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Thread: From shit to fit (khazima's Log)

  1. #81
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    Just finished my shoulders/arms workout, OHP didn't go as well as I wanted it to as my triceps were a little fatigued. Other than that the workout went really well.

    My sunburn hurt so badly doing close grip bench press, none of the other exercises required my back to be against anything and for close grip all of the weight was directly over the most cooked part of my back/traps.

    I've been practically drowning myself in aloe vera and had to get straight into the cold shower when I got home, especially since I was riding with the gym bag strap right on my trap and it's another 30 degree day.

    Pretty hungry right now can't wait to have some lunch. Probably going to do some cardio later I'll see how I feel.

  2. #82
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    Today was a rest/refeed day, sitting at 2200 calories at the moment probably going to go for 2800-3100. Should be around 500g carbs.

    Pumped to hit chest and back tomorrow. Sunburns still pretty bad to I'm guessing bench will be quite painful, hopefully it clears up a bit on my traps and upper back by the morning. I've still been saturating myself in aloe vera oil, had to go out and buy a second tube.

    Started off the morning with chocolate protein banana pancakes with chocolate chips, then had some chicken and potato with veggies for lunch. After that I had some low fat cookies and cream ice cream with chocolate topping and chocolate chips, as well as a thick shake which consisted of cookies and cream ice cream, lite milk and chocolate protein.

    Just now I had some yoghurt with strawberry topping and strawberry protein, the strawberry protein I've got turns yoghurt into mousse, it's sensational.

    Not sure what's for dinner yet but I smell something cooking and I can't wait, already starving and looking forward to dessert!

    Fats are sitting at around 40g at the moment, probably get to 60 with dinner and 65-70 by the end of the day, then 160 protein and roughly 500 carbs.

    Woke up at 68.8 this morning, so I must've been quite dehydrated after my day at the beach as I've put on a pound since yesterday morning. Probably going to wake up back around 69.5 after this refeed.

    After my last refeed I woke up at the exact same weight the next morning even though my calories were 500 over maintenance the day before, which I found strange.

  3. #83
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    Woke up at 68.8 this morning, gained no weight after my refeed even though I went 500 calories over my TDEE, I'm not sure why this is, possibly it need to eat even more than that to fill myself with glycogen again?

    Got back from the gym just now after chest and back. Bench went well, I hit all my numbers and got 5 reps with 70lb dumbbells on incline bench, which for me is pretty damn good especially considering I'm cutting.

    Pull-ups are getting easier slowly, got 3 sets of 10 today usually I'll get between 6-8. For dips I strap a 25lb weight to myself and do max reps for 3 sets, today I got 10-12 usually it's 6-8, so my bodyweight trending down is making my bodyweight exercises much easier.

    Even though I refed yesterday I was quite out of energy today, perhaps it was due to not taking my normal preworkout and just had caffeine powder mixed with some staminade. So in turn my rest periods were longer which I assume contributed to my individual sets going well.

    Afterwards I went to the store and bought some more yoghurt, and a new frying pan! I never thought I'd be so excited about new kitchen ware but I can't wait to use it as my other one at home is a mess and everything sticks, it's strained and scratched etc. I'm suuuuuper excited and about to cook some steak.

  4. #84
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    Just got back from training my brother, he's starting to progress really well now that we've layed down a solid foundation of technique.

    He's put 10lb on his 4x5 with bench for the last 3 sessions, 5lb each time for all of his pulling exercises. Around 3kg per session for his dumbbell shoulder pressing, and 10lb each time for his leg extension/leg curl superset.

    His ankle is still really busted up so were really limited in the exercises we can do for lower body, however today we found a pin loaded leg press machine that he can use with close to full ROM, so we'll be doing that superset with leg extensions from now until he can squat again.

    We also ran into one of his friends who I've seen occasionally for many years, and I passively pressured him into lifting with us since we always run into him and his girlfriend in the treadmill section. He's really good at taking advice and cues, and listens really well. He picked up benching after 1 simple explanation, same with standing OHP except for his weak core which causes him to struggle keeping his back straight when the reps get hard.

    He got pale after a few sets of bench/rear delt flyes/incline crunches then lat pulldowns, and I felt kinda bad, he went white and said he felt like he was going to spew. Sometimes I forget not everyone is ready to superset multiple exercises they have never done with short rest breaks.

