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Thread: Alright Guys Need some advice on diet.

  1. #1

    Alright Guys Need some advice on diet.

    Ok so let me first give you guys my basic stats and backround. I am 23years old 5ft 10in tall 180lbs right now sitting approximately 10% bodyfat. I keep track of macros but would like for you guys to cretique anything thats looks like it dosent belong.
    Meal 1- 1/2 Cup original Oats, 2 Egg whites, 2 Whole eggs, 3 turky links
    Meal 2-8oz Organic almond milk blended with 1 scoop O.N. protein, 1oz almond, 1oz peanut butter.
    Meal 3/Pre Workout-6oz chicken, 4oz broccoli, 1/3 cup brown rice, 1 tbsp teryaki sauce
    Meal 4/Post Workout-6oz chicken,4oz broccoli, 4oz sweet potatoe, 1 scoop O.N. protein with 8oz water
    Meal 5-6oz tuna steak, 4oz green beans
    Meal 6-8oz Organic almond milk blended with 1oz O.N. protein, 1oz almonds, 1oz peanutbutter.
    Meal 7 2am-1 mp combat crunch protein bar
    Thats the diet guys if there is anything you guys would like to help with or that I may be doing wrong please help thank you.

  2. #2
    Unless you're a competitive bodybuilder (not men's physique etc.) I don't understand why do you need 7 meals and such a specific, detailed diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Tell us your goals too, that way we know what you are trying to achieve with this diet.

  4. #4
    I am currently 10% I would like to attemp to drop to 5% I do HIIT 6 days a week.

  5. #5
    Thanks for reply guys and 7 meals does sound like alot but I eat the same everyday for simplicity of knowing exactly the macros I have everyday lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Why do you want to be 5%? Are you planning on competing? If not then there's really no reason to get to such an unhealthy and unmaintainable bodyfat.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima
    Why do you want to be 5%? Are you planning on competing? If not then there's really no reason to get to such an unhealthy and unmaintainable bodyfat.
    He wants to be shredded

  8. #8
    Just the simple fact of setting a goal and achieving it I know that 5% is extremely hard to schieve but I like a challenge and I am up to do whatever to achieve it for this summer. After summer I would like to maintain around 7% throughout the year.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Srosarior1 View Post
    Just the simple fact of setting a goal and achieving it I know that 5% is extremely hard to schieve but I like a challenge and I am up to do whatever to achieve it for this summer. After summer I would like to maintain around 7% throughout the year.
    7% is still incredibly shredded (and unhealthy) to try and maintain, most cannot maintain that and for many maintaining a true 10% is a stretch. Not to mention maintaining that basically means you won't be making any gains unless your blasting a shitload of gear like the fitness models you see maintaining that year round and still making gains.

  10. #10
    Hey guy, if you're looking to trim down, keep shit consistent and monitor your weight loss. Aim to lose 1-2 pounds a week, and drop cals each time you hit a stick point. I like to pull from carbs, and it sounds like you've got you macros down so you're set there. Keep the weight loss slow and steady, and drop cals as little as possible to achieve your targeted poundage, which for me is about 1-200 cals each time I drop. Everybody's different, figure what's best for you.

  11. #11
    Thanks alot man allkindogains I just readjusted the diet trying to hit 170 but shredded I just recent still pulled 500lbs not the 555 I dod previously at 185 but still pretty good strength dose not feel gone but energy is def alot lower. I am thinking of adding in O.N preworkout for and extra little boost.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Srosarior1 View Post
    Thanks alot man allkindogains I just readjusted the diet trying to hit 170 but shredded I just recent still pulled 500lbs not the 555 I dod previously at 185 but still pretty good strength dose not feel gone but energy is def alot lower. I am thinking of adding in O.N preworkout for and extra little boost.
    I remember cutting and it felt like a chore to walk around at work. Definitely can zap your strength. Caffeinated fat burners are great if you've never tried them, or even just caffeine in general, helps alot with the focus and energy. I'm with these other guys tho, unless you've got a show or something specific, don't get unhealthy with it. That kind of leanness is not maintainable long term.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Diet plan seems good. You're aiming for a really low body fat percentage which you'll only be able to peak at and not maintain. I would say drop the remaining carbs and use 15-20 minutes intense cardio sessions to burn down fat but you probably won't be able to keep that up for long. Your overall diet seems though so just keep doing what you're doing.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    and get rid of the shakes

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