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Thread: From shit to fit (khazima's Log)

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Decided to do some moderate gym work on the way back from an appointment I had today. Started off with a few sets of bench press, shoulder is feeling great. Then I did some triples of power cleans, some pull-ups and a bunch of rotator cuff work.

    I'm trying super hard not to aggravate anything and give all my minor injuries the best chance of recovery before I hit the gym hard.

    Down to 67.1 this morning, looking pretty lean, don't even need lighting to show my abs now and I don't have a tan. Love handles are still there but I'm not worried, I'd have to keep cutting for atleast another month or two to get lean enough for them to go away.

  2. #162
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I've decided to (more than likely) start my program tomorrow, rested all day today again and I'm probably going to have some sort of mild refeed to prepare for tomorrow.

    The program calls for 3 sets of squats then leg press, in which I was going to switch for front squats since I'm not a fan of the leg press. However I'm scared for my knee and think I'll just do 5 or 6 sets of squats. Low bar back squat aggravates my knee the least so this is probably the best route but we'll see how I'm feeling when the time comes.

    Injuries feel great, shoulders feel better than they have in quite a while, knees aren't aggravated at all but they haven't been tested at all besides a couple bodyweight squats to see how it felt and it felt much better than usual.

    Pinned 1.5mg TB-500 decided to do it a little earlier than scheduled because I seem to feel better, more lubricated the day after taking it and quite frankly I'm scared of my knee flaring up lol.

    Ordering more on Monday, as well as mod GRF 1-29 and GHRP-2 hopefully it'll arrive within the week.

    Hit 67.0kg this morning, which was actually my goal weight but I don't look how I expected even though I'm significantly leaner than I was.

    I'll be continuing this log through my gaining phase as well, going to be in a 250 surplus one I figure my cals back out and gaining 2lb a month hopefully at least half being muscle.

  3. #163
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Took these yesterday, 10 weeks total, 5kg lost. Pretty sure the one is red is a little more than 10 weeks old, but it represents nicely how fluffy I was

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    Weak lighting btw, already got a bunch of photos with half natty lighting .

  4. #164
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Took these yesterday, 10 weeks total, 5kg lost. Pretty sure the one is red is a little more than 10 weeks old, but it represents nicely how fluffy I was

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    Weak lighting btw, already got a bunch of photos with half natty lighting .

    Wow brother. Thats AMAZING progress. Got a lovely foundation for a mad bulk now

    Keep it up, brings me inspiration to start my cut!

  5. #165
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by uhit View Post
    Wow brother. Thats AMAZING progress. Got a lovely foundation for a mad bulk now

    Keep it up, brings me inspiration to start my cut!
    Thanks brother

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    Looking good bro, now hit a nice clean bulk.

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Looking good bro, now hit a nice clean bulk.
    Thanks man that's the plan, should be able to make some great progress since I know my body and the way i respond to certain ways of training a lot better now.

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Just finished the first session of the new program and damn it was hard, I'm not used to doing so much volume. On the cards was;

    Squat 4 sets of 3 reps
    Deadlift 4x3
    Front squat 4x3 (did 2-3 second pauses instead of going up in weight)
    Romanian deadlift 4x3

    Usually a leg day using that rep range for me is something like;

    Squat 5x3
    Deadlift 2x3

    And with the intensity used it's usually plenty and my legs respond really well to it (strength specific training). So this was a shock and DOMS kicked in as I started Romanian Deads lol.

    It was really fun to hit some volume and an awsome welcome back to training. Knees held up just fine which is why I chose to pause the front squats instead of go up in weight because I didn't want to push it too hard.

    Super keen for push day tomorrow.

    2200 calories today, had 2600 yesterday which was much needed for the leg session I had no idea was in stall! I'll be going up in increments of 100 cals every 2-3 days until I'm at 2750, which I'll maintain for a week or two to see where weight gain stands then adjust from there. Aiming to gain 2lb a month.

