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Thread: Caloric Surplus & Tren

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Fort Pierce Florida

    Caloric Surplus & Tren

    so i know that this is a nutrition threat and that AAS isnt talked about to much here but maybe you guys can give me some opinions. Tren can be both a bulking and cutting AAS so with that being said if i push up into that 300-500 caloric surplus while on it will i obtain that "leanbulk" where i only gain a 1/2 - a whole pound a week but with almost no water retention and fat build up? or while on tren should i simply keep my calories at the TDEE. i would much rather add weight but i understand how tren works so gaining 25lbs is going to be out of the question. thanks for the help!

  2. #2
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    Jun 2012
    Honestly when ppl say they gain 20 lbs of muscle in a cycle most of it is water... While on tren I don't gain much if any fat. If your trying to grow u need to eat as much as possible... Ur body wants to stay the same by nature you have to push it to the limits both with food consumption and training if you want to gain size imo... Food is the most expensive part of this lifestyle hands down. If it trying to bulk on tren then don't half step it cause u have to build it before u can cut and show it
    Last edited by dep30; 12-29-2015 at 07:30 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The Trap
    Yeah the leak bulking thing is a myth
    Like dep said this a life style not some short term thing, if you wanna bulk put the time in and do it the right way and then cut down

    Youre really shooting yourself in the food trying to gain weight on a strict diet, even if you find a way to do it i promise you will hit wall

  4. #4
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    Fort Pierce Florida
    so are you guys saying that while on tren i should just eat clean and try to stay in the surplus? during my first cycle i ate clean for about 4 weeks and after that i just ate as much as i could as often as i could just to pack on the weight and i dont want to go through that again.

  5. #5
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    Youre trying to gain weight, you need to eat more and lift hard. If youre not gaining weight those are the reasons

    You shouldnt be setting goals based on a weight by number unless you are doing something that requires you to weight a certain amount, you should be going for a look

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I agree with you guys ^^

  7. #7
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    Fort Pierce Florida
    i understand and maybe im just not explaining this well enough. the point is when im on any AAS im going to gain weight but to maximize the effects of TREN specifically which is known for its fat burning properties should i increase the calories and try to gain weight or keep the calories the same and just drop fat

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The Trap
    I understand exactly what youre saying

    It does not matter what gear you use, or how much(dont take that literal please)
    But the only way to maintain the gains you got while being on anything, not even tren, is to eat properly and keep up a good work out rate

    If you dont do those things no type or amount of gear is going to give you what you want.

    You say you understand how tren works then you should know how much more important it is to make sure your diet is up to par especially if you have gaining weight in mind.

    I dont understand how you can say you understand tren and all this but youre asking if you should eat more calories if you want to gain weight. Youre not going to gain any weight if you arnt eating. If youre goal is to burn fat and be lean then just tighten up your diet and add cardio

  9. #9
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    Fort Pierce Florida
    i understand. the idea of the question in my mind just isnt coming out right. so another question for you is about the breakdown of calories. should i do the typical 40/40/20 or should i go about 60% proteins 30 % carbs and 10%fats

  10. #10
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    Only you know youre break down of calories. Again are you trying to gain weight or lose weight? That answers the question in itself

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Fort Pierce Florida
    ive never been able "diet" to a low body fat so im sure how the caloric breakdown would be

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Have you ever plotted out a diet to the point you know what kind of food youre eating. The kind of food youre eating matters as it relates to your diet.

    Also do you do a decent amount of cardio?

  13. #13
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    Jun 2012
    I try to set a goal of like say for instance 18" bicept or a 365 lb bench press etc... and work towards it! if your eating enough and training hard enough you will eventually meet ur goal genetics permitting. You have to figure out what macros work best for you to bulk but you will definitely be eating more carbs than protein bro that's where all your energy will come from and a good bit of muscle growth is from carbs. Basically what I'm saying is don't short it potential growth by restricting caloric intake to keep from gaining a lil fat... When u cut you will loose some strength and size but the beauty is once you reach your fat loss goal the muscle fiber has already been built you just need to carb up to fill it with glycogen and booom all that bulking pays off bro

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Fort Pierce Florida
    yea but i never planned anything to a extreme as i would body parts for growth like dep talked about. for some reason high carbs always seemed to me like it wouldnt let me cut down. when i did diet hard i would use the "myfitnesspal" app and i set my proteins to 45% carbs at 30% and fats at 25% of 3000cals.

    both of your advice will be used and i thank you both. im going to make another tread thats more detailed and i ask that you both read it and continue to provide help please and thank you.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dep30 View Post
    a good bit of muscle growth is from carbs.
    Carbs don't build muscle, protein builds muscle.
    I see what ur saying with the energy from carbs. More carbs=more energy=pushing more weight and limits.
    But they don't build muscle.
    U can build muscle with no carbs and just protein. U can't build muscle with carbs and no protein.

  16. #16
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    Feb 2014
    I'm running tren right now and my macros are this. 3500. C35% P40% F25%. My stats 5'9 205lbs 12-13% bf. That's my bulking calories.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    If you can bulk on that youre a lucky dude
    Im the same size as you, closer to 15% BF

    If work at 3500 calories ill send up 10lbs lighter

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trapology View Post
    If you can bulk on that youre a lucky dude
    Im the same size as you, closer to 15% BF

    If work at 3500 calories ill send up 10lbs lighter
    Yeah my daily activity is very low. I train 2-3 private clients (1hr each) then eat, sleep, and gym 90mins lifting and 60mins low intensity elliptical. That's pretty much day in day out.

