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Thread: Diet on stack

  1. #1

    Diet on stack

    Wondering what the best diet for the stack I'm going to do. And how much water daily should I drink while on said stack.

    Deca 400mg/w
    Test C 600mg/w
    Equipoise 400mg/w

    For 16 weeks

    Looking for recovery from injuries and building lean dense muscle.

    5 Years Training

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    At 22% body fat, I am assuming you are cutting and around those levels it really does not matter much as long as you are in a deficit and being CONSISTENT with your choice of method. Just get enough protein during the day and make up the other stuff as you go along. You will, most likely, maintain muscle but not gain any, or nearly none.

  3. #3
    It's for sport not cutting I'm not too worried about BF just that I'm injury free or (close too).

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