  5. #85
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    Just got back from the gym, I was able to squat! I'm cheerin. Ended out doing 9 sets of easy paused triples and a set of 8 to finish it off, then 3 sets of easy Deadlifts, more for technique work.

    My knee began to become aggravated towards the 7-8th set so I'm probably going to keep squatting at once per week, and just do some accessories and Deadlifts the other leg day.

    I spent the whole time working on my low bar positioning and technique and I'm really liking it so far, I've found good placement with my hands and good bar placement as well. I may play around with a slightly wider stance as I feel this will put less strain on my knees, but slightly more on my hips.

  6. #86
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    Some updated pics. From shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpgFrom shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpgFrom shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpg

    Better pics to gauge weightloss progress.From shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpgFrom shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpg

  7. #87
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    Just finished up with shoulders and arms, overall went quite well. I hit my numbers for the first 3 sets of overhead press and was running out of time so I decided to skip the fourth since I'd have to rest for 3-4 minutes before attacking it again.

    After that I did 2 sets of Seated dumbbell curls and 2 sets of Seated hammer curls standing after failure on each set to push it a little further.

    Once that was finished I did some tricep pushdowns and went to begin close grip bench, when the strangest thing happened. Out of nowhere I started to feel a little queezy so I took a break and had a drink of water, then suddenly I felt like I was about to puke. So I ran to the toilet and leaned over the toilet bowl thinking it was going to get worse and my mouth just watered up really badly with that pre puke onset of saliva. I didn't end out spewing and called the workout there since I had to do an online quiz literally 10 minutes later and didn't want to make it any worse.

    I'm pretty sure it was due to not eating anything before the gym, I woke up late and had to rush to the gym with just enough time to drink my preworkout.

    I'm going to check my blood pressure tomorrow as I feel that may have something to do with it, since yesterday I was getting dizzy when I stood up even though I was well hydrated and fed. If anything up with my blood pressure or I get any more weird symptoms I'm going to go see the doctor and get a checkup/blood test.

    Other than that the session went really well and I came home and had a massive serving of chocolate protein pancakes.

    TB500 got through customs yesterday, so it should be here today or tomorrow at some point.

    I'm also considering beginning running the rest of my albuterol sometime next week, but I'll make that decision when I get there.

  8. #88
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    Got to the gym much later than I prefer today, although I had a really challenging/enjoyable day. I had a business exam in the morning which went really well (really easy) then I had to train 2 random clients I've been given by the tafe, one being the 64 year old and another 53 year old nurse, which was fun and challenging, but great because there was less small talk (not my forte) and a lot of working out. Also my timing was on point, almost exactly an hour (a little over) which I always struggle with, with my brother.

    Later in the day me and two others from my class had to go to an old peoples home to do an exercise session with older adults, none wanted to participate so the director asked if we were ok with going to the dementure unit to try it out, of course we said yes as we just wanted to pass.

    They were such a tough crowd, none wanted to join in and one lady had a go at us and just yelled at us saying get out, then tried to rally up the other older adults to leave with her when some of them were just starting to enjoy it. It was extremely challenging but a very good learning experience.

    Once that was all over I finally get to the gym, only after a 45 minute car trip in a small car, completely packed, music blaring and people shouting in my ear. It put me in a terrible mood, gave me a headache and basically ruined my enthusiasm for the gym, I felt drained just from the day I'd had.

    I started benching and decided I'd just hit my bench numbers and would finish my workout tomorrow. Then I decided I was being a little bitch and pushed myself through the rest of the workout. Using supersets, dropsets and short rest periods I got through my whole workout in about 45 minutes and hit the same numbers as my last workout (as well as new bench numbers) and left feeling satisfied.

    Came home and had a huge dinner then some ice cream, which I slightly regret since it's only 9pm and I only have 50 calories left for the day.

    My TB500 also arrived, which I'm stoked to get underway with and fully rehabilitate my knee, and even my shoulder, which is not my primary focus but has been an issue for over a year.

  9. #89
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    I'm going to use this as my TB500 log as well, I'll have something to go off tomorrow as I'll be squatting, so well see where my knee is at and where it's at when I'm done.

    My shoulder gives me some grief and has for a long time so that'd be great if it healed.

