Forgot to post on Friday and Yesterday was last part of my daughters birthday gift, a day at a waterpark, so no training that day. Will try to squeeze in something today but my wife had to work so probably not possible.
Friday's workout:
1. Odd Object Conditioning
5 rounds NOT for time of:
50m D-Ball Carry, 150/100
25 Calorie Row
100m 1-arm Dummbell OH Carry - 20kg
2. Conditioning
30 Thrusters (95/65)
30 Box Jump Overs, 24/20
30 Cal Row
30 TTB
3. Odd Object Conditioning
4 rounds of:
40m Hand over hand sled pull - 100kg
1min Handstand Stand against Wall
Monday and felt pretty fired up to start training today. I am now, usually, no longer training myself as I have got to other people showing up who also may want to try and compete. This is tremendously inspiring and I think we are all better off for it.
Today's workout:
1. Snatch*
A. 1x3 at 60%,
B. 1x3 at 70%,
C. 3x3 at 75%
*All reps are to drop from the top.
NOTE: I actually started doing 40kg instead of my usual 30kg. I realize how pathetic that sounds but this feels like a big improvement in my form in the last week.
2. Snatch Pull
A. 3x3 at 90%
B. 2x3 at 95%
NOTE: Used 80kg here
3. Back Squat
5 reps at 78%, 125kg
1 rep at 83%, 135kg
5 reps at 78%, 125kg
1 rep at 86%, 140kg
5 reps at 78%, 125kg
1 rep at 89%, 145kg
4. Strength Conditioning
5 rounds NOT for time of:*
Max Push Press, Bodyweight
Max Strict TTB
*No rest between movements, 3-minute rest between rounds
NOTE: Forget Bodyweight on this one. Used 80kg on the first round and 60kg on the remaining ones. TTB I am doing and easy 20 now before dropping to the ground.
5. Strength Accessory
3-5 Supersets of:
5 Pausing C2B Pull ups (pause for 2-5 second contacting chest to bar on each rep)
5 Glute-Ham Raises
NOTE: Using SUPER strict form and did not do more than 5 of these pull-ups. Ham raises is no problem and used a 32kg KB.
6. Cross Over Symmetry Iron Scap Protocol
NOTE: Used red band. Will switch to using two bands next time locked to a pole.
Today's workout focused on conditioning, and I am starting to like that part. Think I'll have a fairly steep hill to climb to convince others that it is fun (Hi Kelkel). Excellent workout altogether. After that, I headed down to The Sparrc Institute (Sparrc Institute - India's No. 1 Sports Medicine centre located at Chennai , Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad , Bangalore, Coimbatore) to have the Doctor look at my right brachialis and bicep muscles that are hurting as hell. Will start treatment in a day or two.
Today's workout:
1. Conditioning
5 Minute Window
60 Cal Row + 1 Rd of Cindy
AMRAP Power Cleans, 60kg
- 5 min rest -
5 Minute Window
40 Cal Row + 2 Rds of Cindy
AMRAP Power Cleans, 70kg
- 5 min rest -
5 Minute Window
20 Cal Row + 3 Rd of Cindy
AMRAP Power Cleans, 70kg
2. Row Conditioning
9 x 1:40m on,:20s off (2 min rest after round 5)
3. Midline
4 Giant Sets of:
45s Hand Stand against wall
Wednesdays are starting to feel a bit easier, so the load of this new program is starting to feel Ok in my body. Right arm, though, felt like it was about to fall off, so the treatment is coming just at the right time. Hopefully, he will work his magic like the last time.
Today's training:
1. Clean and Jerk
A. 3 Cleans +1 Jerk at 60% (should be done as clean, clean, clean, jerk)
B. 3 Cleans +1 Jerk at 70% (should be done as clean, clean, clean, jerk)
C. 3 Cleans +1 Jerk at 75% (should be done as clean, clean, clean, jerk)
C. 2 sets of 2 Cleans +1 Jerk at 80% (should be done as clean, clean, jerk)
NOTE: My technique is absolutely deplorable here so stuck on 60kg when doing it correctly. Otherwise, it always becomes a power clean and then a squat.
2. Clean Pull
A. 3x3 at 90%
B. 2x3 at 95%
NOTE: 80kg, 100kg
3. Front Squat
A. 3 reps at 78%
B. 1 rep at 83%
C. 3 reps at 78%
D. 1 rep at 85%
E. 3 reps at 78%
F. 1 rep at 87%
NOTE: This also needs a lot of technique work so running low weights. Rotated between 80kg and 100kg each set.