    Thanks for following everyone

  9. #169
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    Aug 2014
    Just finished my first push session of the program, damn it was a lot of pressing. I'm not used to so much volume on the presses and auto-regulating weight. Workout was;

    Flat bench 4 sets of 3 reps
    Overhead press 4x3
    Incline bench 4x3
    Close-grip bench 4x3

    Was rather strange doing 3 reps on the incline lol, felt pretty good though.

    Increased my calories by 200 yesterday and woke up .1 lighter than I have before. So still on a cut basically and reverse dieting out of it. I'll increase calories by 100 tomorrow.

    Legs are super sore after yesterday, definitely not used to that kind of volume.

    Pull strength should be interesting, 3 reps on bent over rows and 3 rep pull-ups. Never done either before really. I'm pretty skeptical about the rep schemes with things like the pull day but I'll give it a chance to see how it goes.

    Shoulder held up pretty well today, I skipped a set of OHP to be safe and I definitely felt my right (worst) shoulder was getting a lot more fatigued than my left. It feels fine now though which is a good sign.

  10. #170
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    Aug 2014
    So the fist strength microcycle is done! Today was;

    Bent over rows 4 sets of 3 reps
    Weighted pull-ups 4x3
    Barbell curl 4x3
    Barbell shrugs 4x3

    The rep scheme for some of the exercises is very new to me, especially a 3rm bicep curl lmao, feels like such a bro thing to be maxing out on a bicep curl then doing shrugs for 3 reps and i really had to focus on using my back on the bent over rows instead of using momentum and my arms too much. Strength pull is definitely a lot easier than legs/push strength days. Still enjoyable.

    Tomorrow is an optional rest day and i'm going to take the option of not resting lol, time for the first hypertrophy microcycle. The volume is crazy so it's going to be interesting to see what my stamina is like now, and legs is the hardest of the 3 days.

    I confirmed today with the gym owner about a mock meet they're hosting on the 20th, it's interferes with my programming but i'm just not going to peak for it, and the weak of the meet i'll decrease volume and acclimate myself back to low reps, which i'm already pretty close to since i have 3 or 4 reps on my lifts in the first few weeks of the program.

    Calories up to 2300 today. I overate yesterday up to 2500 calories and maintained, probably lost a small amount of weight so this has me thinking since i had scheduled refeeds and it was only a 10 week cut that reverse dieting will be quite unnecessary so it'll be a quick process, probably add 50-100 calories a day until i'm at 2700-2800 a day where i'll maintain and gauge the progress from there.

  11. #171
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    Damn good work man.. keep it up..

  12. #172
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Damn good work man.. keep it up..
    Thanks bro

  13. #173
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    Aug 2014
    Figured i'd log before i workout in case i don't make it back.. 10 reps on squat, something i haven't done for a long time. Straight after that leg extensions, which i'm hoping don't aggravate my knees to badly especially using only 10 reps. I'll have to go by feel with that one.

    Had me a good meal before i begin to mentally prepare myself to destroy myself with this workout.

    Time to break the heart and soul of some muscle fibres.

  14. #174
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    Aug 2014
    That was one of the hardest sessions i've done in a while, certainly wasn't ready for so many sets of high reps. Usually my lower body days just consist of 5-10 sets of squats doing 3-5 reps and deadlift 2-3 sets of 1-3. Today i did;

    Squat 4 sets of 10 reps
    Leg extensions 4x10
    Leg press 4x10
    Weighted hyper-extensions 4x10
    Lying leg curls 4x10
    Seated calf raise
    Superset with
    Calf raise on leg press 4x10

    Already had pretty bad DOMS by the time i was doing calves. I was was off my projected 10rm since i'm not conditioned for squatting anything over 3 reps right now basically. Should be fine within a few weeks.

    It was very enjoyable to push myself in a way i haven't for a while, very challenging. Super excited to have a crack at the hypertrophy push day!

  15. #175
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Just got home from the first hypertrophy push workout and man it is incredible how unconditioned i am to this volume now the workout was;

    Flat dumbbell press 4 sets of 10 reps
    Incline barbell bench 4x10
    Dumbbell shoulder press 4x10
    Lateral raise 4x10
    Lying tricep extension 4x10
    Rope pushdown 4x10

    After just the first 4 sets of dumbbell presses i was completely gassed at anything over 6 reps, on the incline i had to go really light. The first 6 reps would just fly up then the last 4 would slow right down with the 10th being a grind.