    Just did my first pin, stung for a little while after nothing strange. Was pretty hesitant at first so I just stuck it in and got it done. First time I've pinned anything in a long time.

  10. #90
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    Great day today, finished the final exam of my course, only roughly another 4 weeks until I'm officially a personal trainer!

    My knee was fine today and I did 6-7 sets of squats with low bar, with flat shoes today and I rather liked it. Worked up to a max of 120kg @ 68kg, definitely could've gone heavier but I didn't want to push the knee too hard.

    After that I did some Deadlifts and worked up to 4-5 singles at 140kg, mostly trying to work on my hip drop and sitting into the lift at heavier weights. Still struggling to find that sweet spot between my hips being to high and to low.

    Once I finished those I did some calf raises for the first time in weeks, they're going to be sore as hell and I'm not looking forward to it lol. I've been avoiding them because most calf movements except for seated calf raises put a lot of pressure through the knees, which I've been avoiding for obvious reasons.

    Me and a few mates went for a swim after that, since it was a hot say (got to around 32 degrees I think) played some volley ball n whatnot. It had me tired and I came home and passed out for about 5 hours with the fat on full blast right in my face.

    No reports on TB, first pin yesterday went well, and I'm damn keep to be injury free.

    About to go train my brother, which I'm always pretty excited for.

  11. #91
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    Annnnnnd I'm home! Been at the beach all day.

    Decided to do cardio first thing when I wake up, knock out 15-20 minutes quickly and see how that goes for me.

    Morning weight was 68.4 which is lower than it was only 4 days after a refeed last time.

    Went to the gym before the beach and did shoulders/arms, this time we decided to go to one of the gym franchises on the way instead of our home gym. I usually avoid this one as me and the owner have had a few minor altercations before.

    So I finished my OHP which went really well, hitting all my numbers then finishing off arms getting a great pump and ready to move onto my final exercise, close grip bench. When the owner closes up the office and asks if he can work in with me.

    We get to chatting and he turns out to be a real nice guy in the right setting, and even invited me and my mates to a small mock meet they'll be hosting during December.

    It's an awsome opportunity for us to get a feel for a meet and just to do something not incredibly competitive, and not requiring any fees etc.

    It's also going to be just in time with me getting back into a surplus for roughly a month, which means I'll more than likely be able to peak for it and beat my current maxes at the end of my last bulk, at a lower bodyweight. I'm pretty confident on that.

    Also started running albuterol again as of this morning, I took a 3mg dose in the morning and a 3mg dose in the afternoon, I was going to jump straight into 12mg daily as that's what worked for me last time. I'm glad I didn't, even with 3mg I felt it take effect shortly after, raising anxiety slightly and making me jittery.

    I'm really happy with how the cuts going, and I'm more keen for it to be over!

  12. #92
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    You look better than most! Keep it up. I'm going to start following this. As you look to be around my same development. I need to post some better pictures. One thing I notice that everyone does a lot is cardio?
    I personally feel I get enough playing indoor and outdoor soccer. What are your thoughts on how cardio should be integrated into a weightlifting protocol?

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grymreefer View Post
    You look better than most! Keep it up. I'm going to start following this. As you look to be around my same development. I need to post some better pictures. One thing I notice that everyone does a lot is cardio?
    I personally feel I get enough playing indoor and outdoor soccer. What are your thoughts on how cardio should be integrated into a weightlifting protocol?
    Thanks man crafting a physique takes a very long time, and since I've let my physique take a backseat and focused on strength the gains have come nicely, until I started cutting, let myself get too fat lol.

    Usually I'll do no cardio, I ride to and from the gym and walk around a lot, relatively active lifestyle so it's not a necessity.

    During the 4-5 weeks I've been cutting so far I've done cardio maybe 6-7 times. I'm just going to start integrating it more to speed the process up as I want to be in a surplus for a mock meet I'm doing in December.

    Playing soccer regularly is PLENTY of cardio, make sure to eat heaps of food on the days you play soccer.

    I think cardio should be integrated in one way or another, during bulking atleast twice a week for general health and cardiac function. Hardly anyone does though, including myself. It just means you have to eat more to make up for it.

    During a cut cardio as often as you feel comfortable doing it, and without it interfering with recovery. If doing cardio the day before legs, do something like boxing, so you don't tax your legs too much. Days before upper body, cycle or run, as to not tax your upper body too much.