  19. #19
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    5'9" and can't bulk on 3500, what do you do for a living Trap? Are you a long distance runner?
    Last edited by RigPig; 12-30-2015 at 11:38 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeStung View Post
    i understand and maybe im just not explaining this well enough. the point is when im on any AAS im going to gain weight but to maximize the effects of TREN specifically which is known for its fat burning properties should i increase the calories and try to gain weight or keep the calories the same and just drop fat

    tren has no fat burning properties. its not a fat burner, ALL aas can burn fat, test is a VERY effective at fat loss. It comes down to the amount of current fat cells that are in your body. Hence why post show rebound for actually body builders make their best gains for 6- 10 weeks post show. Then they do all year, pushing testosterone high , often using test base .with 4-5% body fat the level of fat cells are almost non existent and you grow completely differently.

    tren is not a fat burner

    and whilst eating in a kcal surplus you shouldn't even bee monitoring food intake just eat, and if you start to add a big of softness, then you through in off season cardio. Trainers like Glass use this simple technique, If you're not growing, you are not eating or trying enough or you are missing meals. When working with coaches like john meadows and 'hard gainers' the truth of the matter is you can't miss a meal, you have to hit all your meals cause if you lose a meal in that day it can actually set you back if you are a true 'hard gainer'

    don't bother with tren off season unless you are running with growth and insulin. You won't be happy how flat it will keep you as it displaces carb intake.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigPig View Post
    5'9" and can't bulk on 3500, what do you do for a living Trap? Are you a long distance runner?
    No, im a fighter
    Its always been like that

    When i was HS one of my friends dad took me under his wing who used to be a bodybuilder, I worked out with him and his buddy cause his son wasnt into it

    He had me taking all kinds of weight gainers and prohormones and on a seefood diet and i still couldnt barley get over 200lbs. I started out 150 my freshman year, couldnt get over 200 by the time i was a senior

    This was 10 years ago(im 30) now eating everything under the sun combined with moderate amounts of gear I cant get over 235 most ive ever weighed 1 time was 238

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post

    Carbs don't build muscle, protein builds muscle.
    I see what ur saying with the energy from carbs. More carbs=more energy=pushing more weight and limits.
    But they don't build muscle.
    U can build muscle with no carbs and just protein. U can't build muscle with carbs and no protein.
    So u bulk on Keto? Yeah I didn't think so you totally misinterpreted my comment I wasn't trying to say you can build muscle on a carb only diet but most ppl who bulk in a caloric surplus will have a good bit of carbs in Their diet unless they can down 4000 calories of chicken a day
    Last edited by dep30; 12-31-2015 at 06:36 AM.

  23. #23
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    Fort Pierce Florida
    @Tice thanks for the kcal break down im going to try that. before when i was hitting my 3000 kcal days i was at 338g of protein (45%), 225g of carbs (30%), and 83g of fats (25%)

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by dep30 View Post

    So u bulk on Keto? Yeah I didn't think so you totally misinterpreted my comment I wasn't trying to say you can build muscle on a carb only diet but most ppl who bulk in a caloric surplus will have a good bit of carbs in Their diet unless they can down 4000 calories of chicken a day
    Me personally on keto to bulk no. But it can be done. Dave palumbo keto diet is made for that. As long as ur in a surplus in calories and u have at least one gram of protein for body weight every other calorie can be from fat..

    Ur right I may have went over board with my example I just hate when people say "u want to get big?! Eat a sh!t ton of carbs and you'll get big" and the end result is the person getting fat.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeStung View Post
    @Tice thanks for the kcal break down im going to try that. before when i was hitting my 3000 kcal days i was at 338g of protein (45%), 225g of carbs (30%), and 83g of fats (25%)
    No problem bro... With tren I have been told to eat protein like its my day job. Carb timing is a biggie too. But my body doesn't like carbs. I get fat fast from them simple or complex. Plus they make me sleepy Idk yet. I love carbs too but doesn't do me any good.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    No problem bro... With tren I have been told to eat protein like its my day job. Carb timing is a biggie too. But my body doesn't like carbs. I get fat fast from them simple or complex. Plus they make me sleepy Idk yet. I love carbs too but doesn't do me any good.

    so how does the split that gave sound? also whats ur tren and test dosage?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeStung View Post

    so how does the split that gave sound? also whats ur tren and test dosage?
    Ur split looks fine to me but see how ur body response to it. I'm on a short burst cycle so my numbers are very high.
    Test e 750mg
    Tren e 500mg

    If I throw in adrol I will up my calories to 3700-4k . I go by feeling

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Ur split looks fine to me but see how ur body response to it. I'm on a short burst cycle so my numbers are very high.
    Test e 750mg
    Tren e 500mg

    If I throw in adrol I will up my calories to 3700-4k . I go by feeling

    cool. im thinking of 500mg of test and about 300 tren or maybe 400test and 300tren

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