    Then moving onto dumbbell press i grabbed a warmup weight and couldn't even hit it for 4 lmao i was astounded. Had to use about half my normal weight to get the 10 reps, once again at 5-6 i would completely gas out. Lateral raises were fine but even the tricep extensions were just not there.

    It's exciting though because not having done this type of training for quite a while i'll get quite the response from my muscles, and now i'm feeding them what they need they have no choice but to adapt and grow

    Pull hypertrophy tomorrow which i'm guessing will go a bit better since my back is usually trained in that rep range, however not with as much volume.

    Also confirmed registration with the mock meet at the gym, should be good fun, 17 days until that and i'll probably stall my programming to do a short peak for it.

    I'll do the programmed strength days my program requires minus the accessories, then the next week work with singles and doubles with low volume and rest a day or two before the meet.

  16. #176
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    great work Khaz! just goes to show that hard work pays off!

  17. #177
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    great work Khaz! just goes to show that hard work pays off!
    Cheers man

  18. #178
    sweet log man thanks for the advice

  19. #179
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by iamxclusive View Post
    sweet log man thanks for the advice
    Thanks man, no worries

  20. #180
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Kapow! bet you though i was gonna miss a log today!

    Got a call last night from a landscaper looking for a laborer to do some work, from the time he called i basically had 8 hours to get up, and i usually sleep at least 8 so i went straight to bed and got up at 5am, got my food ready and had a good meal.

    I completely forgot how ridiculously hard landscaping is (not the gardening kind) first 10 mins i was dripping in sweat and the lower back pump made me want to cry. within 3 hours i decided i needed to pace myself because the pain i was experiencing from all different angles was becoming too much to continue with the intensity i was using.

    First thing was digging trenches with a mattock and excavating the front lawn, which took 3-4 hours of straight digging and shoveling. Then the last 3.5-4 hours was spent shoveling mulch out of a truck into buckets then carrying them upstairs to the garden beds.

    Last time i started a landscaping job i was 2 weeks into working out, trying to keep clean at the time. After the first day i was so tired i didn't workout and never worked out again, not long before failing to keep clean and my drinking problem picking up heavily with the money i was making. So this time i decided no matter how tired i am i'm going to the gym and the workout went fine, tried a new PWO n.o xplode 2.0 and it's great, awsome clean energy, intense focus and good pumps. Of course i had a massive meal with plenty of carbs before going as well.

    It was funny sitting on the train with so many people looking at me covered in dirt wearing a white tshirt and face covered with grime.

    The workout required more intensity and i hit all the reps with a similar weight to what i'd expect, however i continued to gas around 6-7 reps, it almost feels that as soon as my ATP system is gassed, that's it for the set.. it's over lol unless it's light enough weight i can use to predominantly use the anaerobic system.

    No idea how many calories i burned working but i'd guess upwards of 1500, 8 hours of balls to wall digging and sweating literally all day.

    Super tired now and ready to go to sleep and get back at it again tomorrow. Rest day from the gym as well, which is lucky since my next workout is 16 max effort sets for legs.

  21. #181
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    Thank fvck it was a rest day today, ended out labouring for 9 hours with the last two packing away the entire site. I was so tired by the end of it that each sweep of a broom felt like attempting a 1 rep max.

    Cheerin it's over, it's completely ruined my calorie set up lol because the work puts a massive variable in my TDEE, so I'm just going with a calculators estimation and eating 3.3k in theory putting me in a 200 surplus. I'm probably going to end out needing more than that because I'm pretty sure I'm burning more than 1000 calories, and 2300 is what I was using to reverse diet to 2750.

    Working again tomorrow which I'm excited about, including tomorrow I'll have made about 350 dolla in 3 days which is 150 less than I get a fortnight atm.

    Got legs strength afterwards as well, should be a fun challenge

  22. #182
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Carolina
    Awesome write up man with some sweet results. Exaclty the shape I am shooting for by summer time, very motivational!

