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Thread: From shit to fit (khazima's Log)

  1. #281
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Shouldn't stop in your thread for a little encouragement this morning. Had a fight with myself about leaving for the gym!!! Good girly won . Did 60 minutes on stair master and abbreviated arm. Started a 30 day plank challenge just for fun.
    That's awsome to hear Goodluck with it!

  2. #282
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    Aug 2014
    Bench went really well today, hit my numbers perfectly for the first time this training block. Hopefully it means the trainings coming together nicely. After that did a little OHP and some close-grip.

    Definitely not changing gyms, got to the one we were trialing at about 6:45am and it was completely packed. The main times i'll be there are the times i've tested and it's always completely packed, average atmosphere and everything i want/need to use is always taken by someone doing pointless exercises with it. Definitely content with staying where we are, just going to have to figure out a better deadlift situation and it should be good to go.

    Got a hard leg day tomorrow, really looking forward to it. Probably going to wait until after study since today even with a bench workout my learning suffered a little and i wasn't half as fried as i'm going to be after that. Plus the gym at my campus is pretty good and completely empty right now (closed for a few more weeks except to fitness diploma students).

    Starting to really like the gangsta wraps by mark bell now, i've figured them out a little more (lol) and found a way to make them comfortable and really effective, plus i love the extra length and versatility.

    Also ordered a few others things from slingshot like the hip circle, 2 compression cuffs and most importantly the slingshot itself, which i'm really excited to use. I feel like it's going to be quite a valuable tool especially since whenever i get to a max with a weight i haven't held before it comes as a shock how heavy it feels. So being able to do a few reps with my max attempt before i attempt it should prove to be quite beneficial. Plus i've built up the speed off my chest so much in the last 2 months that my lockout is a weakpoint now. Which i suppose is a good thing, as long as it's atleast maintained not regressed.

  3. #283
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    Today was the really hard squat session i'd been anticipating for a while, it was about as hard as i expected it to be but experiencing it was another story. I smashed the MR10 (max reps, no more than 10) and pretty sure i got 11, did an extra since i lost count and wanted to make sure. Which puts my projected max at 160kg (352lb) at about 158lb.

    The whole workout was;

    Squat - MR10
    Squat - +5lb ontop of MR10 for 10 sets of 3 with 1 min rest between.

    Hoping to hit 160 for my third attempt at the meet but that'll depend on how 140 and 150 feel, if 140 is really easy i'll go for 155 then 165 or stay with 140/150/160.

    Repeat bench day tomorrow + upper hypertrophy. Should be fun, loving the jacked and tan workouts.

  4. #284
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    Aug 2014
    Posted in my photo log as well.

    Some more recent photos i took last night after being surprised i still had abs at the end of the day lol. Bulkings going well keeping it below 74kg for the meet sitting at around 72.5 atm.

    Not flexed/flexed
    Attachment 155282Attachment 155284Attachment 155286

    Random pics
    Attachment 155281Attachment 155283Attachment 155285

  5. #285
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    Aug 2014
    Bench went really well today, hit my numbers perfectly and an extra rep on the last set for a somewhat volume PR. After that i did some push accessories and was feeling stronger on my incline DB pressing which is great. The whole workout was;

    Bench - 3 x 8/6/7 (would've been fine with 8/6/5)
    Pull-ups - 3 x 8-10
    Incline DB press - 4 x 12/10/10/8
    Cable fly - 4 x 12-15
    Superset with cable row - 3 x 12-15

    Seated DB laterals - 5 x 10-20
    Superset with DB rear delt fly - 3 x 15-20
    Facepulls - 4 x 12-15

    Tricep pushdown - 4 x 12-20
    Superset with machine preacher curl - 4 x 12-15
    Close-grip bench - 3 x 20
    Seated DB hammer curl - 4 x 12-15
    Superset with Overhead cable tricep extensions - 3 x 12-15

    I was actually feeling quite burnt out today, a sign that i'm starting to get into over-reaching territory which is a good thing especially after the leg session yesterday. The plan is to dig deep for the next 2-3 weeks and train really hard before tapering the volume and peaking the intensity, reducing fatigue while peaking performance then deloading the last week to allow my body to supercompensate and come back stronger than ever.
    Last edited by Khazima; 02-10-2015 at 09:35 PM.

  6. #286
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    Deadlifts ended out going really well today, i was still a little sore from the grueling leg session but once i got warmed up and in the zone i didn't even notice it.

