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Thread: are my carbs too low for my diet ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    are my carbs too low for my diet ?

    on a pretty strict diet as of yesterday as im trying to get my bodyfat from about 16% down to about 8% this is a rough layout im just wondering if my carbs are too low ? atm im weighing 92kg at 6'

    meal 1:
    8 egg whites
    2 whole eggs
    20g whey protein
    small bowl oats


    meal 2:
    40g whey iso
    2 scoops instant oats (40g carbs)

    meal 3:
    2 chicken breasts
    150g brown basmati rice

    meal 4:
    2 chicken breasts
    half head broccoli or peas
    table spoon peanut butter

    meal 5:
    chicken breast
    200g cottage cheese
    small pot blueberries

    does this look okay ? im worries about dropping my carbs too low and loosing some size. i am on a cycle or test/tren/eq which will obv help hold onto muscle tissue so overall diet wise and the fact im on cycle does the diet look good for my goals ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Dropping carbs to low will not make you lose size but dropping calories too low will. I did not calculate out all your macros and total calories and you might get more responses if you do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    South FL
    What are your daily macros?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Middle Earth
    Hey man, I'm too lazy to try and figure out these macros for you. Especially since a "small pot of blueberries" can vary in size in terms of who is making them lol. Be more specific (you are going to have to anyways if you want to get down below 10% anyways) and get us some numbers to work with.

    BTW, KBall, nice avatar. I like me a volleyball player ;-)

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