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Thread: 1000mg caffeine per day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    1000mg caffeine per day

    Hey guys. So throughout the course of a day ill have maybe 1-2 energy drinks , a diet soda, and a scoop and a half of preworkout

    150mg caffeine per energy drink,
    Diet soda has around 60mg for the amount i drink
    Preworkout (Mr Hyde) has around 420..and i take a scoop and a half.

    Whats the worst that can happen if i keep the consumption of caffeine up so high? One time i did 900mg throughout the day and had a 40mg eph ECA instead of preworkout before working out and it got pretty serious and scary but i dont take ECA anymore.

    Is there any benefit considering i dont get negative sides?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I can't answer your question about caffeine, but I can tell u that I stay away from all the soda and energy drinks. (Lot of sugar or artificial flavorings that I just don't feel is helpful)

    That being said I do drink a cafe a day and sometimes take a pre workout with some caffeine and have never really had any problems

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island
    Caffeine exerts the same effects regardless of source. Why spend more money on pre-workouts or energy drinks when a simple coffee will suffice?

    The Effects of Red Bull Energy Drink Compared With Caffeine on Cycling Time-Trial Performance. - PubMed - NCBI

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by hellomycognomen View Post
    Caffeine exerts the same effects regardless of source. Why spend more money on pre-workouts or energy drinks when a simple coffee will suffice?

    The Effects of Red Bull Energy Drink Compared With Caffeine on Cycling Time-Trial Performance. - PubMed - NCBI
    Good read, now the question would be is a black coffee healthier then a red bull haha. I'm going to assume coffee is a little better for u

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    good points guys..

    I used to be a fat shit...and I substituted things like Soda and juices with diet sodas (occasional) , and zero calorie energy drinks...

    coffees obviously better... but a nice cold fizzy energy drink that has zero calories is just too good to pass up...

    its not an active goal to try and obtain caffeine...i just so happen to take these things in that have alot of caffeine in them. I've built a tolerance to it, yes. a big one.

    pre workouts I drink for the caffeine, the beta alanine, the hordonine , etc. It's lost its effect since I havent ever stopped taking preworkout, but its more of a mental thing now lmao.

    but yeah, i completely agree, caffeine is caffeine.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    good points guys..

    I used to be a fat shit...and I substituted things like Soda and juices with diet sodas (occasional) , and zero calorie energy drinks...

    coffees obviously better... but a nice cold fizzy energy drink that has zero calories is just too good to pass up...

    its not an active goal to try and obtain caffeine...i just so happen to take these things in that have alot of caffeine in them. I've built a tolerance to it, yes. a big one.

    pre workouts I drink for the caffeine, the beta alanine, the hordonine , etc. It's lost its effect since I havent ever stopped taking preworkout, but its more of a mental thing now lmao.

    but yeah, i completely agree, caffeine is caffeine.
    To help with that pre-workouts addiction drink a bcaa before the gym. (Your mind is used to drinking something right before) after a day or two until will feel normal lifting with out the caffeine.

    Then u can start cycling the pre-workouts for the days u NEED the motivation. That's how I do it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Since you have built up such a high tolerance I would suggest you "cut" them out for 3-4 weeks. I mean, completely. After that you will be able to go on much less caffeine and get good results. Regardless, those amounts of caffeine I doubt is good in the long run.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    What you might get are headaches. I can drink a pot of coffee a day at work if I'm not paying attention, which I'm not. I piss twice an hour most days. Between water and coffee I'm freaking lubed up.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Yeah! One thing about caffeine i like is that im pissing like a racehorse allllll day long and im always waking up feeling very dry. Not sure if thats caffeine related lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Monster energy drinks shut me down so hard 3 hours later. I literally have to sleep for 2 hours. I love the taste and have slowly gotten off that shit. So horrible. Cant say I wont drink it but I feel a difference off a lot of caffiene. I do love 5 hour energy before a workout. Maybe 30 to 45 minutes before the gym, Im ready to build a house and put up a wall. C4 powder is also good for energy.

    I notice during caffeiene withdrawls, my mouth is so dry all week long. Head aches, etc. No bueno

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    My friend was actually telling me that energy drinks such as monster suppress the natural production of something in your body. I never found out what exactly....he then went on to say that "the cigarette youre smoking while drinking that monster works synergetically to shut down that specific chemical completely" so i took a puff of my cigarette and a sip of my monster and nodded my head. Is he spewing broscience and as a result should i punch him in the face for attacking my "beautiful addiction" (as Mike Mentzer said about cigarettes) or is he onto something?

  12. #12
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    May 2012
    Whenever someone say something, they are not sure what, is working in Synergy, with another unknown, does that really feel like something you need to contemplate? Just wondering!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Youre right. I should fight him

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