I am 55yrs. young, 6ft, weight is 230lbs. & loosing fat and putting on lean weight every month . I am not obese & even down to my last 15lbs of fat to have some decent abs ?
To add FYI being big is not a goal my goal is bigger than average and lean with low body fat ! How can I acheive this and cut back on protein ? Does than mean start a caloric restricted nutrition plan ? ? ? ?
Target intake is 50% protein, 30% fat, 20% carbs and even more zero carbs for fat burning ?
I am not taking creatine but I do ingest all the protein I can ? Dr. said stop protein supplements ? I find it hard to get 300 grams of protein a day without protein shakes ? If I cut Protein back to say 200 grams I will really have some tight meal planning to do ?
Recommendations please ?
I have been on TRT for 2+ years and feel great !
In all my BW Dr. said elevated PSA and Kidney infection which may be the reason for elevated PSA. Come back in 6 weeks and will do more test to check for Prostate cancer ?
Please offer knowledgable advise ? Also said possibly not take TRT ? But my life is like night and day with TRT ? ? ? ?
Where is there common ground in fat loose and quality life ? I do not want to chance Daylais sp. sorry ?