    That's my general approach to cardio, in a perfect world where we actually stuck to it

  14. #94
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    You trying to look like your AVI in a few years? That is the quality of development I'm seeking. Thankfully im one of those random people that have baller abs no matter what so at least I got the midsection down. Now everything else has to follow. How old are you? and how long have you been consistently training?

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grymreefer View Post
    You trying to look like your AVI in a few years? That is the quality of development I'm seeking. Thankfully im one of those random people that have baller abs no matter what so at least I got the midsection down. Now everything else has to follow. How old are you? and how long have you been consistently training?
    Unlikely, a physique like that takes decades to earn, and the conditioning in the picture is very unhealthy, and extremely hard to maintain.

    I'm pretty lucky in the ab department as well, doesn't take too long for them to show, should have a visible 6 pack within the next month.

    I'm 20 this month, training consistently for about 15 months, started at 110lb got to 160 at my heaviest. How about yourself?

  16. #96
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    I'm currently 23 years old. I've been one of those people who train off and on. Started when I was 17 in high school. Took weightlifting and advance strength and conditioning for credits. Did the bare minimum to pass. Wish I would have paid attention now because we did a lot of Olympic lifts which I would like to remember how to do correctly. Didn't get serious until the last year or so. Didn't see substantial results until the last 6-8 months. I have played with AAS. I took spawn in high school, though back then no one really knew what a pro hormone was in our school. We thought it was just an insane preworkout pill. I messed with testosterone before and after joining this forum I learned I did everything wrong and I am very lucky I didn't do any damage to my body.
    Always a runner in school (cross country, soccer, high jump in track) Graduated at 160 at 6' 5''. Currently I am chillin at a cool 175. I was close to 190 a few months ago, but I just spent from august to a little into September sitting at the hospital wondering what was wrong with me.

    Now I am back in the game! This time I'm taking things extremely slow. Pretty much restarting and going to get very methodical this time around. Goal is to be consistent and don't make excuses. I also stopped smoking pot which is something I did since I was 12-13. Hence my name

  17. #97
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    That's awsome man, patience is key. I use a very methodical approach as well, but when I'm actually in the gym it's just putting the work in.

    Yeah smoking pot has stopped a few of my friends progress, I'm a drug addict (not active) and got clean a month before I started lifting, found the weights in rehab.

    Weed was definitely one of the most demotivating drugs, and the one I stuck with for the longest.

  18. #98
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    Ah drug addicton is a bitch. I won't go into details out in the open with what I did, but it took me a few overdoses and some moderate damage to my heart before I learned my lesson.
    Drugs=bad. Even though i'm only 23 I feel I still wasted a large chunk of my life and definitely did irreversible damage that I still to this day worry when I'm just going to drop dead.

    Glad your clean. Its nice to talk to someone else who also went down that pathway and found exercise to be a gateway out.
    My appetite still hasn't returned to normal, yet. Only thing that's taking forever since I relied on a substance to make me hungry for so long.
    Feels good being sober though doesn't it? Life is just more...enjoyable. Days don't smear into each other and productivity is something that actually happens in my life now!

  19. #99
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    I know exactly what you mean, I only spent 5 years in active addiction and feel like I'm so far behind where I should be, in a way it's been a great life lesson as I've learnt a lot more through it than I have through anything else in my life, I've learnt a lot of life lessons the hard way in my short time here.

    It's great being sober, the hard part is maintaining it, when it becomes normal to be sober again and it becomes boring. Just gotta accept being an average joe and chasing productive dreams.

    It's a big reason I'm worried about jumping into AAS, fitness has already engulfed my life and drugs don't need to be added to the equation.

    You're going to have to force feed yourself until your appetite is back, mine was terrible for the first 6 months of lifting then I started counting macros and realised how far behind I was, so I just ate until I hit what I needed to hit, now I have a massive appetite lol.