  23. #183
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by carolinalifter View Post
    Awesome write up man with some sweet results. Exaclty the shape I am shooting for by summer time, very motivational!
    Thanks heaps bro I'd be happy to help you reach your goals!

  24. #184
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    Aug 2014
    Worked again today for another 5 hours, the chief gave me a fair bit more cashys then I was expecting so that's a bonus. Unfortunately he doesn't want me full time atm but might call me again soon for some more work.

    Working the last 2 days and half today completely ruined today's leg strength session, squats were supposed to be a lot cleaner, deadlifts felt like shit, front squats went absolutely terribly and the platform was taken so I just did some glute ham raises. I still hit the numbers for the squat and deadlift so I'll take it.

    Went directly from working to coles to buy some clothes to workout in because I got dropped off near the gym lol. Took me 20 mins to get all the dirt off and luckily my knee sleeves and belt were still in my bag, forgot my shoes tho which didn't help. But I just loaded myself up with caffeine and hit it as hard as I could, rested as long as I needed and hit what needed to be hit.

    Woke up at 66.7 this morning, .2 lower than the lowest part of my cut. I fell asleep at about 6pm last night and woke back up at 6 and realised I'd missed about 1500 calories from the day before and that was the result lol. So I took every opportunity to fit in calories today.

    I'm going to go straight to 2750 calories for a hopeful 250 surplus and see how it goes, if I'm asked to work again I'll probably add 1000 to it the days that happens.

    Definitely cheerin to have extra cash and hoping my peptides come in on Monday, keen to see how they go with things like recovery, sleep and joints.

    Heavy push day tomorrow, excited as always to hit the bench!

  25. #185
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    Aug 2014
    God it's good to be back on the gains train! ate so much yesterday to make up for the deficit from the day before and the work/leg session that day. Woke up feeling super energised, ready to go and i felt like i looked really full at the gym. My delts are already starting to pop alot more, i've always responded really well to lateral raises but my shoulder just doesn't allow it most of the time.

    Killed it in the gym, muscular endurance is starting to come back. Hit the same bench numbers for an extra rep on each set and an extra set. Then on OHP i went down 5lb and hit an extra 3 sets and an extra rep on each set.

    whole workout looked like;

    Bench 5 sets of 4
    Standing OHP 5x4
    Incline bench 5x4
    Close-grip bench 5x5

    Still a lot more volume than i'm used to but its super fun. Tomorrow's the easiest of the strength days, then i'll probably continue straight into the hypertrophy workouts unless i can work in which case ill take the extra optional rest day.

    Looking into some lifting shoes, i wanted adipowers but heard the romaleos are better, but they look like shit and are insanely expensive so i looked into the inov8 fastlift 335's and they look like the go, pretty cheap and the reviews are great so i'm going to give them a shot.

  26. #186
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    Aug 2014
    Last strength session of the week today, pull strength. Went something like;

    Bent over rows 5 sets of 4
    Pull-ups 5x4 (had to switch to lat pulldown because the dip belt is broken)
    Barbell curl 5x5
    Barbell shrug 5x5

    Pretty cruisy workout compared to the others, thankfully lol. Probably going to do legs hypertrophy tomorrow which will be killer.

    Eating 2700-2800 calories now, might go a little over today depending on what's for dinner because i decided i wanted some lollies while i was at the shops today and didn't realize half the packet was 700 calories -.-

    Weight's fluctuating atm woke up this morning at 67.7 yesterday was 68.3 day before was 66.7 so a lot of fluctuation because of the disruption working brought into the equation lol.

    I've decided on the inov8 335s, ordering them today or tomorrow and hopefully they'll be in by the end of the week. I'm a little worried about sizing as the reviews on that are mixed but i'm just going to order my normal size and hope for the best.

  27. #187
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    Awsome leg session today, hit a volume PR on squats, last week my muscular endurance was so shot that i could only get 185lb for 4 sets of 10. This morning i woke up and decided i was doing today's 5 sets of 10 with 2 plates (100kg/220lb) if it killed me, and it nearly did.

