up from 3.88 to 30.1 nmol/l and free test has gone up from 5.2 to 19.4 pg/ml , i feel stronger and motivated since I've been put on clomid , I guess it's gonna go faster than before

    Cons. of my plan : at this moment i got some kind of infection but since i'm gonna visit the doc on monday i hope that's gonna be gone soon. Also I got trouble getting used to cutting diet since I'm not a good cook and my food is a bit tasteless(I'm gonna need a few suggestions here).

    I'm gonna be on a 2500 calorie diet on monday , tuesday and wednesday , and on thursday , friday and saturday I'm gonna be eating vegies only as source of carbs.
    On sunday I'm either gonna refeed or just keep it on 2500 cals(depends on how i feel).

    I'm gonna take pics and waste measurements tomorrow morning since I'm starting with this plan on monday August 24th.
    Pics are gonna be posted after 1st month of the plan.

    Supplements I'm gonna use : vitamins mostly , I prefer real food over protein powders so I won't be using any of those , I might throw in ECA stack after 1st month of the plan.

    Well thats it i guess, Lets do this.
    Last edited by Myers; 08-24-2014 at 08:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    nice goals mate. suggest spending $25 on a set of body fat calipers so you can track your change in bf%. The pinch method, although not known for extreme accuracy, is good at monitoring changes to bf%. If you can include that in your log for us to follow, that would be helpful.

    so you are doing regular blood tests is how you know your test levels have changed?

    what is your TDEE? do you know?

    2500 cals/day should have you at something like a 500cal deficit. I'm not sure since I don't know how tall 191cm is.

    throw some pics up if you want us to try and determine your present bf%.

    and if you want my macro calculator, pm me and I will send it to you

    Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Ye it's 500 cals deficit , I'm gonna get the calipers i think they are even cheaper here.

    Yeap bw is regular , I mean i'm 6 weeks on clomid therapy .

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Following. Good luck.

  5. #5
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    Day 1:
    Eating Oats and egg whites and after that I'm off to gym , those egg whites gave me horrible gases and i constantly got a feeling like they are jammed in my throat and are gonna go out any moment. I guess my stomach needs some time to get used to this diet , i hope it will clear up after a week(else i'll be forced to replace egg whites with damn prot. powder).

    Urologist told me I don't have any urinary infection nor hernia , so it might be a muscle or nerve problem ( I'm still gonna do cardio today) and do upper body regularly but I might skip legs for a week or two more till pain in my thigh and groin goes away. Gonna visit other doc that's gonna look into it.
    Last edited by Myers; 08-28-2014 at 08:56 AM.

  6. #6
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    The food you are eating should not feel like that, it is a recipe for failure. I would look for alternatives right away. Times Roman usually put it all in a blender since he got pasteurized egg whites. Maybe something for you?

  7. #7
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    Sep 2011
    IMO u should focus on hitting ur macros with whatever foods u enjoy. just be sure to include adequate fiber and make sure ur getting ample micronutrients from fruits and veggies.

    cutting does not have to be bland.

    dont know where ur from but this bread right here has been a God-send for me:

    they sell it at kroger.

    also this is a regular meal of mine using that bread: 3 cheeseburgers 74g pro, 62g carbs, 11g fat

    for breakfast ill make ham, eggwhite, and fat free cheese sandwiches.

  8. #8
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    Ye I'm from Serbia and we usually don't even have the labels on our food (how many calories it has etc.) , I guess I'm just gonna replace the egg whites with protein powder , it's gonna make oats taste better when i blend it alltogether..
    Got a few low calorie sauces that are gonna make it better ..after 1st week of dieting I'm gonna be on the good track.
    Also Cheat meals are not for me , so I'm just gonna stick to this till the end , if I cheat i usually end up on the dark side for the whole day so it's gonna be a NO NO.