4. Conditioning
1500m Row
200 SU
1km run
200 SU
1500m Row
NOTE: Finished in 22 minutes
5. Gymnastics Conditioning
5x5 Strict Deficit HSPU
NOTE: Hilariously put up two boxes and miserably failed to get back up. Used a couple of plates for a full, normal, range of motion.
09-28-2016, 09:48 AM #365
damn man, you are crushing it, i mean crushing it!!!
i joined a gym but they don't have half the equipment i was looking for but it is a gym nonetheless
keep kicking that arse!
Missed posting yesterday! As it was Rest day I worked chest at the old gym. Even though my chest is completely ripped apart after my workout I still feel like something is missing as the CrossFit load is so heavy. Weird how my perspective have changed.
Today it became impossible to not think about the arm as it made itself known as each and every part of the workout. I added some extra stuff as I never got fully exhausted, cardio wise, today!
1. ODD Object Conditioning
3x10 Overhead Pistols (alternate 5 reps on each side)
NOTE: Still using Green Band between two poles to do this one. Not sure I will ever be flexible enough to do this one. Used bodyweight only.
2. ODD Object Condition
Complete 5 of the following Complex with unlimited rest between rounds
5 Double KB Russian Swings
5 Double KB Front Squats
5 Double KB Push Jerks
NOTE: Used 20kg KB.
3. Conditioning
9 Chin-ups, 20 Clean and Jerks
15 HSPU, 20 Power Snatches
76 SU, 20 Overhead Squats
1st round every barbell is 40kg
2nd round every barbell is 50kg
3rd round every barbell is 60kg
4th round every barbell is 70kg
NOTE: Got to second round of OH Squats. Doing my first OH Squat on the second round I passed out for about 2 seconds, luckily the barbell fell forward. Just not enough blood in the head. Quite entertaining :-) Work hard aye!!!
4. Conditioning
Games Pushups
Air Squats
5. Midsection
Plank to the Sound of Moby's Flower (Sally)
Each time he said Sally up my partner added 5kg on my back. Got to 60kg both rounds.
6. Strenght
7. Conditioning
Hollow Rocks
Air Squats
Toes to Bar
Only had time for a quick workout today. Will 100% squeeze in something tomorrow during the day.
EMOM 20:
Minute 1: Squat 60kg, 10 reps
Minute 2: Bench 60kg, 10 reps
Minute 3: Wall Balls 9kg, 10 reps
Minute 4: Row, 10 calories
Got into to full recovery mode today. Did some running and some swimming. Tomorrow it's time for Dr. Kannan at 6.30am to start the process of getting my right arm fixed.
Today's recovery training:
Run 3.55km
Swim 500m
Run 3.55km
10-02-2016, 08:21 AM #370Originally Posted by tarmyg
Squeezed in a workout yesterday as the therapist said it was fine to use the legs.
10 Rounds For Time
100 Single- Unders
50 Air squats
10 Single-leg squats
Time: 66m 18s
First things first, arm update: The therapist has not been able to solve my problem this time. I have requested another guy to do my treatment after this guy I have now complained that "You have too much muscle, Sir". I literally said, "You got to be fucking with me?", and immediately apologized for my outburst. But seriously!!! Regardless, got another guy looking at this tomorrow who apparently help the muscular guys, LOL. These guys would probably pass out if some of the very people from this forum showed up. HAHA.
Today's training:
1. Back Squat
Triple at 80%
Single at 85%
Triple at 80%
Single at 87%
Triple at 80%
Single at 90%
2. Conditioning
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95#)
1 Mile Run
10 Rope Climbs
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees
3. 5k Row
4. EMOM 20 minute
Min 1: 10 Bench Presses @ 70kg
Min 2: 10 Wallballs, 20lb
Min 3: 10 Calories on Assault Bike
10-10-2016, 08:00 AM #374
10-10-2016, 10:07 AM #375Originally Posted by RaginCajun
Had a second opinion from another therapist and this guy came highly recommended from another CrossFit guy and boy did he push. Tears dripping out of my eyes. He also worked hard on my lats and it turns out this is the main problem. My lower arm felt so much better afterward. He also said muscle strength in the lats needs to significantly improve to make the problem stay at bay for the long term. I will stick with this guy for sure. The bad news is he told me to ABSOLUTELY NOT use my arms for 10-days but in the big scheme of things, this is of course not a big deal. I can do everything else so will be a lot of squats, midsection, and conditioning.
