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Thread: ready to throw my body composition scale out the window

  1. #1

    ready to throw my body composition scale out the window

    It must be a defective unit, I've been seriously cutting cals, measuring and weighting foods for a week now. I've had to tighten my belt one notch since I started, and according to the scale I've lost just about 2 lbs but body fat is the same?!?!? I've been tracking calories with an app on my phone, imputing food and calories and keeping daily calories to right around my bmr, or even a couple hundred under bmr. Could I have lost enough muscle around my waist in a week to need to tighten my belt, that doesn't seem right to me,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    As bio has asked me, what does the mirror say?

    I have a scale similar to yours but I never worry about the fat % cuz mine will fluctuate by 3% at times.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    As bio has asked me, what does the mirror say?

    I have a scale similar to yours but I never worry about the fat % cuz mine will fluctuate by 3% at times.
    Honestly it looks like have lost some. I guess it's what it looks like that is important. Either way I'm going to continue with my diet the way it has been for at least 2 more weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Give it more time the weight that you have lost is more then likely just the food in your digestive track

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by wannabebig2
    Honestly it looks like have lost some. I guess it's what it looks like that is important. Either way I'm going to continue with my diet the way it has been for at least 2 more weeks.
    When and how are you weighing yourself?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post

    When and how are you weighing yourself?
    I usually weight myself after I get home from work just before I get in the shower, wearing just my boxers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by wannabebig2
    I usually weight myself after I get home from work just before I get in the shower, wearing just my boxers.
    You need to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you pee and Poop. Don't drink anything, just weigh yourself in the buff!

    Chart this everyday and you will get a better gauge on your body

  8. #8
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    You need to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you pee and Poop. Don't drink anything, just weigh yourself in the buff!

    Chart this everyday and you will get a better gauge on your body
    This will give you the most consistent weight

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Bio-impedance scales are completely useless, it's impossible for them to measure your bodyfat with anything but a rough estimate. The way they work is using one formula for the average and athlete setting, then determining off your age/weight/height what your bodyfat may be.

    Use them only to track your bodyweight, aim to lose the desired amount of weight per week (say 1-2lb) then trust in the process. If you have access then use things like DEXA scans or infra-red scanning (infra-red is still a rough estimate where as dexa is 99% accurate) then use those. DEXA is the only real way to tell how much 'bodyfat' you're losing. If you're in a small-moderate (not too large) deficit then chances are you'll maintain most if not all of your muscle mass. `

    Once again, forget about those scales, they're completely useless. All they're good for is actually keeping track of your bodyweight, like any other scale.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Bio-impedance scales are completely useless, it's impossible for them to measure your bodyfat with anything but a rough estimate. The way they work is using one formula for the average and athlete setting, then determining off your age/weight/height what your bodyfat may be.

    Use them only to track your bodyweight, aim to lose the desired amount of weight per week (say 1-2lb) then trust in the process. If you have access then use things like DEXA scans or infra-red scanning (infra-red is still a rough estimate where as dexa is 99% accurate) then use those. DEXA is the only real way to tell how much 'bodyfat' you're losing. If you're in a small-moderate (not too large) deficit then chances are you'll maintain most if not all of your muscle mass. `

    Once again, forget about those scales, they're completely useless. All they're good for is actually keeping track of your bodyweight, like any other scale.
    Ok, thanks, I got on the scale again this morning and weight is down about 2 lbs, I wonder how much of that is water weight, the scale said my water percentage was 56.9% which is kind of low for me, I'm usually about 58%.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by wannabebig2
    Ok, thanks, I got on the scale again this morning and weight is down about 2 lbs, I wonder how much of that is water weight, the scale said my water percentage was 56.9% which is kind of low for me, I'm usually about 58%.
    Like stated above those numbers really don't mean much. The fact that you are loosing weight means you are moving in the right direction. Don't worry about those other numbers as they are not accurate

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