    Egg whites and tuna are only things that I can really get used to and I start to hate them after a month or so(aand I'm gonna get them a replacement right away ).
    Last edited by Myers; 08-25-2014 at 07:37 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myers View Post
    Ye I'm from Serbia and we usually don't even have the labels on our food (how many calories it has etc.) , I guess I'm just gonna replace the egg whites with protein powder , it's gonna make oats taste better when i blend it alltogether..
    Got a few low calorie sauces that are gonna make it better ..after 1st week of dieting I'm gonna be on the good track.
    Also Cheat meals are not for me , so I'm just gonna stick to this till the end , if I cheat i usually end up on the dark side for the whole day so it's gonna be a NO NO.

    Egg whites and tuna are only things that I can really get used to and I start to hate them after a month or so(aand I'm gonna get them a replacement right away ).
    who said anything about cheat meals?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    who said anything about cheat meals?
    Nah I didn't write it because of what u wrote , I kinda wrote it for myself as a reminder
    I'm gonna try to make it taste better but even if it doesn't i guess I'm just gonna have to go hardcore(I'm motivated enough atm).

    Anyway i went to the gym , did back and 30 mins of cardio(wow i really got rusty).
    my main problem now is that it seems i either tore or pulled a muscle in my groin. Because at the end of my workout it started to hurt and there was some kind of warm feeling coming from that started to hurt 3 weeks ago, it got better but still i got no clue how long it will take to heal 100% , gotta schedule another appointment with the doc...

  11. #11
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    ^^yea pulled muscles suck. i seem to live with constant pain somewhere on my body.

  12. #12
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    What I'm really wondering about atm , is how much is that test increase gonna help in this matter? , I mean earlier this year with test on 3.88 and free test on 5.2 i made it to 14% BF or a little below , but then it got horribly slow.. still kept up the diet and training until I got beaten up for no reason on the street by 5 drugged morons and ended up not being able to do any kind of activity for almost 3 months, ofc with that came the depression and tons of junk food .

  13. #13
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    Day 2:
    Couldn't go to the gym today , that muscle hurts pretty bad , instead i took an 60 mins long walk guess that will have to do it till I get this fixed .

    Diet is progressing nicely, i've hit my macros.
    Last edited by Myers; 08-28-2014 at 08:56 AM.

  14. #14
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    Day 3:
    Great workout today , full chest workout + cardio , i feel like a beast!

    Not hungry and not craving junk food , I'm combining complex carbs with simple ones - banana but only before workout.,everything goes according to plan.
    Last edited by Myers; 08-28-2014 at 08:56 AM.

  15. #15
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    Day 4:

    Went to the doctor today , went to some X ray scans , seems i got no problems there , so he told me I either pulled a muscle while doing abs(Donno how that happend) or I got a Sciatic nerve problem , anyway he gave me Ibuprofen , twice a day , for 2 weeks , should solve it.

    Ate some tasty European hake and I'm off to gym

  16. #16
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    Day 5:

    More than a decent workout today , going to a party tonight so I guess i'm gonna do some jumping around as a bonus cardio lol

  17. #17
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    Day 6 and Day 7:

    Didn't have much time yesterday so I didn't update this,anyway gym was closed because of some repairs that had to be done , so i just did my cardio outside.

    Going to the gym now , i hope they finished repairing lol..

  18. #18
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    Day 8:

    Great workout+cardio and a little 30 min walk bonus with that , my pulled muscle seems to be recovering as i feel it hurts less and less every day..

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myers
    Day 8: Great workout+cardio and a little 30 min walk bonus with that , my pulled muscle seems to be recovering as i feel it hurts less and less every day..
    Atta boy!

    Be careful on that pulled muscle, give it plenty of time to heal up. You don't want to set yourself back any longer

    Keep up the good work! Consistency is the magic!

  20. #20
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    Day 9

    Great back workout and cardio , I'm feeling full of energy today , also noticing slight improvements in the mirror (at least i lost water weight) and that makes me happy for sure!