1. Gymnastics Push Conditioning
5x5 unbroken strict Parallette HSPU, 1 min rest between sets
2. Conditioning
EMOM x 21
Min 1: 10 Romanian Deadlift, 110kg x 3 rounds, 90kg x 4 rounds
Min 2: 20 GHDSU, 20 x 4 rounds, 15 x 3 rounds
Min 3: 100 Single-unders
3. Row Conditioning
4 x 2 min row at 2k pace, 1 min rest
4. Recovery
Crossover Symmetry Recovery Protocol
10-11-2016, 12:38 PM #377
10-11-2016, 12:43 PM #378
Weak lats? Really. Why the lats?
Did some training today which included back squats, that loaded the arms way too much. As much as it is mentally taxing I will need to really stop doing weight training for another 10 days and do Air squats, hollow rocks, box jumps, running and so on. I will simply not heal otherwise. Sounds easy but my mind is not as easily convinced.
10-12-2016, 10:25 AM #381
Recovery is still going on and I will go with that for another 30-days. Yes, 30-days :-(. Now, I am allowed to do anything lower body so but not any weighted squats at this time as it loads shoulders quite a bit. He said that might be fine in a week or so. With all that in mind, I am doing what I can to stay active.
Today's workout:
1. Hang Squat Clean - Using PVC Pipe
50 reps
2. Front Squat - Using PVC Pipe
200 reps
3. Conditioning - Using no Ball
100 Wallballs (20/14#)
50 Hollow-Rocks
50 Wallballs
25 Hollow-Rocks
5. Assult-Bike Conditioning
10 rounds of:
15 seconds above 700/500 watts, followed by 1:15 active recovery
10-19-2016, 08:11 AM #383
damn man, 30 days is a while.
looks like you won't be skipping any leg days!
This is the first day that I was allowed to test the limits of how the therapy is working. Some very minor pain but my conditioning have majorly suffered and it was very hard to complete things. My midsection is strong, I am more able to do many things but the time has come to nail down those darn Muscle Ups and Handstand Walks.
Today's workout:
1. Conditioning
"Bouncy House"
3 Rounds:
12 Deadlifts (95/65#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (95/65#)
6 Jerks (95/65#)
Time remaining: Max Calorie Bike
Rest 4:00
NOTE: Finished three rounds but got zero calories in on the Assult Bike
2 Rounds:
12 Deadlifts (135/95#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (135/155#)
6 Jerks (135/95##)
Time remaining: Max Calorie Bike
Rest 4:00
NOTE: Finished 2 rounds but got zero calories in on the Assult Bike
1 Round:
12 Deadlifts (155/105#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105#)
6 Jerks (155/105#)
Time remaining: Max Calorie Bike
NOTE: Only got to 4 HPC's and after that, I could not complete anymore.
As I was not able to get more calories in on the bike I added one round of Tabata on the Assult Bike to make up for it.
2. Run Conditioning
4x1000m on True Form
Rest 3 min between sets
3. Conditioning
3 RFT:
20 20# Wall Balls
20 Calories on Assult Bike
TIME: ~15 minutes
4. Shoulder Conditioning
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap protocol
Second update: As I am not able to train as hard I have started to control my calories a bit more. Not really dieting but no reason to have extra food if it will just become fat anyways. I have limited it to 2800kcal/day for now and see where I land.
10-25-2016, 09:25 AM #386
that is my problem, i eat too damn much!
keep on keeping on!
Awesome workout today. Feels like I have not been able to say that in a long time even though that is, of course, mostly in my head. We have a new guy helping with the programming so it looks a bit confusing but it makes sense when you understand how it is written. Exactly why he needed to change years of praxis is unknown to me but it works :-)
1. Clean & Jerk
60%/2+1 - 40kg
65%/2+1 - 50kg
70%/2+1 - 60kg
(75%/2+1)2 - 70kg
2. Clean Pull
(85%/3)4 - 80kg
NOTE: Need to add more weight
3. Front Squat:
(70%/4)5 - 80kg
NOTE: Used way to little weight here, should have been 95-100kg
4. Conditioning
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Deficit HSPU
15 Front Squats - 60kg
20 Calorie Row
NOTE: 15 calories left on the 3rd round, so close to 4 round ;-)
5. Bike Conditioning
10 Rounds:
15 seconds above 700/500 watts, followed by 1:15 active recovery
Been training for the last couple of days but not posted it. Been testing out my arm, today was a big fail. Both arms felt like they were going to fall off. I am starting to think that nothing but some serious time off and therapy will help. Anyways, here is the training for today and a big line where I stopped.