    On the program i'm taking my numbers from i'm supposed to do the same squat workout as the other day with slightly different weights but since my knees won't like squatting that hard twice in a week i decided to do the same thing but with deadlifts and it worked just fine.

    Form was feeling really good and i was feeling strong especially on my first reps. Trained at the tafe gym so i had a decent platform, able to take my shirt off with the gym to myself (and my training partner) + drop weights etc. I definitely think i'll go to my tafe gym for deadlifts from now on.

    The workout was;

    Deadlift - 1 x AMRAP
    Deadlift - 8 x 3

    I got a video of the AMRAP and it looked like i could've got another rep but i'm happy with what i got, it adds up to a slightly higher projected max than i've already hit and my singles are stronger than my repetitions with sumo.

    Speed bench tomorrow and a back workout, then a rest day and the start of week 3!

  7. #287
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    I must've been really lost this morning because i was sitting around waiting for a mate to get home so we could go to the gym, i was just watching youtube videos and browsing the forum until it was time to leave. Got to the gym for my bench speed day and realized i'd forgotten my oly shoes, my bands (the main part of my speed day) and my phone. I have no idea where my head was at lol but the workout went pretty well anyway. Just upped the weight and hit the reps as fast and as hard as i could with a lot of focus on technique.

    After that everybody got to the gym, did some extra chest volume which once again i set a rep PR on the incline DB bench, i got about 20 reps with 25kg DBs (60lb?) and almost 15 with 30kg (70lb?) DBs.

    Then i did the pull-up 'challenge' (i suppose) that big rich recommended and did 50 wide-grip pull-ups in total, took me about 7 sets to do going something like 9/6/5/5/5/5/5/5/5, after the first few sets i kept capping out at 5 which i suppose was perfect.

    Then i just did bent over rows/cable rows and some arms. Whole workout looked like;

    Bench - 6-8 (sets) x 2-3 (reps)
    Pull-ups - 50 total reps
    Bent-over row - 4 x 10-12
    Incline bench - 4 x 25/20/15/12
    Cable row - 3 x 12-20

    Seated DB curl - 3 x 10-15

    Giant set with;
    Rope hammer curl - 12-20
    Machine preacher curl - 10-12
    Tricep pushdown 12-20
    Repeated - x 4

    I'm still getting heaps of acne on my shoulder/upper arms and back, not sure if it's the peptides or just diet and hygiene but it's not as bad on my face so i'm guessing it's the peptides.

    Been getting a fair few comments lately especially from my gym partner saying i'm leaning out even though i'm getting bigger, and one of my other mates asked if i'd started the juice and not told him (we planned on getting on it together before i did enough research to realize it was a bad idea) because of all the acne and the gains i've been making.

    Super hungry now, can't wait to get a feed in me.. almost dinner time.

  8. #288
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    Aug 2014
    Bench went REALLY well today, got up early to workout before going to classes and form was on point, energy was there, everything went perfectly, after that hit some rep PR's on OHP and did some close grip bench. Workout was as follows;

    Bench - 4 x 4-6 (got 6 on all 4 sets)
    OHP - 3 x 2-3
    Pull-ups - 2 x AMRAP
    Close grip bench - 4 x 6-12
    Cable row 3 x 12-20

    Workout felt great, didn't want to press too much since i've got a similar session but with upper hypertrophy in 2 days. Can't wait for squats tomorrow, everything's finally starting to get heavy and the meets creeping closer and closer. So excited to smash some PR's especially bench and get past this weak point in my total. I feel like once i get 2 plates out of the way it'll be a massive mental advantage.

  9. #289
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    Squats went pretty shitty today, felt off and barely hit my numbers, felt burnt out and had to grind a bunch of reps which sorta fried me for the rest of the day. To top that off i think i may have hurt my back from letting my form break down so much. I'm hoping it's just a pull or a strain and not a herniated or slipped disk. The pain is bearable but definitely not to do more squats or deadlifts, today anyway.

    After the squats i did a few high rep sets on the leg press then calves and finished with abs, something i haven't trained in a long time but i'm going to start incorporating a few exercises at the end of lower body days because i feel like my posture may have something to do with abdominal weakness and lower back tightness, leading me to have some lumbar lordosis and painful back pumps just from standing for extended periods of time. So i'm going to experiment with that and see what happens.

    Bench tomorrow, hopefully there's no back pain or it at least doesn't affect my bench. Worse case scenario would be not being able to even bench or having pain upon waking, but a close second would be not being able to set up properly lol. Bench went really well the other day so i'm excited to see what happens tomorrow and hopefully it's more PR's.