    I went in and hit the warm-up sets and it felt great, bar was flying up, form was on point. Got to 2 plates and decided to rip into the 10 reps, basically finished the set and undid my belt while lying on the ground. Next set i stopped at 6, racked the weight and took a few breaths then got back under the bar and hit the last 4. I wasn't happy with that, took a 2 min rest and got straight back into it and hit this set for 10, then the next set stopped at 7 took a breath and finished the last 3. On the last set i decided i wasn't racking the bar until i got that 10 reps.. completely out of breath and grinding the 4th and 5th rep i dug deep and hit the next 5 with everything i had, then layed down on the ground.. There's the first exercise done. The whole workout looked something like;

    Squats 5x10
    Leg extension superset with leg curl 5x10/10/dropset last set
    Hyperextension 5x10
    Walking lunges superset with leg press 2x20/20
    Seated calf raise superset with calf press 5x10/10/dropset last set

    Completely killed me this workout and damn it was fun, glad to be back on 2 plates for my reps lol anything under 2 plates and i feel like i'm squatting baby weight.

    Push hypertrophy tomorrow, super keen to hit a bro workout. 2800 calories has maintained my weight the last 2 days, if i wake up the same tomorrow i'll probably go to 2900 and see where that takes me.

    Ordered those inov8 fastlift 335s, hoping they come in before squat strength day so i can break them in and introduce them to a world of hurt.

  28. #188
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    Aug 2014
    Had a high volume push day today, muscular endurance is definitely on its way back. The workout was;

    Flat DB bench 5 sets of 10
    Incline BB bench 5x10
    Seated DB shoulder press 5x10
    Lateral raises 5x10 run the rack on the last set
    Skullcrushers 5x10
    Tricep pushdowns 5x10

    Pumps i had going today were crazy especially after the main pressing then moving in to lateral raises i was feeling as wide as a doorway. Not really a fan of tricep isolation though especially skullcrushers since it hurts my elbows a fair bit, i can tweak the exercise slightly and make it easily bearable but if i do them regularly it aggravates my elbows to the point where i can't do any pressing for a few days/a week or so.

    My knee started to feel a little sore after yesterdays leg session and i'm waiting for my order of TB-500 to arrive so it worried me a little, but i just wrapped it up with a support brace and it's fine now. No legs for 3 days so it'll be fine by the time i need to squat again.

    Woke up at 67.1 after waking at 67.7 yesterday, most likely from the intense leg workout burning a bucketload of glycogen but i refueled yesterday hitting 3k calories and still woke up roughly a pound lighter so i'm upping my calories to 3k to see where that takes me.

    It's blissful being able to eat as much food as i want now lol. A few days i've eaten however much i've wanted throughout the day and only had a few hundred calories left after dinner so i go to bed hungry but i think that'll stop once i'm used to having more calories to play with again and getting in the groove of things.

  29. #189
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    Aug 2014
    Woke up still pretty fawkin lean at 67.2, put on about a pound this last week or so, a lot of fluctuation going on. Calories are at 3k which i'll be sitting at for a few days.
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    Starting to feel awsome in the gym, feel like i might be having a rebound of hormones since i'm breaking out with acne on my face/shoulders/back which hasn't happened for a while and i'm getting them alpha feels when i workout.

    Pull day today, feels good to be doing a bunch of hypertrophy volume for my back since i know this is what makes it respond the best. Workout looked like;

    Pull-ups 5 sets of 10 reps (hit them all, volume PR for me)
    Cable row 5x10
    Lat pulldown 5x10
    Dumbbell row 5x10
    Alternating dumbbell curl 5x10
    Straight bar cable curl 5x10

    One thing i'm not a fan of is the pain i experience when doing straight bar curls of any kind. If i don't wear wrist wraps it's quite painful but even with wrist wraps i can feel the tension in my ulna, it may be due to tight forearm flexors but it's easily bearable with wrist wraps.

    Back on that chicken and rice which feels great lol i avoided it on my cut because it's fairly dense calorie wise and i preferred some type of meat and veggies but it was nice to have a break from it now i'm enjoying it again.