3x (500 easy + 300 fast) with no rest between distances or sets
Rest 3 Min
3x (400 easy + 200 fast) with no rest between distances or sets
Rest 3 Min
3x (300 easy + 100 fast) with no rest between distances or sets
1. Strength Conditioning
20 Thrusters 60kg
Rest 3 Min
15 Thrusters 55kg
Rest 3 Min
9 Thrusters 55kg
2. Conditioning
5 RFT:
1 Rope Climb
2 Cleans 55kg
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs 40"
After the 4 rope climbs and the previous thrusters, my arms died. The problem is my technique on thrusters puts all load on my front arms during the squat and not resting on my shoulders. I think if I can fix this that would be a tremendous help. I stopped here today so not much of a workout.
Rest 4 Min
4 RFT:
1 Rope Climb
2 Cleans (245/165#)
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs (40/30")
Rest 3 Mins
3 RFT:
1 Rope Climb
2 Cleans (245/165#)
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs (40/30")
Rest 2 mins
2 RFT:
1 Rope Climb
2 Cleans (245/165#)
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs (40/30")
Rest 1 min
1 RFT:
1 Rope Climb
2 Cleans (245/165#)
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs (40/30")
3. Conditioning
5 Rounds, NOT for time:
10 Strict TTB
150m Sled Drag - you choose the weight
10 GHD Bench Press* (65/45#)
*Face up with butt off the pads press the bar as slowly as possible keeping it in line shoulders (not drifting towards your waist)
Rest 1-2 min between rounds
Monday and back at CrossFit today after recovering yesterday. Arm's felt better today and I tried to 100% focus on the form today to see if there is a difference when doing Thrusters and it seems to make a difference.
1. Snatch
NOTE: Low weight as always trying to nail form. 30kg used.
2. Snatch Pull
NOTE: Low weight again purely focusing on form. 60kg used.
3. Back Squat
60%/4 - 110kg
70%/4 - 115kg
75%/4 - 120kg
(80%/4)2 - 130kg
4. Conditioning
7 Front Squats
7 Push Jerks
NOTE: Prescribed weight was 43kg. Slow as conditioning is returning. 25.54 minutes.
These conditioning sessions are getting more and more insane and I absolutely love it. I am replacing some pull-ups with jumping pull-ups to lessen the load on my arms. One thing I noticed today is that they recover much faster that previously. Simply do not hurt for as long.
1. Conditioning
27 Cal Row
27 Burpees
27 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
Rest 4:00
21 Cal Row
21 Burpees
21 Toes-to-Bar
Rest 4:00
15 Cal Row
15 Burpees
15 Pull-ups
2. Conditioning
Every 4:00 for 20:00 (5 Rounds):
400m Run
12 Jumping Pull-ups
6 Strict Pull-ups
3. Midline Conditioning
75 GHD Hip Extensions
50 GHD Hip Extensions
4. Shoulder Conditioning
Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap Protocol
Great workout today but still keeping weights low. I am going to perfect that darn Clean form. I did notice today that it is a pure mental block so trying to work through that. I tied up both arms with some wraps, helped greatly.
1. Clean & Jerk
NOTE: Used only 40kg for all lifts.
2. Clean Pull
NOTE: Used 100kg
3. Front Squat
NOTE: Joined a Bootcamp in the morning so legs were already a bit fried. Kept weight at 90kg, initially did one rep at 110kg.
4. Barbell Conditioning
6 RFT:
3 Hang Squat Cleans
1 Push Press
3 Low Hang Squat Cleans (below knee)
1 Push Jerk
3 Squat Cleans
1 Split Jerk
*Rest 1:30 after each round
NOTE: Used 40kg for all reps
5. Bike Conditioning
5 Rounds:
3 Min max cals
2 Min Rest
NOTE: Burned about 251kcal
Rest day yesterday but today I was back at it. Had an amazing workout honestly and I for the first time felt like my Clean technique is starting to come along. Not any amazing weights but I really felt like I could have lifted more which was not the case just last week.
