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Thread: Please critique my cutting diet

  1. #1

    Please critique my cutting diet

    Stats are;
    age 31
    14% bf
    210 lbs
    6 2'

    TDEE is 2882

    Meal 1
    protein powder 1 scoop
    Oats(dry, 2/3 cup)
    half grape fruit
    3 fish oil pills

    Meal 2
    smoked salmon (160 grams)
    green veggies (125 grams)

    Meal 3
    egg whites 1 1/2 cups
    coconut oil (1/2 tbsp)
    green veggies (125 grams)

    Meal 4 (pre workout)
    lean ground beef (150 grams)
    brown rice

    Meal 5 PWO
    protein powder (2 scoops)

    Meal 6
    1/2 scoop whey, 1 scoop casein
    1 tbsp natty PB

    calories 2026 pro 230 carb 159.5 fat 47.5

    Trying to cut down to 195-200.....My calories are coming in a bit lower than i wanted and i was wondering where/what you guys would change. Meal 2 only has 232 calories. Please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Do you know your actual maintenance calories? Not a calculated TDEE but have you tried eating at, say 2700cals daily for 10-14 days and seeing what happens to your weight?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Middle Earth
    Too lazy right now being 6am here, but do you know what your Macro ratio's are right now with this plan? Looks too low to begin with (calorie wise), so what were you at BEFORE you started this diet (caloric intake)? If you were at 3000 calories and dropped this low, you will initially drop a ton of weight but then stalemate. If I were at 3000 calories BEFORE, I'd drop say 3-400 calories and keep it at that until you don't see either a) body fat drop, or b) weight loss and then go down another 3-400. Up your cardio if you haven't already. Typically I do about 250 calorie a day drop and add in about 20 min of cardio which will usually burn another 2-250 calories which add up to 4-500 calorie a day deficit.

    Now as far as your Macro's ratio, some may agree with it and some may not. I normally go low in carbs with every 3rd day refeed. If you go low in carbs, up your protein to prevent catabolic effects. I usually do about 50% protein, 30% Carbs, and 20% fats (shouldn't go lower than 20% in fats--- hormonal effects). Then every third day I just simply flip carbs and proteins (50% carbs, 30% protein) and focus on eating those carbs around my workouts (pre and post).
    Hope that makes sense....

  4. #4
    Ya i was following ol Scooby's cutting meal planner (basically chicken, mixed veggies, flax seed, oats) for the last 4 mths and eating 2600 calories a day. This has got me to 210lbs, which ive been at for past mth. Now i wanted to try something new and also throw in some more cardio.

  5. #5
    I should mention the diet i was on previous was a 45 pro/30 carb/25 fat split

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Middle Earth
    Honestly man, At 6'2" and 210 I don't know if you NEED to go any lower. I would def throw in some cardio. Here's what I would do: Stay at the same caloric intake, just drop fats to 20%, Carbs to 50% and look into some HIIT cardio. Start off with once a week HIIT and then throw in 20-30 min of cardio after your workouts of steady state cardio. HIIT cardio is like 10-20 min tops of balls to the wall sprints, Jump rope, etc with minimal break. You WILL be gassed out, you WILL be burnt out, but I guarantee you will see results within a few weeks. I recommend doing them on your "off" day from weight, preferably not around leg training day. Look into that if you like.

    Fellas, any thing I'm missing or disagree with?

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