    Rest day tomorrow which as always i'm not keen on.. but it has to happen. Ended out doing 6 days in a row again because my mate decided to jump into the program with me but from now on i'll (we'll) be resting every 4th day (legs/push/pull/rest).

    Knees and shoulders are feeling great, though i'm pretty sore and beat up in general after this last week of training so my body will be thanking me for the rest.

  30. #190
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    Aug 2014
    Logging pretty late tonight, not much to report on today. Went way over on carbs today probably 200-300g total which is fine since i want to eat into the meet on Saturday and hopefully help my bench up a little.

    Was supposed to go skydiving again today which got cancelled once again do to weather but since we were already in the area we decided to go to some of the factory outlets local to the area we were in.

    We originally just wanted to go to a discount lolly store where they sell out of date/unsellable boxes of lollies extremely cheap (talking a box of lollies for the price of 1 in a store) but they've moved and only there factory was out the back. We still got some lollies but they weren't as cheap.. brand new though :P

    Then we passed the rebel store and of course i had to see if there was any awsome deals.. and it just so happened that we came on the first day of their biggest sale this year where you could just pick up a card and get an extra 50% off of already discounted items. Ended out getting a pair of new balance vibrams for deadlifting, less than a third of the price, under armour shorts almost half price and some dope shirts for about 80% off.

    All of the stuff i bought just ended out being stuff to match with the deadlift shoes lol. They have a small amount of orange on them so now i can't wear basically any of my clothes cause everything matches my mostly blue or dark green shoes.. and it won't match my belt.. drives my OCD crazy.

    Last heavy deadlift session tomorrow. I'll probably work up to a single at about 95% of my current 1rm then some doubles at 90%. The plan of attack for the week is;

    Saturday - Deadlift
    Sunday - Bench
    Monday - Rest
    Tuesday - Squat
    Wednesday - Back
    Thursday - Rest
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - Meet

    I'm really hoping the squat shoes i ordered are in in time for squats. Ideally i wouldn't change anything this close but if they arrive and feel better than chucks i'll go ahead and use them.

    Just about to go train my brother, time to put him through the work.

  31. #191
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    Aug 2014
    Didn't end out logging yesterday since i was side-tracked all day and didn't remember until right before i went to bed

    I did some deadlifts at the gym and worked up to about 95% of my 1rm. It didn't feel that great so i decided not to go any higher and just focus on maintaining the motor pattern at a moderately heavy weight in an attempt to acclimate myself to 1-2 reps at maximal loads.

    After that some benching occurred, worked up to 95% once again and my shoulder wasn't feeling 100% so i decided to do 2 singles and call it a day.

    The new balance vibrams felt awsome, not a massive different from chucks but they feel better on my feet and grip into the ground noticeably better. All in all a good purchase.

    Felt much better coming in today, shoes arrived and go to take them for a test run. They feel amazing except there's a little room in the toe box which is not ideal but they're miles ahead of chucks in how my squats felt, ill definitely be wearing them for the meet.

    The plan was to work up to singles and see how it felt and even with some DOMS along my posterior chain it was feeling great so i worked up to my previous max at the end of the cut and smashed it easily. So i went for a PR and hit 135kg @ 68kg without too much struggle.

    After that i just did a few sets of pull-ups and some biceps and headed home to eat!

    I'm confident i'll hit 3 a 3 plate squat at the meet possibly 142.5. I'm not too confident in my bench and deadlift but i'll just have to get there on the day and see what happens.

    Time to mung out and relax, planning on benching tomorrow since my shoulder feels great. Hopefully my peptides arrive in the morning too.

  32. #192
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    Heavy bench day today, woke up feeling like i have a bit of a head cold which is definitely not ideal. Hopefully it goes before saturday.

    Worked up to a heavy single and matched my previous 1rm with a pause, so technically a pause bench PR. After that i just did some facepulls and called it a day, rest tomorrow then some back and technique work on Wednesday, then resting up to the meet!

    My averaged weight is up to 68.7kg, about .7 up from the end out my cut and i feel like the extra weight is helping with strength since i set my squat PR at the end of the cut, which i smashed yesterday and i easily matched the bench.