1. Snatch
65%/3 - 30kg
70%/3 - 30kg
75%/3 - 30kg
80%/3 - 30kg
85%/3 - 40kg
2. Clean & Jerk
65%/3 - 30kg
70%/3 - 40kg
75%/3 - 50kg
80%/3 - 60kg
85%/3 - 60kg
3. Back Squat
60%/3 - 100kg
70%/3 - 110kg
75%/3 - 120kg
(80%3)3 - 130kg
4. Conditioning
60 Single-unders
30 Wallballs 9kg
15 Deadlifts 110kg
NOTE: Three rounds completed
5. Odd Object Conditioning
6 Rounds, NOT for time:
50m Prowler Push, climbing in weight
NOTE: Kept a steady 60kg on the sled
6. Mid Line Conditioning
8x3 Strict L-sit Pull-ups
11-04-2016, 10:03 AM #393
way to get it T!
Slightly brutal day today :-)
3x (500 easy + 300 fast) - no rest between distances or sets
Rest 3 min
3x (400 easy + 200 fast) - no rest between distances or sets
Rest 3 min
3x (300 easy + 100 fast) - no rest between distances or sets
1. Conditioning
“Adderall”1. Conditioning
With a running clock:
1 Mile Run
Max Clean & Jerks 60kg
800m Run
Max Power Snatch 50kg
400m Run
Max Thrusters 40kg
2. Gymnastics Conditioning
3 Rope Climbs
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
30 Pistols
2 Rope Climbs
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30"/24")
20 Pistols
1 Rope Climb
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (40"/30")
10 Pistols
3. Odd Object Conditioning
2x200m Farmers Walk 2x32kg KB
Rest as needed between sets
Another decent day of training.
1. Snatch
60%/4 - Bar weight
70%/4 - 30kg
75%/4 - 40kg
(80%/4)2 - 50kg
2. Snatch Pull
(95%/3)4 - 80kg
3. Back Squat
(80%/4)5 - 130kg
4. Conditioning
"Nasty Girls"
3 RFT:
50 Air Squats
10 Hang Power Cleans - 60kg
5. Conditioning
12 Bar Facing Burpees
*Record your slowest time
Ninja: < 28 seconds
Advanced: < 31 seconds
Intermediate: < 34 seconds
Novice: < 37 seconds
Fairly screwed up day as arms gave out while doing Thrusters, completely lost engagement after that as arms simply would not stop hurting and skipped second part of the workout. Oh well, new day tomorrow!
1. Conditioning
Thrusters - 40kg
Rest 4:00
Deadlifts - 110kg
Handstand Push-ups
Rest 4:00
30 Clean & Jerks - 60kg
All in all a crap workout!
11-08-2016, 06:54 AM #397
You still haven't rested yet so take it easy on those arms
In the old gym killing chest a bit. If I do not feel like I am literally dying after each workout I feel like something is wrong :-) And doing just chest is not getting me there but it was a good session nevertheless.
Great workout today as I replaced some of the scheduled stuff to spare the arms. I guess my strength will, in the long-term, suffer but my conditioning will be better. Chest was extremely sore today after yesterday making Snatches a bit difficult :-)
1. Snatch
65%/2 - 25kg
70%/2 - 55kg
75%/2 - 55kg
80%/1 - 55kg
85%/1 - 55kg
90%/1 - 55kg
2. Wallballs
3. Back Squat
60%/3 - 100kg
70%/3 - 110kg
75%/3 - 120kg
80%/3 - 130kg
(85%/3)2 - 135kg
4. Conditioning
22 Wallballs
22 Power Snatch - 35kg
22 Box Jumps
22 Push Press - 35kg
22 Calorie Row
NOTE: Got 2.5 rounds but started 3 minutes later than everyone else.
First workout after being under the weather a bit during this week but I did great though :-) New Snatch, Clean and Jerk and Overhead Squat PR's. Nothing impressive comparing to anyone else but considering I fell forward using only the bar 3-months back I feel good about it.
1. Snatch
65%/2 - 20kg
70%/2 - 30kg
75%/2 - 40kg
80%/1 - 50kg
85%/1 - 60kg
90%/1 - 60kg
Heavy Single (limit to 3 attempts)
2. Clean & Jerk
65%/2 - 40kg
70%/2 - 50kg
75%/2 - 60kg
80%/1 - 70kg
90%/1 - 80kg
Heavy Single (limit to 3 attempts)
3. Conditioning
5 Rounds:
20 Pull-Ups
30 Pushups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Air Squats
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First Test-E cycle in 10 years