  10. #290
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    Benching went alright, under-ate a bit yesterday so i think it impacted on how well it went, it didn't go amazingly like the other day but i scraped by hitting the numbers. After that i just did a full upper body workout, mostly focusing on chest/delts/arms. Whole workout looked like;

    Bench 3 x 4
    Incline DB bench 4 x 8-12
    DB laterals 2 x 12-20
    Cable fly 4 x 12-15
    Superset with cable laterals 10-15

    Close grip bench 3 x 12-20
    Wide grip bench 2 x 10-12
    Seated DB curl 3 x 10-12
    Machine preacher curl 3 x 12-15
    Seated hammer curl 2 x 10-12

    Decent workout in general, starting to look a little more fluffy some days more than others or maybe i was just flat today because of the lack of carbs yesterday. I tried to make up for that this morning having 100g carbs before my workout but it just didn't work like that unfortunately.

    Back was feeling fine except for a few small occasions where it would hurt a small amount, tried to just lay off it and i'm resting tomorrow so hopefully it's good to go for deadlifts the day after.

  11. #291
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Blah this log has made me want to cut. Finish the week off and im going to cut haha

  12. #292
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by teacherman View Post
    Blah this log has made me want to cut. Finish the week off and im going to cut haha
    Haha being lean is over-rated man, it's all about them gains.

  13. #293
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    Ended out working out twice today, i was supposed to deadlift + accessory but my mid back still hurts to put a load like that on it so in the morning i just decided to bench and was planning on trying again or just doing some squats (in hope that it wouldn't hurt at all) and i hit my numbers for 6 instead of 4 like i did the other day, over or under eating is definitely the difference between a good workout for me.

    I was working out with a mate today and he was just doing whatever i'm doing so when i did the 50 rep pull-up 'challenge' (i suppose i'll call it that?' it naturally became a race, it was awsome and we smashed through it in a few minutes, we were literally 1 rep apart the whole time and we both failed half way with the last rep 3 times until i got it just before him lol, it was good.

    After that we did a bunch of cable fly's, cable rows and some arms then called it a day and headed to study.

    Then came a massive break i didn't realize we had today, about 90 minutes so everyone else headed to the gym and i decided to do some squats, worked up to some easy triples, did some pause squats then some leg press and finished with calves. The workouts in their entirety were;

    Workout A
    Bench press - 3 x 4-6 (got 6, all 3 sets PR's)
    Bench press - 1 x burn out
    Pull-ups - 50 reps
    Cable fly - 4 x 20/20/15/15
    Cable row - 4 x 20/15/15/12
    Tricep pushdown - 4 x 15-20
    Superset with rope curl - x 15-20
    Facepulls 3 x 12-15

    Workout B
    Squat - 5 x 3
    Pause squat - 5 x 3
    Leg press - 5 x 15-30, triple dropset last set
    Standing calf raise - 4 x 12-20

    All in all both workouts went really well, the leg session mostly being the fact that form was on point and i had no pain whatsoever.

  14. #294
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    Bench went great today, everything's been pushed forward a day because of the double session the other day. I plan on going in tomorrow and hitting what I've got programmed for squats but if I get near my top sets and my backs playing up at all I'll just back it down and hit the volume.

    So today went really well, overate yesterday in preparation for some heavy benching and I ended out hitting my previous max for 2 paused relatively easy, as well as smashing the programmed numbers adding an extra rep easily to the top set. After that I did a bunch of extra volume work, whole workout was;

    Bench - 3 x 3/3/3/2/2/2
    Wide grip bench - 3 x 6
    Close grip bench - 3 x 12/10/10
    Pull-ups - Total 50 reps
    Cable fly - 3 x 20/15/15
    Cable row - 4 x 20/15/15/10 + triple drop set
    Face pulls - 3 x 15
    Tricep push downs - 3 x 20-30
    Superset with preacher curl - x 20
    Rope cable curl - 3 x 15
    Superset with body weight dip - x 15

    Wasn't really a planned workout as everything's been thrown off a little but I was mostly focusing on hypertrophy for anything that needed extra volume.

    I'm pretty sure I have a tear somewhere in my right rotator cuff, I've been pretty sure for a while but the lagging development and strength in my right shoulder (my stronger arm) is sticking out like a sore thumb, going to see the doc on Wednesday to arrange and MRI and see where to go from there.

    While I'm there I'll try to talk him into checking my hormones, checking out my possible gyno as well as scanning my back.

