well i am 175 lbs and 5'11, for the past 4 months i've been eating around.. 95 g carbs 110 g protein 30 g fat.. this diet has allowed me to gain muscle but, also a nice amount of fat and now i want to get rid of that, so i need to know how low to go on the carbs, and i will have to increase the protein too
diet plan
tuna - 30 g protein
wheat bread - 26 g carbs
post workout shake
37 g protein
15 g carb
15 g fat - natural peanut butter
chicken breast
45 g protein
15 g carb
4 egg whites
15 g protein
cottage cheese - before bed
15 g protein
5 g carb
protein 142, Carbs 61, fats 15
Fats seem low i guess i need flax oil or something