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Thread: feathers feathers feathers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    feathers feathers feathers

    allright..just finished my food preps for this week I'm FINALLY back on some sort of routine so I can plan my meals and my training.....

    6# grilled chicken
    36 Hard Boiled Egg Whites
    4# frozen green beans (thank you sam's club!)
    6 small green apples
    4 small oranges
    6# cottage cheese
    20 oz yogurt
    pro-rated chocolate
    flax, vits

    i'm definately ready to hit it hard again...goin home in 7 weeks and ready to make some changes. I think I had forgotten what a full fridge looked that wasn't full of beer anyway

    ohh...btw, i finally got my pro-rated...gotta say, it's the best tasting protein i've had....lookin forward to not dreading it daily!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Damn you really "DO" eat alot in one day, I eat that much usually in a few days to a week. Good to hear you're back on track darlin'. Now no more excuses............ I told you that you'd like PRO-RATED, but nnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooo, don't listen to ole' BT here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    An apartment
    lot of food

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    KC, I take it that when you're on the program you prep all your meals on Sunday for the week? I do that myself. I go as far as to place each meal in containers and throw them in our frig here at work. I get ribbed all the time about the fact I take up two shelves. HA I'm lucky everyone knows that it is part of my lifestyle and they are supportive. We have about 400-500 people in the building and everyone knows all that damn food is mine.

    Question for there KC; do you spend as much money for "good" food each week compared to eating (we'll call it bad food) out each day during the week? I'm sure we both spend a good bit but I still think it's cheaper and far better for you to bring it with you, for sure. In my line of work everyone goes out to eat everyday for lunch. In fact I buy so much chicken I had to buy a deep freezer. Bet I have sixty pounds of chicken right now. Damn convenient and when I catch a good sale I buy everything they’ll let walk out with.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    yep that's my intake for the week....can't imagine eatin what ya'll eat everyday! I spend WAY less takin my own food, cuz even when I eat out, I'm eatin fajitas or grilled chicken on spinach or somethin. I just don't classify that as good cuz I didn't cook it so I don't know what's in it. Took my Choc Pro-Rated to the office yesterday, what a difference that makes. Instead of having to eat actual food four or five times a day there, I can shake up two or three, quicker and easier on the ol' brain YEP were right gotta make ya work for it tho

    only part about this whole deal I'd change would be wakin up tiger's to the point where i gotta get food before i hop in the shower

    here's today

    5:00am cottage cheese/orange
    8:00am chicken/green beans
    10:00am Pro-rated
    12:00pm chicken/green apple
    2:00pm pro-rated
    4:00pm pro-rated
    7:00pm steak/green beans
    8:30pm egg whites
    10:00pm cottage cheese

    hit the gym around 5pm got chest/back tonight
    Last edited by kc; 06-24-2003 at 06:25 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    MAke me work huh? YA slave driver! Looks good, but "if" you can I'd move the shakes around to 1 before your workout and the other before bed. I like more real foods in my belly during the day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    no comment on that one BT

    yea, i know the shakes should be moved but it's really the only way i'll eat every couple of hours now. if i bring food to work i'll skip meals....the protein's right there and i'm at the cooler fillin up at those times's habit to grab a shake. i know i know...i suck at the nutrition part...but i'm workin on it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hey, no problem, shakes are better than nothing. How about tossing in some natty pb with those shakes or some oats to make it more like a meal? I know you're working on it, just tossing in my .02, trying to make ya better.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Looks like youve got it all figured out, i guess your gowing low carb right? Are you not going to get any carbs from Potatoes or bread sources atleast once a day? Im not saying its bad, just wondering.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    two or three times a week i'll add sweet potato or some sort of bread. I found this sunflower whole wheat stuff that i keep in the house for the hubby and it's all good if decide i need a slice...8g's carbs per big slice isn't too bad.

    As far as going low carb, it's really the only thing my body reacts to. I can go moderate carb and kick up the cardio and not get the results of hittin really low carbs and some moderate cardio. On top of all that, i busted my ass to put on this lean mass and i'm refusing to lose it. I just gotta make sure i eat enough green stuff, chicken and other forms of protein.

    BT you hard ass i added some natty pb today to my 2:00 and munched on some almonds at my 4:00 that'll be my start...

    other than when like shit.....gotta love bs at work!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hard ass!?!?!!?! Na, I just want to see what ya look like at 11% Besides I can say all I want but you're the one that knows what your ody responds to.

    I know what you do all day and I still can't believe you get paid for it, and how dare you call it work.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    got tossed to the wolves yesterday man...and paid for it. Today will be the day i'll see if i'm really a chick of if i can blow it off like everything else....little bit of sleep and some heavy weights helped a little with all that.

    you wanna see me at 11%??? you're right tho, i still gotta blame all this food i'm eatin on somethin

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