    Get everything done at once lol.

  15. #295
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    Aug 2014
    Squats went well this morning, I ended out hitting my previous 1rm for my top set of 3 which is really encouraging. It was feeling really good today and I think I know why, squatting once a week just won't do. With the high frequency high volume training I was doing a week between squat sessions leads me to detrain really quickly.

    I squatted for a second time last week because I couldn't deadlift and it felt great, then I came in today (4 days later) and absolutely killed it. After that I just did some super sets and some abs. The whole workout was;

    Main work
    Squat - 6 x 3/3/3(PR)/8/8/8

    3 x Leg press - x 20/20/30
    Leg extension - x 15/15/20
    Leg curl - x 20/20/30

    Ab rollout 2 x 10
    Hanging leg raises 3 x 20

    Going to start adding in abs on both my squat/deadlift sessions because I think it's playing a roll in my lumbar lordosis as well as being a potential weak link (unlikely) in my lifts.

    Another bench session tomorrow, can't wait.

  16. #296
    Join Date
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    Northern Cali
    Well louie simmons says your squat depends on your abs and lower back, so its a very good idea to hit them more. He does a lot of static abs, standing.

  17. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrich4 View Post
    Well louie simmons says your squat depends on your abs and lower back, so its a very good idea to hit them more. He does a lot of static abs, standing.
    Yeah man it's definitely one of the biggest if not the biggest factor in your squat besides maybe legs, but even then if you can't stabilize a weight your legs won't get the chance to do the lift.

    What really changed my mind was an article referring to a study about the activation of the abdominals in the squat/deadlift vs abdominal focused exercises. The squat and deadlift were far superior for the posterior but the anterior (abdominals) need separate focus with ab exercises.

  18. #298
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    Bench went really well again today i hit the same numbers except this time i got my previous PR for 3 reps paused this time. Great to see my bench finally starting to make a good amount of progress. The workout was;

    Bench 5 x 3/3/3/2/2
    Weighted pull-up 3 x 5
    OHP - 3 x 2/3/3
    Close grip bench 3 x 8-10
    Cable row 3 x 15/15/10+ triple dropset

    Today at tafe we had to do some cardio testing, a 275m shuttle run for time, i got 1 minute 20 seconds and a 12 minute run which i got 2km in. I sort of surprised myself with how fit i still am compared to the average joe even though i hardly do any cardio and don't eat that well. Eating plenty of food to make up for it though haha.

    Rest tomorrow which for once i'm kind of looking forward to since i'm tired. I'll probably be saying otherwise tomorrow when it's 2pm and i'm itching to lift. After that is heavy deadlifts if i feel 100% or i'll just do some squats.

  19. #299
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    Smashed some PRs today, really happy about it. In my current training i've got my max on squats set 10kg higher than what i'd actually hit before because i hit higher projected max's with AMRAP sets multiple times beforehand. Last few sessions have shown that i'm definitely up to par with my projected max's. Today i hit;

    Squat - 140kg x 3 (same PR as the other day) and 142.5kg x 2, the heaviest i've gone with squats and got it for a double.
    Then deadlifts - 147.5kg x 3 and 152.5kg for 2, never hit them before but not necessarily PR's.

    After that i worked up on the leg press and did a triple dropset after 2 working sets, burning out at the end then some calves and called it a day.

    Trainings going really well i'm super excited to see what i can put up at the meet.

    Speed bench + pull workout tomoz.

  20. #300
    Join Date
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    Deep Down South
    datta boy, way to smash it!

    how long until your meet?

  21. #301
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    datta boy, way to smash it!

    how long until your meet?
    Thanks brother

    Just over 3 weeks.

  22. #302
    Join Date
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    Northern Cali
    Nice khaz. . Looking forward to see what yohr numbers are at the meet. keep pushing... are you planning a deload soon? Id do one about a week or more from the meet.

  23. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrich4 View Post
    Nice khaz. . Looking forward to see what yohr numbers are at the meet. keep pushing... are you planning a deload soon? Id do one about a week or more from the meet.
    Thanks rich

    I'll be deloading the week leading up to the meet, i'll only be fully resting for the two days before the meet as i find whenever i take a full week off i detrain really quickly and it takes me a week or two to get back into. This will definitely be something i play around with in future meets/training cycles though.