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    ar-r methyl b12. I have actually seen some results from taking it. Though I have to take much more than if I did IM. I still feel the boost to my metabolism combined with a b complex. Its only a matter of time before my body readjusts to normality. I know what you mean by boring. I have just learned to use my time wisely. I personally trashed myself so much with drugs that I really don't have cravings. The memories are extremely vivid in my head still. It just took a couple near deaths to knock some sense into my head and I cut off anyone who touched anything in my life. It is kinda funny once you get sober. You realize "wow, the only thing I had in common with all these people was that we did drugs...that's it." That's not even a real friendship.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grymreefer View Post
    ar-r methyl b12. I have actually seen some results from taking it. Though I have to take much more than if I did IM. I still feel the boost to my metabolism combined with a b complex. Its only a matter of time before my body readjusts to normality. I know what you mean by boring. I have just learned to use my time wisely. I personally trashed myself so much with drugs that I really don't have cravings. The memories are extremely vivid in my head still. It just took a couple near deaths to knock some sense into my head and I cut off anyone who touched anything in my life. It is kinda funny once you get sober. You realize "wow, the only thing I had in common with all these people was that we did drugs...that's it." That's not even a real friendship.
    Yeah ain't that the truth, especially the ones you used hard drugs with. The ones I drank and smoked with were life long friend but other than that it was just a bunch of junkies more than happy to throw each other under the bus.

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    Rest/refeed day today. Woke up and did 20 mins cardio then had a big bowl of oats with milk and honey for brekky.

    Not really feeling that hungry today, not sure why but I'm about to cook up some meals for the next few days and eat one or two.

    Upping my albuterol to 9mg today, 3mg dose already felt like it had significantly less effect than yesterday's 3mg morning dose. So I've added one with lunch then another at 3-4pm. Tomorrow I'll start with a 6mg dose then 3mg in the afternoon, then most likely I'll stick with 6mg morn/noon from then on, and begin ketotifen when I feel tolerance start to build.

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    So the idea was to refeed today, but since I have no money until tomorrow I decided to hold it off for a day so I can actually enjoy it and hit my refeed macros easily.

    If I did it today it would've been rice/potatoes and pasta for my carbs, and I prefer to enjoy my refeed by saving the things I crave for these days, like ice cream/lollies/milk shakes.

    Forgot to mention that I woke up at 67.9kg this morning, lowest I've been in quite a while. About 8 months ago I recall wanting to hit 65 so badly and struggling to eat enough, getting to 65 was such a milestone and now I'll be as lean at 66-67 as I was at 60 only 10 months ago.

    Definitely made some some serious gains over the last year, I did the calculation a while ago and it'd been about 9kg over 8-9 months. So I'm pretty happy with the fact that I gained close to as much as I could've in my first full year of lifting.

    After cutting I'm hoping to put atleast another 5kg on over the next 12 months, maybe 6-7 if everything goes right. This might even be setting the bar too low. I know I have a lot of growing left in me, but I it's going to take time and I want to keep it realistic.
    Last edited by Khazima; 11-02-2014 at 03:18 AM.

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    The refeed has begun, had a skinny cow cup, some sour patch kids and some fruit loops post workout to kick off the day. Preworkout i just had some oats with honey, its always a perfect meal half an hour before a workout for me.

    So today was bench/back, it went really well. I hit all my bench numbers easily and hit a rep PR on pullups. I got 13 with 1 or 2 left in the tank, i kinda wish i just went to failure but i decided to use some weight and attached a 10kg (22lb) plate to my waist and got about 8 out. I've never been able to do this so i was pretty happy with my performance today. Especially with the bench as i hit the numbers easily.

    Then on incline DB i got 70lb dumbbells for 9 reps on my second set, which ive also never been able to do. I just felt really strong today and was very happy with how the workout went.

    Talked to one of the gym hotties as well, which is out of character for me as i'm quite introverted and socializing really isn't my forte.

    After that I went to the shops and grabbed a bunch of cheap workout clothes, plenty of good sales on atm so i decided to stock up. Also grabbed some chucks for squatting and deadlifting. Then it was to coles to get my refeed food

    Pretty keen to hit legs tomorrow and since i can squat i'm just adding in the squats where it would've been, so basically skipped the first week of the programming for squats, plus its going off of a conservative max.

    Took 6mg albuterol this morning, and i'm not sure if it was due to that or just a strange day but i felt light headed the whole workout, almost like a high off speed, it was really strange and uncomfortable.

    Pure melatonin powder arrived just before as well, and i'm not sure how i want to dose it since its 10g of pure powder with no scoop and i'm starting with 1mg a night. I figure ill just use my 10mg scoop from my synephrine and add 10ml water to it, then dose 1ml of the water per night. Any other ideas welcome.

