I am pretty new here as you may have guessed. I am 6'1, 19, about 185 and have been seriously working out for around 7 months now. Ive been eating serious for about 2 and a half. Ive noticed great results naturally so far, but wondering if my diet is ok. Here it is pretty much:
7 am 5 egg whites, 1 slice whole wheat with a lil p.b. half proteing bar, banana
12 pm 3 peices grilled chicken, half protein bar
2pm can of tuna on whole wheat with almost NO mayo, few baked chips, bowl of rice
5 pm Dinner: usually fish, chicken, potatoes, or whatever my parents cook (still am at home, commute to college--SHOOT ME!)
after gym: protein shake
9pm grilled chicken, half protein bar
I cheat and eat what i want one day a weak, and once in awhile throw a snack in here n there
So what are your opinioons on this? I appreciate everything in advance. Thanks a lot, MATT