  24. #304
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    Bench went INCREDIBLY well today, the plan was to go in and hit a few singles at an RPE 8.5-9, i ended out hitting a 5kg PR at about RPE 9 getting 95kg for a paused single relatively easy. 100kg is definitely in my sights for the meet. After that i hit an easy 2.5kg PR on overhead press and got extra volume in with close grip and incline DB press. The whole workout was;

    Bench - 90/92.5/95kg (5kg PR)
    OHP - 60kg x 3/62.5kg x 1/65kg x 1 (PR) then 3 x 3 with 60kg
    Pull-ups - 3 x 10
    Close-grip bench - 3 x 4-6
    Barbell row - 5 x 6-12
    Incline DB bench - Worked up to a PR set of 70lb DBs (32.5kg) for 10
    Barbell curl - 3 x 10-12
    Superset seated hammer curl - x 10-12

    Really happy with the progress, had to stop myself from going for the 2 plates today, i'm definitely going to save it for the meet and keep myself keen.

    Changes in my programming have happened along the way due to injuries healing/happening and my lack of discipline when it comes to taking time off of the gym. My training has been pushed 2 days forward which is actually a good thing since it gives me a full 5 days to deload before the meet but it may induce more of a fatigue debt come meet time.

    My back playing up really threw a spanner in the works for the deadlift but it also helped me realise i need to squat twice a week to reach the full potential of my current capabilities in it, IMO deadlift goes up with your squat and not visa versa, so training it once a week should be plenty. My back is almost fully recovered though, no pain from heavy deadlifts the other day nor squats. So the plan it to repeat the last week since it was pushed forward due to the back injury and because i miscalculated the bench progression. I'll be doing a similar bench workout but slightly raising the numbers and lowering the reps, unlikely going above 92.5kg or staying around 90kg for doubles until the final week where i test with 1-4 reps on all my lifts, then deload and then it's meet time.

    Ran into the owner of the other gym i frequently train at and they're having another backyard meet a few weeks after my meet so that'll be cool, i'll probably deload the week after the meet depending on how i'm feeling then peak for 3-4 weeks before that next meet.

  25. #305
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    Squatting went as expected today, wasn't 100% recovered and my lower back was a little tired. Still managed to hit the specified numbers, triples of 135/137.5/140kg but the last rep was a bit of a grinder (expected) then after was some deadlift variations but i decided to do some technique work then some other accessories. Whole workout was;

    Squat - 135/137.5/140kg x 3
    Deficit sumo DL - 2 x 6
    Conventional DL - worked up to a conservative max
    Leg press - Worked up to 5 plates a side for 2 sets of 20 then did a x4 dropset of 8/20/30/50 reps
    Calf raises - 5 x 10-12
    Hamstring curl - 2 x 20
    Ab wheel - 3 x 10

    Was completely dead after the leg pressing then the ab rollouts, got home feeling really sick and had to sit in the shower for 20 mins, i thought i was going to spew and turned pretty pale.

    After a debate with my strength and conditioning teacher about the importance of nutrient timing he actually went out of his way to show me some research and some great study papers/meta-analysis' of previous studies and trials done to do with nutrient timing specifically of protein or protein+carbs pre/intra and post workout. I'm not fully convinced as i'm still at the stance that total protein intake is all that's really important but if there are small benifits to nutrient timing which i believe there would be then i'd like to take advantage of that as well as implement it with clients.

    For now i'm switching back to an all out bro style nutrient timing regiment with a whey/maltodextrin shake an hour before and 30-60 mins post workout. If there's any real benifit to it i'll definitely notice as my progress and recovery etc is well documented in this log as well as in some other files and folders i have documenting these things.

    Rest tomorrow (much needed) then my second last heavy(ish) bench session for the prep. Our strength and conditioning teacher expects us to test our true 1rms on tuesday but that's definitely not happening lol.
    Last edited by Khazima; 02-28-2015 at 10:31 PM.

  26. #306
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    Smashed my squat numbers today, did the same as last week except with slightly higher numbers. Got 145kg for a triple on squats after 140 for 3, which is a PR, then deadlifts were the same as last week but i missed the second rep, i could have grinded it out but my form was compromised and i was already quite fried, especially having to rush the workout.

    I'm a little unhappy that i missed the second rep and as usual i'm not happy with my deadlift form, i just can't get it right so it's back to the drawing board after the meet. I'm still confident i'll hit a PR or atleast hit 160 again at the meet.

    Bench yesterday went terribly, i accidentally lifted too much but the numbers i was hitting i should have destroyed anyway. I felt completely burnt out and feeling somewhat unmotivated. Lots of signs i'm over-reached, hardly any proper training left before i have a high intensity low volume week then a deload, then the meet. 17 days to go, can't wait to kill it.
    Last edited by Khazima; 03-04-2015 at 04:23 AM.