  33. #193
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    Aug 2014
    No gym today, complete rest today then some back/biceps tomorrow before 2 days rest prior to the meet.

    Woke up at 12pm which is always a bonus when i'm not lifting that day, the longer i sleep the sooner i lift lol.

    Peptides arrived this morning, reconstituted some TB-500, Mod GRF 1-29 and GHRP-2 and took 1mg TB, 100mcg Mod grf/GHRP-2 and within 10 mins started to get some strange side effects almost like a cold was starting to kick in and hunger increase, by the time i hit the 30 minute mark i was racing to the kitchen. It was also my first meal so that definitely contributed to the hunger as well.

    Pretty excited to start and see where it goes, if it ends out being a waste like a few members have said i won't be too worried since i get it fairly cheap as well, a one month supply for about as much as 5 days of food (on a budget).

  34. #194
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Did back and biceps today, was a pretty fun workout. Didn't go too hard the workout looked something like;

    Bent-over rows 4x10 dropset last set
    Pull-ups 3x8-10
    Cable rows 2x10
    Lat pulldown 3x12-15

    Seated alternating dumbbell curl 3x10
    Seated hammer curl 2x10
    Machine preacher curl 3x12-15

    Now that i put it on paper it looks like a lot of volume, but it really wasn't.. I was just working for the pump, super short rest breaks and low-moderate weight nothing really very taxing at all. Had a stupid pump going on after biceps though which is nice to feel every now and again.

    Pinned 100mcg of both Mod GRF and Ipamorelin before bed and got to sleep really easily but woke early because of some noise and couldn't get back to sleep which was super frustrating. I like to get atleast 8 hours preferably 9-10 if my body lets me but i got about 6.. still felt really fresh though which is good.

    Got out of bed and pinned 100mcg both Mod GRF and GHRP-2, similar side effects to yesterday but slightly less pronounced. Got home after the workout and pinned another 100mcg of both and had a big meal of steak/potatoes. Weight is sitting at about 68.5 currently, definitely feeling a bit bigger and fuller already only about 3 weeks into this bulk.

  35. #195
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Rest today and rest tomorrow before the meet, just eating plenty of good foods and rehabbing any small injuries ie preparing my knees and resting up my shoulders.

    Woke up and pinned 100mcg of both Mod GRF 1-29 and GHRP-2, this time no sides happened although i felt slightly hungrier. I'm hoping that this is just how it's supposed to be and i may get more sides further into using these, like numbness and tingling of fingers/toes. No sides after my second dose either.

    I'm also hoping they're not degrading or damaged through handling, especially since i've got them reconstituted in BAC water in my cupboard, out of light, relatively cool (room temperature).

    Can't wait to get back into proper training and making proper gains. I'll be waiting a further 5-6 days after the meet to do so as well since i'm going camping for a few days with the family and we get back late on Christmas day.

    The plan is just to kick back off where i stopped with the program, which will be a leg strength day. I've got a feel for the weights i want to use with it now so i can push myself properly rather than having to change the weights around between sets.

    Still eating 3k calories, woke up at 69kg this morning.

  36. #196
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    Aug 2014
    Not much to report on today, decided to take down the cals by 200 since i'm waking up at 69kg pretty consistently which is over double the weight gain i'd planned. I'm a lot more comfortable like this though, little more chubby but feels super easy to maintain, still got abs in the morning and the rebound i got from dieting is over, had a few days where i just couldn't control my eating.

    Meets tomorrow, so keen to get back under the bar. I haven't taken 2 full days of rest in a super long time so i'm itching to lift. The day after i'm going camping for 5 days though lol so it's a bit of a forced rest week, post-meet. Which i suppose is a good thing, i'll absolutely kill it getting back into the program.

    No sides post-injection of 100mcg GHRP-2/100mcg Mod GRF 1-29 besides slight appetite increase, been able to inject 4 doses for the last 3 days due to being home and my eating schedule works really well with needing to fast for minimum 2 hours then waiting another 20-30mins to eat.