  25. #105
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    Awesome log Khaz. Some great progress along the way. I can only hope to finally start seeing some progress of my own soon here. I suppose I should start a log for feedback and reflection purposes. It looks like you are well on your way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Meloncap78 View Post
    Awesome log Khaz. Some great progress along the way. I can only hope to finally start seeing some progress of my own soon here. I suppose I should start a log for feedback and reflection purposes. It looks like you are well on your way.
    Thanks man

    It's a really useful tool to gauge progress, keep track of dates etc, and even keep track of the effectiveness of certain supplements/drugs.

  27. #107
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    I use a written log while I train, been doing it since I was young. My biggest regret is losing my book that had all my heaviest workouts in it during that phase of my life.. I left it at the gym or something and it was never returned, someone must have saw it and figured it was a great training log to use. I have a ton of them, but that one was the one I really wish I had. I remember adding up my weights on leg day once and it was over 100,000lbs, I used to gauge my intensity on how much weight I moved in a workout, lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I use a written log while I train, been doing it since I was young. My biggest regret is losing my book that had all my heaviest workouts in it during that phase of my life.. I left it at the gym or something and it was never returned, someone must have saw it and figured it was a great training log to use. I have a ton of them, but that one was the one I really wish I had. I remember adding up my weights on leg day once and it was over 100,000lbs, I used to gauge my intensity on how much weight I moved in a workout, lol.
    I've seen that lately and it's a really interesting concept, gauging volume and intensity by total workload. I don't think I've fully grasped the concept yet though. Because lifting 100lb 10 times isn't the same as lifting 200lb 5 times?

    It'd be great if you could explain the concept and benefits of that method.

    I tried logging on paper and I'm just not as consistent as I am with say fitocracy or this log. This is more for feelings and supplement/diet changes. Fitocracy is where I log my actual workouts.

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    Legs went alright today, did 3 sets of 6, and I felt a little form breakdown which really frustrates me because my squat is usually my best most consistent lift, but after changing a few things it's throw me back a bit. Which is fine, I just need to keep working at it.

    Something my mate noticed while I was deadlifting was a small amount of rounding just above my lumbar. It's strange because it's not form breakdown and my back feels fine during the movement. It may be because I'm used to lifting with a belt, or I'm not staying tight enough.

    I'm going to incorporate a front squat day because I feel like my quads aren't engaging as much as I'd like during squats and deadlifts.

    Other than those minor things it was a good session, I enjoyed it. Did a little knee prehab afterwards, just some leg extensions with really light weight and lots of reps. Superset that with calf raises.

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    I was just lifting so heavy and such high volume I started adding it up and was amazed. Like my first set of leg press was 600 for 50 reps, that's 30k lbs, or squats at 550 for 10 is 5500lbs. I tried to keep the work load over a certain number for legs, but not just by doing high reps with light weight, but balanced pyramids. It got to the point that I couldn't do it anymore naturally, wish I could have got some gear to help heal and handle the volume and weight. I'm not that serious now, I still train hard, but I was on a mission back then, to where I don't know, just obsessed.

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I was just lifting so heavy and such high volume I started adding it up and was amazed. Like my first set of leg press was 600 for 50 reps, that's 30k lbs, or squats at 550 for 10 is 5500lbs. I tried to keep the work load over a certain number for legs, but not just by doing high reps with light weight, but balanced pyramids. It got to the point that I couldn't do it anymore naturally, wish I could have got some gear to help heal and handle the volume and weight. I'm not that serious now, I still train hard, but I was on a mission back then, to where I don't know, just obsessed.
    That's how I feel right now, I'm on a mission to nowhere, just to be the best lifter I can I suppose.

  32. #112
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    Woke up at 68.5 this morning, yesterday morning I woke up at 69.4 post refeed.

    Had some froot loops and headed to the gym for shoulders/arms. It was the last day of my 3 on 1 off split I'm currently running. I'll be continuing the progression of the split but I've changed the routine drastically, bar the main lifts.

    The Periodization article I posted really opened my mind to programming variables and I'm so excited to play around with new ideas I've got. This week will be;

    Bent over row
    Incline DB press
    Dumbbell row

    Calf raise

    Overhead press
    Rear delt fly
    Close grip bench
    Tricep pushdown/
    Cable curl
    Seated DB curl
    Seated hammer curl


    Pause front squat
    Deficit deadlift
    Calf raise

    Pause bench press
    Wide grip bench press
    Cable row


    To me it looks more like bench/squat/OHP/front squat/bench. But for the sake of any readers what's above is basically the split in bodybuilding terms.