  27. #307
    Join Date
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    Deep Down South

    sounds like you are killin' it!!!!!!!!!

  28. #308
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post

    sounds like you are killin' it!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks man! I'm hoping the good times keep rolling haha

  29. #309
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    Last volume benching session today, worked up to a top set of 90 x 2 and hit it easily. I was rushing my sets working up to it and felt like i might miss the second rep but i was just short changing myself with the rest periods between the initial sets, i took a longer rest and absolutely annihilated the 90 x 2.

    After that i just did a whole bunch of higher rep delt/back/arm work and some but not much extra chest work. Really starting to deload the main lifts and the muscles involved in preparation for maxing next week. The workout today was;

    Bench - 3 x 3/2-4/1-2 (got 3/4/2)
    Pull-ups - 50 total reps
    DB incline bench - 1 x 20
    Cable row - 4 x 12-20
    Cable fly - 2 x 15-20
    Rope hammer curl - 3 x 12-20
    Incline DB curl - 3 x 10-12
    Superset with;
    BB curl - 10-12
    Skullkrusher - 10-12
    Close grip bench with the same bar - 20-30

    Lateral raises throughout the workout - 7-8 sets of 12-15 reps.

    Feeling great, shoulders are starting to feel a little beaten up and getting mild elbow discomfort while warming up on bench, which i think would be solved if i did more reps with just the bar or some light tricep pushdowns first.

    Hoping to keep these injuries at bay and they're definitely there but i'm confident they won't affect my meet but we'll see. Going to take some time to really let some stuff recover before i hit it hard again (post meet).

  30. #310
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    Smashed my last squat 'volume' (by volume i mean more than singles and more than 1 set) session today with a 3x3 then some deadlifts, got 3 plates for a relatively easy 3x3 with only the last rep being a grind after misgrooving really badly out of the hole.

    After that i hit a bit of deadlift variation, after a 3x6-8 of stiff leg deadlifts i played around with my conventional again this time working up to an easy 3 plates. Probably going to practice it a lot more after the meet and see where i can go with it as i'm not too happy with my sumo but i'd switched to sumo initially because i wasn't happy with my conventional.. So it's a bit of a back and forth game with the deadlift but we'll see what happens over the years to come.

    Once i got to a top set on conventionals i did some calves/abs and called it a day. Started to lose motivation somewhat, almost looking forward to a deload which is really rare for me. Can't wait to kill it, only 13 days to go.

  31. #311
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    Last 'volume' bench session today, did 4-5 singles with 90kg relatively easy, next week is a single AMRAP set with 92.5kg which will give me a good idea of what i'll be able to hit at the meet. Whole workout was;

    Bench - 5 x 1
    Pull-ups - 5 x 8-10
    Bent-over rows - 3 x 8-12
    Lateral raises superset with bent over laterals - 5 x 12-20
    Cable fly superset with cable row - 3 x 12-20

    Seated alternating bicep curl - 3 x 8-10
    Incline dumbbell curl - 4 x 8-12

    Tri-set x 4;
    Rope hammer curl - 12-15
    Rope pushdown - 12-15
    Single arm cable pushdown - 10-12

    Definitely been noticing my biceps coming along which i'm quite happy about, the increases frequency and volume is really starting to pay off. I plan on focusing more on the triceps after this prep too since i'll probably go to benching 2x per week once with a focus on chest/shoulders and once with a focus on chest and triceps probably while continuing to hit the biceps 3x per week and back 3x per week with one day focused on it.

    Super happy with how trainings going, resting tomorrow which i'm looking forward to.

    Also planning on increasing the calories since i'm stagnant on my weight at around 3000 calories so i'll start shooting around 3200-3300. Probably going to get to around 75kg from my current 72kg hopefully putting on another 1-2kg muscle before the 6 week cut when my family goes away.

  32. #312
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    Destroyed the top set of deadlifts today, it was a single set of 1-4 with 155kg and i got all 4 reps, the last one being a real grind. This puts my projected max around 170kg and with my first rep always being my best i'm hoping to get 170-175 at the meet. That's it for the deadlifts, now i've got one heavy bench session and one heavy squat session before the deload. The last few workouts will be full body workouts generally, just doing something mild for most body parts and the focus set for the day, so today was;

    Deadlift - 1 x 4
    Speed bench - 5 x 3
    Squat - 3 x 3
    Pull-ups - 4 x 8
    Cable row - 2 x 10-15
    Superset with rope pushdown - 2 x 12-15

    Deadlift felt great, really liking the power shoe so far, seems like it's only getting better the more i get used to it.

