Ok so I know this sounds novice but I can't seem to understand why I'm dropping weight while on vacation. I left my house DEC 10th at 205lbs (daily calories 3500, c:35% p:40% f:25% so roughly 350g of pro/ foods: chicken, white rice, ff Greek yogurt, cheat meal 1-2 a week)
On vacation for 5 days. Weight in 198lbs (calories set:3300, c:35% p:25% f:40%. Diet has been complete shit! And we only go out to eat. I've paid more money on protein bars then everything to make my protein intake. 3+ protein bars a day, burgers, fries, breakfast foods)
Got to train 2 twice. One on Saturday were I weighed 203 and today Tuesday where I was 198
My TDEE is 2950.
Water intake has been good.
Any thoughts of why this has happened? Btw I was eating every 3hrs.