    Started to get some random numbness that felt like it surged through my leg in a pulse down to my toes and a few times i've got pins and needles really briefly in my legs/feet. Hopefully these are good signs as i'm already considering switching sources due to there being no post-injection sides anymore. Which would be a real shame as the supplier i'm using now is a really good bloke, super easy to deal with and offers awsome discounts and deals for returning customers.

  37. #197
    This blog is invalid, your 19. jk. Thats when i went from 360 to 180. You picked a great time to get serious about your body

  38. #198
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dreadnok89 View Post
    This blog is invalid, your 19. jk. Thats when i went from 360 to 180. You picked a great time to get serious about your body
    haha thank you my man!

  39. #199
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    Aug 2014
    So the meet went super well, there was probably 15 people lifting and we only had 1 set up out the back of the commercial gym so warming up took an extremely long time, it was about 3-5min between warm-up lifts. I hit almost all of the numbers i planned and more except for bench.

    Squat - 140kg (I did 120/130/140, felt like i should have done 120/135/142.5 or 145)
    Bench 87.5kg (long pause, should have gone 80/87.5/90 but i went 80/87.5/92.5)
    Deadlift - 155kg (Went 130/145/155 and it felt great, was definitely my true max and a 5kg PR)

    Total - 382.5kg, a 2.5kg addition to all of my all time gym lifts on separate days.

    My total about 3 weeks ago at the end of the cut was 368kg all lifts on separate days and no pause on the bench so i'm stoked that i'm stronger than i was and about 3kg lighter.

    I've had a long term goal to get to 70kg lean, and once i hit 75kg lean bulking i'll cut back down to 70kg and get to 10-12% BF really lean. This goal has shifted since if i was just happy with 70kg lean, i'd hit that in a month and i've reached it. Something tells me it'll be the same scenario when i hit 70kg shredded, i'll wanna be 80kg chubby and as strong as possible as quick as possible.

    Also in the short term i want a 100kg touch and go bench, 160kg deadlift and no current goals for the squat, but within 3-4 months after finishing my program then peaking i want a 100kg pause bench, 160kg squat and 180kg deadlift.

    Something i thought about before, is how cool it is that we can totally transform our bodies in a matter of weeks or months. The difference between chubby and lean like my most recent photos being the most intriguing.

    We can go from looking super out of shape like we don't even lift to looking like an athlete with 6 pack abs and striated delts in 2-3 months. Then back to chubby within a matter of weeks just fluctuating body types suited towards different goals.

  40. #200
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    Aug 2014
    Late log today, been in the car all day heading to a camping site about 6 hours away from home. Took us 7 before we couldn't figure out where to go and it was getting too dark with all the shops closed so we're in a cabin for the night lol.

    Had time for a quick workout this morning just did a hypertrophy focus push workout;

    Flat dumbbell press 4x8-10 drop set both last sets
    Military press 2x8 (shoulders feeling fatigued)
    Incline dumbbell press 3x10-12
    High to Low cable flyes 4x12-15
    Superset with lateral raises 4x12-15
    Single arm cable pushdowns 4x12-15
    Superset with rope pushdowns 4x8-10

    Something I might add into my routine regularly is the single arm cable pushdowns, the contraction was so strong in the lateral head it literally felt like it was going to cramp at the top of each rep. I'm not sure whether it was just due to the positioning but it felt great.

    Probably won't workout at all in the next 5 days because I'll be camping with no equipment, I could do some bodyweight stuff and improvise but I think it's perfect timing since it's suggested to take a week or so off after a meet. I'm a little beat up but really not to bad.

    Funny thing I didn't mention, on my bench 2nd attempt everything went really smooth then right as I was pushing hard and squeezing my glutes/pushing with my legs to lock the rep out I felt an intense cramp/pull in my hamstring, I gutted through it for the rep but got straight up and walked straight to the foam roller to try and roll it out in time for deadlifts. It hardly felt better by the time deadlifts came and stretching it hurt but I still managed to hit an 11lb all time PR and a 15lb PR from my previous max attempts.

    It still hurts today, just in time for holidays haha. I imagine some would be upset with getting injured right before going away but I'm super glad I'm forced to rest instead of having to take time off from the gym myself.

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