    Rest tomorrow then bench, really hoping to get all 4 reps with that too since it'll finally put me over 100kg on the bench. After that my shoulders are going to need another rest which is going to let my bench lag further behind once again more than likely. After the meet i'll be getting my x-rays/MRI's done on my shoulder to see what's really going on in there and whether it'll need surgery or not.

  33. #313
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Final heavy bench session today, 205 for 1-4, i got two and bailed on the third deciding i didn't want to grind it out. I may have been able to get it but i really wasn't feeling it.

    Just a max session of squats to go on sunday then 6 days to the meet. After bench i did some rows/pull-ups/arms and delts and called it there. Whole workout was;

    Bench - 1 x 2 then some singles and an AMRAP with 170 (got 8, PR)
    Pull-ups - 4 x 8-10
    Bent-over rows - 3 x 8-12
    Chest fly - 3 x 15-20
    Cable row - 3 x 10-12
    Seated DB curl - 2 x 12-15
    Incline DB curl - 4 x 10-12
    Tricep pushdown - 2 x 12-15
    Rope hammer curl - 3 x 12-15

    We realized a few days ago that the 20kg plates at our gym aren't 20kg, they're between 19.2-19.5kg which could make a massive difference in my deadlift and squats especially, up to 5-6kg difference on my top sets which would be the difference between making or failing my attempts at the meet. Probably going to lower my openers slightly just to see how it feels on the day, the openers i planned on hitting are relatively conservative and definite green lights but the jumps i had planned just won't work if i'm lifting 5-6kg less than i thought.

  34. #314
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Final squat session today! Instead of hitting the numbers i was supposed to hit i decided to round it off to 150kg (instead of 147.5kg) and try that for a set of 1-4. I've never had more than 145kg on my back and i hit it for 4 reps. More than likely it was actually 145kg though because of the plates probably being underweight, hence why i just rounded it off.

    Really happy with that result, putting my projected max at 164kg, hoping to hit atleast 155kg at the meet with legit weight.

    Including and after that i did;

    Squat 1 x 4
    Bench 4 x 1/1/1/5
    Pull-up 2 x 12
    Cable row 2 x 15
    Chest fly 1 x 20
    Leg press 2 x 15/20
    Lateral raise 2 x 15
    Incline DB curl 2 x 12
    Seated calf raise 3 x 15
    Ab rollout 2 x 10

    Just hit everything a little bit and called it a day. Knees are a little beat up after those squats but i was really happy with how it was feeling and moving. Super stoked with the massive PR especially hitting it while i'm sick. Woke up yesterday with a cold and felt even worse today. I'm thinking i'll be fine tomorrow or the day after.

    Woke up today at 74kg because i've been eating like crazy after having trouble gaining weight for a little while. Then my weight basically jumped 2kg in 4-5 days. Should be easy to maintain here for the next 5 days and maybe let it come down a little bit just so i can hydrate and eat more before the 2 hour weigh in.

  35. #315
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    Aug 2014
    Went in to hit some openers today except for deadlifts since i want my hips to be as fresh as possible for Saturday. Everything's feeling really easy, 140kg squat x 1 super easy and a 90kg bench just as easy, shouldn't be a problem to hit them even if the weights are heavier at the meet.

    After that i just did some light cable fly's to get the blood flowing in the chest/shoulders and a few high rep sets of rows.

    Looking into smolov JR for bench, probably going to start it the Monday after the meet in prep for the meet about 3 weeks after at a local gym (just a backyard meet). I'd like to do it for squats too but there's no way my knees would hold up so i'll just continue squatting twice and deadlifting once. If that becomes manageable i'll add a third squat day, will just have to wait and see how my knees are feeling.

  36. #316
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    First meet was today, the lifting went well but i got red lighted on 2 technicalities and failed my last deadlift attempt. I got;

    Squat 140/150/160kg, got red lighted on 160 for racking too early since the judge decided to hold the rack command for a really long time after he tried to red light me for almost racking too early on my 2nd but the other 2 were whites.

    Bench 90/95/100kg, got red lighted on the 100kg for lifting my head slightly off the bench, it was pretty funny though because i realized when it happened and tried to really slowly put my head back down hoping they wouldn't notice lol. Aced the 100kg though, really happy i've finally broken that barrier.