    Noticed concentration improvements while studying , probably because I'm feeling overall better lol

  21. #21
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Read your log. Good start with the journal and consistent logging. You should do well in reaching your goals!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Read your log. Good start with the journal and consistent logging. You should do well in reaching your goals!
    Thank you, and yes I'm doing really really well , i've been consistent with my diet(which was usually the hardest part but not anymore) , everytime i think of cheat meal i come here and look at this log and get that mental strength to overcome the cheat meal monster
    Now on the 10th day It's fairly easy I got used to the diet , no more mental issues lol

    Day 10:

    Great shoulder workout , and decent cardio , I wanna do the legs so bad but I'm not healed up completely yet , I guess i'll have to w8 at least 1more week..
    Last edited by Myers; 09-03-2014 at 10:59 AM.

  23. #23
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    Day 11:

    Arms workout , carbs from veggies only today , so I focused on high reps mostly and cardio, feeling so tired right now lol

    This is the 1st time I'm trying to cycle carbs while cutting , I think results should be prettymuch decent after a month or two but goal is 10% , everything seems to go a bit faster since my test went from 3.88 to 30.1

  24. #24
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    Day 12:

    I had like 3 hours of sleep max , I don't know why but i couldn't sleep at all , still did the gym and cardio and kept up with my diet .

    Now It's already 1 am and i can't sleep again , spent 3 hours in bed - nothing ...

  25. #25
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myers
    Day 12: I had like 3 hours of sleep max , I don't know why but i couldn't sleep at all , still did the gym and cardio and kept up with my diet . Now It's already 1 am and i can't sleep again , spent 3 hours in bed - nothing ...
    Hate when can't sleep. Maybe take NyQuil???

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Hate when can't sleep. Maybe take NyQuil???
    What's that? At least Im studying while not sleeping ;D

  27. #27
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    Day 13:

    Since I haven't sleept at all during the night i spent most of the daytime sleeping, did cardio though.

  28. #28
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    Day 14:

    Great chest workout and cardio, feeling full of energy today

  29. #29
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    Day 15:

    Wow what a workout! I smashed back literally ;D i'm keeping up good with my progress although i'm under a lot of stress these days because of exams

  30. #30
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myers
    What's that? At least Im studying while not sleeping ;D
    OTC cold medicine. Also called bro science. Lol. There r others. Tylenol PM but leaves me groggy and I dislike that feeling.

    Some of the guys take different compounds when on certain cycles to help sleep. There are natural supplements like melatonin at health food stores.

  31. #31
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    Oh thx GGR , gonna check it out.

    Day 16:

    I feel so tired today , I'm exhausted from staying up late to study , did my workout but wasn't able to do cardio as good as i'd want

    Now 1 more thing I wonder , my t3/t4 is low while tsh is high(er) , it's 3rd week of my diet and I'm experiencing apetite loss problems , chugging down those 2.5k cals seems pretty hard , can my thyroid still make me problems like those even if my test got up to normal levels with clomid?

  32. #32
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    Day 17:

    Day before the exam, took a day off from the gym, diet still good , won't be sleeping more than 2-3 hours

  33. #33
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    Day 18:

    Owned that exam , top score , training back on track

  34. #34
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    Day 19 and day 20:
    Yesterday i did arms and cardio , today is cardio only , i feel that my pulled muscle has fully recovered so from next week i can finally start doing legs

  35. #35
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    Glad to hear that you are healed up. Time to tear it up!

  36. #36
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    Unfortunately I got sick , probably from doing my cardio while it was raining , my throat hurts , i can barelly eat anything , should get healed up in 2 days or so

  37. #37
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myers
    Unfortunately I got sick , probably from doing my cardio while it was raining , my throat hurts , i can barelly eat anything , should get healed up in 2 days or so
    Are you overtraining?

  38. #38
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    Nope , my system kinda dropped down due to low sleep i was getting on the few days before exam , and + i did that cardio on the rain so yeah..tons of stress + cold = sickness

  39. #39
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    Still not fully healed , gonna take another day or two probably , Diet is on track i've reduced calories so they can fit this few days of do-nothing-style , can't w8 to get back to the gym

  40. #40
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    I'm back in the gym again B) yeaaah

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