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Thread: New to Steroids

  1. #1

    New to Steroids

    Hey everyone, I've never taken steroids before but after doing some studying and talking to those who have I've decided I would like to try. I'm 25 6'2 253lbs 23% body fat (as of 2 weeks ago) I started a diet regimen 2 weeks ago and have been sticking with it. I used to eat just a bunch of crap all day, snack cakes, cheeseburgers, junk like that. I work out 2x daily and I know having a good diet will make feel and look better, but I want to put on some size. I know I need to get my BF lower before I start my first steroid regime, but at what point do yall recommend?
    Here's my new diet plan. Questions, comments, and concerns are greatly appreciated.

    7 am

    5 hard boiled eggs
    1 cup oatmeal
    1 cup yogurt

    10 am

    1 supreme Large PB&J protein bar
    1 banana
    2 oranges

    1 pm

    1 cup brown rice
    8 oz chicken, tilapia, or tuna
    1 cup vegetables

    4 pm

    Nitro Tech Protein shake with bananas and strawberries

    7 pm

    1 1/2 cups Brown Rice
    12 oz chicken, tuna or tilapia
    2 cups vegetables

    Before bed

    Protein shake
    1 cup of yogurt.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Get your bodyfat down to below 15%, as high bodyfat leads to an increase of estrogen. First cycle should be test only, stacking comes later.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    North Carolina USA
    Also be sure to build a solid foundation of muscle before starting a cycle to prevent injuries

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