    Deadlift 150/165/175kg, got 1st and second clean but tried to overshoot the third, really wanted a 420kg total because that's the requirement for nationals at 74kg. Still a 5kg PR on the dead and i would've been happy with matching my previous 160kg.

    Total - 410kg/903lb

    Unofficial total - 425kg/937lb

    At 73.5kg/162lb

    Hoping to close in on the 1000lb at my next meet hopefully in 2-3 months.

  37. #317
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    Aug 2014
    Sitting at around 74.3kg right now, planning on bulking up to 80kg within the next 2.5-3 months since this is when my whole family is going away for 6 weeks and it'll be super easy to diet. Going to attack the cut pretty aggressively aiming for at least 1kg a week. Although i'll probably maintain for a while and lower the calories a little first to say 3000 so i can have more room to play. Then on the first week i'll take 200 calories and add a cardio session, the next week i'll add another cardio session and take another 100 calories then go from there. The first and last 2 weeks i'll be taking the albuterol (that i suspect is clen) that i still have leftover.

    So i haven't been logging much, just haven't been that motivated to log and my posts have been rather short so i've just decided to log less with general updates and some breakdowns of my training, once i'm dieting back down i'll probably go back to logging daily for progression purposes.

    I'm doing smolov Jr and a basic 5x5 + 3x3 for squats now, decided to see if i can go back to basic linear progression and make gains that way while i'm in a surplus and further education myself about programming. So this week has been;

    Bench press - 6 x 6 w/65kg
    Pull-ups - 5 x 8-10

    Squat - 5 x 5 w/120kg
    Deadlift - 3 x 5 w/120kg

    Bench press - 7 x 5 w/70kg
    Pull-ups - 3 x 10
    Cable row - 2 x 12-15
    Alternating bicep curl - 2 x 10-12
    Incline curl - 3 x 10-12
    Lateral raises - 2 x 12-15

    Thursday (Today)
    Bent-over row - 4 x 10-20
    Bench press - 8 x 4 w/75kg
    OHP - 2 x 3 w/60kg
    Seated bicep curl - 3 x 12-20
    Facepulls - 3 x 12-15
    Rear delt fly - 2 x 10-12
    Calf raise - 4 x 12-15

    So as you can see smolov is really frequent when it comes to bench but overall volume is probably about the same, around 30 sets for pressing total, per week. Usually i'd do 2-3 bench sessions per week with 10-15 sets of pressing in total (including chest/shoulders/triceps) and now it's just bench, hardly any accessories for pressing except for a small amount of shoulder work since i want to keep my shoulders as healthy and flexible as possible.

    The start of the week was the 5x5 for squats and 3x5 for deadlifts then later in the week is a 3x3 for squats on the final bench day. I feel this is about as much volume as my knees can handle, if i can handle more at a later time i'll probably add another day on one of the bench days for speed/power or some extra leg work. We'll see.

    Can't wait to start tapering for the mock meet and see what gains i can manage to manifest in such a short period of time!

  38. #318
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Congrats on the meet!

    When I powerlifted in college, I hated that beep!

    Looks like you have everything planned out, just execute it!

  39. #319
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    Congrats on the meet!

    When I powerlifted in college, I hated that beep!

    Looks like you have everything planned out, just execute it!
    Thanks brother!

  40. #320
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Had a club meet today, was a lot of fun and good practice for the future if two meets i want to do are close to each other. I ended out hitting;

    Squat - 162.5kg (358lb) Easily
    Bench - 105kg (231lb) Complete grind
    Deadlift - 165kg (364lb) Easily

    @ 74.3kg (164lb) Morning weight

    I should've got at least a 170kg (375lb) deadlift but i took a conservative jump for my second attempt when i should've gone for the 170 and passed on my third.

    The 162.5kg squat was super easy since i decided to leave it in the tank since i really wanted the 105 bench and 170 deadlift, i feel i could've got 165-167.5 if i went all out on my third.

    I expected the 105 bench to be a lot easier but it ended out being a really bad grind and surprisingly took a large toll on me which normally isn't the case with my bench.

    Deadlifts went amazingly, 165 flew up extremely easy but i think it just took a little too much out of me for the 170.

    432.5kg (953lb) total, 310 wilks score, 22.5kg improvement on my official total, 7.5kg improvement on my lifts.

    Really going to be focusing on my deadlift for now, my squat goes up without a worry in the world and my bench makes steady progress also, so i need to improve this poverty deadlift.

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