    I'm super excited to start and feel like I'm making some strength gains on this cut. My 4 sets of 6 with bench the other day was the easiest the weight has been. I hit all the numbers without a single grind, then hit a rep PR on pull-ups and incline DB press. However I feel as though my squat has suffered.

    Not keen to rest tomorrow. Atleast it'll force me to do some work I've been procrastinating on.

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    Rest day today, considering doing a mild refeed for the changes in my split as of tomorrow.

    Currently at tafe, waiting to train a client, I'm supposed to train two clients but one has only been for 1/4 sessions. Which in my situation is fine as these aren't paid clients, it's just for the tafe.

    While waiting I did a couple light deadlifts for some technique work, and I'm really happy with how my conventional is coming along. Starting to find hip placement really nicely and playing around with my foot positioning a bit.

    My current goal for the deadlift is to hit 4 plates (30 kg increase). I'm doing a mock meet in December, I won't hit it then but I hope to hit it within 3 months of being back in a surplus, with my technique changes and current progress I believe it's achievable within 4-5 months.

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    Kapow! Enjoyed today's session, I ended out doing the mild refeed yesterday, probably at near maintenance maybe a bit below. It didn't really help much though, I felt pretty out of energy today but still got through the session nicely.

    Bench/back was on the cards today, bench went really well I hit my 3 sets of 4-6 reps nicely, then hit another rep PR on pull-ups! 14 this time, I'm pretty confident I'll hit a max effort set of 20 by the time I'm done cutting.

    Incline DB press didn't go as good today, only got the 70lb dumbbells for 6 on the first set then 5 on the second, so I went down to 60lb and got a clean set of 12 in.

    My shoulder was playing up today so I decided to pass on dips and do cable flys instead, definitely a good choice!

    I've got a standard leg day tomorrow, which I'm always keen for.

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    Decided to chuck some more pics up, because I'm all about dat life.

    From shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpgFrom shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpgFrom shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpgFrom shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpgFrom shit to fit (khazima's Log)-image.jpg

    My goal for this cut is basically to get low enough for my love handles to go, and allow my waist to look as small as it actually is. The layer around my hips really takes away from my midsection. However if I need to go into an unhealthy bf% for them to go, I'll just call it and accept it for what it is.

  36. #116
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    I think you are like most people when it comes to viewing yourself, you never think you look as good as you actually do. You are pretty lean and the "love handles" are nowhere near as noticeable as you think they are. There will always be some fat in places on the body in small amounts until you get below 7%. Just keep trying to add muscle and burn fat and those things will slowly diminish over time. I try and do lots of side knee raises when cutting to bring up the muscles on the side of my torso to offset the bits of fat in that area. Keep it up, looking good bro.

  37. #117
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    Great log, and nice job so far. The work you've put in is definitely noticeable. Back is coming in really nicely. Keep up the good work!!!

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    I think you are like most people when it comes to viewing yourself, you never think you look as good as you actually do. You are pretty lean and the "love handles" are nowhere near as noticeable as you think they are. There will always be some fat in places on the body in small amounts until you get below 7%. Just keep trying to add muscle and burn fat and those things will slowly diminish over time. I try and do lots of side knee raises when cutting to bring up the muscles on the side of my torso to offset the bits of fat in that area. Keep it up, looking good bro.
    Thanks man, that probably is the case.. I've also mastered lighting to an extent! Haha.

    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Great log, and nice job so far. The work you've put in is definitely noticeable. Back is coming in really nicely. Keep up the good work!!!
    Cheers brother

  39. #119
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    Just out of curiosity are you tensing your core in those pictures?

    If you are, they look great, if not then my lord they are amazing

    Either way your physique is shaping us nicely. Wish I could say the same for myself.

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhit View Post
    Just out of curiosity are you tensing your core in those pictures?

    If you are, they look great, if not then my lord they are amazing

    Either way your physique is shaping us nicely. Wish I could say the same for myself.
    Haha yeah I'm tensing and using the right lighting.

    Thanks for the kind words

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