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Thread: Is starving and catabolism the same thing?

  1. #1

    Is starving and catabolism the same thing?

    When I am on the move and unable to have a proper meal , I feel really hungry and it gives me the feeling that I am going in a catabolic state.

    Vice versa, if I am not hungry on time for the next then I feel like the previous meal was "too Much" and contributed to fat %.

    My real question is, if we are hungry, does that mean muscle loss/catabolism necessarily?
    Clear me on this
    Last edited by abhi_w92; 08-30-2014 at 01:29 AM. Reason: grammar

  2. #2
    Nope. Not at all. Hunger is just that, hunger. Has nothing to do with catabolism.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Ur title says starving and catabolism not hunger and catabolism.

    Starving goes hand in hand w catabolism. I'm talkin actual starvin as in dieing.

    Catabolism takes a very long time to take place. Doesn't happen from missing one or two meals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Agreed it won't happen from a missed meal or two unless you were already well depleted prior.

    And OP your comment about not being hungry vs being starving. I prefer to not have set meals if I can help it, been trying to eat when I am hungry, granted I am sometimes more hungry than other times so I will in turn eat more if I am hungrier. A set 6 meals a day for instance feels awkward to me. Now if am am bulking I will try not to be as hungry, and if I am will satisfy myself more. If I am cutting I usually make sure there is a bit of hunger present. I don't always follow this approach, have done lots of different diets etc. But I don't think everyone needs to follow such set specifics, I mean your plan may work on paper, but it usually needs some adjusting anyways.

  5. #5
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    Ur title says starving and catabolism not hunger and catabolism. Starving goes hand in hand w catabolism. I'm talkin actual starvin as in dieing. Catabolism takes a very long time to take place. Doesn't happen from missing one or two meals.
    I watched a show on cable. Naked and afraid. Survivalist for approximately 30 says. Twist to get ppl to watch is two strangers a man and a woman and they are completely naked.

    They eat what they can hunt or gather. It's better to go in heavier. Avg lost is 20 - 25 pounds for women. Men higher. A leaner fitness yoga type suffered with headaches when the body started eating brain protein to survive in about 9 days of not eating anything. They couldn't make fire and it rained, cold at night with hypothermia so she was burning a lot of calories to stay warm. I was shocked how the body preserved protein until this skinny woman didn't have any more fat stores.

    I would hope the show would have pulled her out of there if they hadn't found 5 clams to eat and got a fire started about day 10.

  6. #6
    Think about food intake on a week to week basis vs a day to day basis, it makes things easier. Yes days make up weeks but you can have 1 all out day a week and see no repercussions from it.

    Hunger is not a sign of catabolism like others have stated above. You could be on a bulk and come across times when your hungry. Your brain gets used to times when you feed it so when that time is missed signals go off. Catabolism only occurs when you intake less calories over a certain period of time(months usually). Calorie partitioning determines what gets broken down in your body.

  7. #7
    Sorry guys my bad. I just mixed up both of them. It should've been more of Hunger.
    When I am hungry I start to lose my mind...

  8. #8
    So eat but pick healthy options that benefit your goals.

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