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  1. #1
    BeeStung's Avatar
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    Welcoming comment and advice

    Alright guys im going to provide you with everything that should be needed for me to get the best advice as possible. im hoping to benefit a lot from this but even better im hoping that others could use this thread as a resource to fall back on. i ask that everyone stays positive and understands that we all may not be as experience as the one typing it. im going to do my best in dividing up each category so feel free to comment on any or all of them. my goal is to pack on as much weight as clean as possible. i dont want to just shovel food down my throat and get big and fat.

    To start things off is basic information:
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 185lbs
    BF: roughly 15%
    Workout experience: over 3.5 years

    Next is my current cycle (havent started yet. waiting on Arimidex ):
    week 1-12: Test E 400mg/week pin 200mg EOD
    week 1-8: Tren Ace 300mg/week pin 100mg EOD
    week 1-14 (stopping 2 days before start of PCT) Arimidex .5mg EOD
    week 14-20 Nolvadex 40mg ED for the first week 20mg ED for next five
    week 14-20 Clomid 100mg ED for the first week 50mg ED for the next five

    My current workout regimen (typical "bro-Split"):
    Monday: Chest w/ light Back
    Tuesday: Biceps w/ light shoulders
    Wednesday: Triceps w/ Squats & Abs
    Thursday: Back w/ Bench (light chest)
    Friday: off
    Saturday: Deadlifts w/ light Biceps
    Sunday: Legs w/ light triceps

    I spend about 10-15 minutes on the stair climber 3-4 times a week where my heart rate is never under 130BPM. on Thursdays "light chest" i pretty much pyramid from 135 to about 315 then back down. the rep range for most of the exercises is 10-12 reps however i like to do a lot of super sets with those rep ranges so the exercises like bench press, straight bar curl, skull crushers, and leg extensions on my light leg day typically have a lower rep range and much heavier weight. i normally do 4-5 sets per exercise on my heavy weight and about 3 sets on the lighter super sets. in all honesty the only thing i ever feel like is under worked is my delts but they are coming a long good.

    My diet (my weakest area) is upwards of 3200 calories:
    Meal 1: 1 cup egg whites, 2-3 whole eggs, a slice of toast
    Meal 2: 1 cup of veggies, 6 oz of protein (chicken,fish,beef) 1/2 cups of rice
    Snack: Protein Shake, fruit or nuts
    Meal 3. 1 cup of veggies, 6oz of protein (chicken, fish, beef), half a sweet potato
    Meal 4: Shake consisting of 1 cup of vanilla protein yogurt, 1 cup mixed veggies, 1 cup of 2% milk
    Meal 5: (post workout) 1 cup of rice, 2 cups of veggies (mostly broccoli) 8oz of protein with protein shake
    Meal 6: if needed late night ill have a bowl of cereal or something

    Again guys, please feel free to comment, give advise, criticizes just be respectful. we are all here to learn. if i forgot something to add to this post feel free to ask. i expect to gain a lot from all of you. thank you!

    Not to spam but this post will be in both the nutrition thread as well as the anabolic Q&A thread.
    Last edited by BeeStung; 12-30-2015 at 10:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Trapology's Avatar
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    As far as the gear goesid personally run the tren as long as the test, everything else looks ok.
    Something you might want to keep in mind is that considering youre not trying to put on much size and you want to be lean you might want to drop some of the dosages all together. Maybe cut them in half? When it comes to have a "beach body" im a big big believer in more is less, so thats something you might want to consider

    Also on the adex if you want you might can get away with doing it every 5 days, if you feel like you might need more you can tighten up the days

    Based on your other thread it kinda seems you dont know much about proper dieting.

    I saw this thread earlier and I think you might want to check it out:

    As far as diets go the guy who wrote it seems to know what hes talking about and there is a lot of good information in there

    Dont get frustrated youre doing a good job learning and researching and it might be annoying not constantly putting yourself out there to get criticized but i promise you as long as you stick with it you will be much much happier in the long wrong. There is nothing wroth you can do to yourself then be stubborn and refuse to learn

  3. #3
    BeeStung's Avatar
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    i put myself out there so i can be critized because i know that i dont know and i wont learn anything by keeping quite. to comment back on the whole "beach body" look. i dont want to be the guy with a ripped 6 pack at 175lbs. id rather barely see any abs and be around 190. the gear dosage is up there but unless i need to cut it down i think its alright. ill run the test the whole time if you think its ok. i just figured 12 weeks of tren might be to much. but i have the gear to do it so why not i suppose...

  4. #4
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Is this your first cycle?

  5. #5
    BeeStung's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Is this your first cycle?
    no its my 3rd.

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeeStung View Post

    To start things off is basic information:
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 185lbs
    BF: roughly 15%
    Workout experience: over 3.5 years

    My diet (my weakest area) is upwards of 3200 calories:
    Meal 1: 1 cup egg whites, 2-3 whole eggs, a slice of toast yes!
    Meal 2: 1 cup of veggies, 6 oz of protein (chicken,fish,beef) 1/2 cups of rice yes!
    Snack: Protein Shake, fruit or nuts what does this mean? Is a shake protein powder in water or other items?
    Meal 3. 1 cup of veggies, 6oz of protein (chicken, fish, beef), half a sweet potato yes!
    Meal 4: Shake consisting of 1 cup of vanilla protein yogurt, 1 cup mixed veggies, 1 cup of 2% milk I would suggest eating the foods instead of making a shake. If you're in a pinch this makes sense.
    Meal 5: (post workout) 1 cup of rice, 2 cups of veggies (mostly broccoli) 8oz of protein with protein shake how much protein is this? It just seems like more than necessary. Love that you're eating broccoli though.
    Meal 6: if needed late night ill have a bowl of cereal or something don't give up on the diet just because its late at night. Maybe some cottage cheese? Some chicken beef or fish? This is lasting you throughout the night, cereal isnt going to do that.

    Again guys, please feel free to comment, give advise, criticizes just be respectful. we are all here to learn. if i forgot something to add to this post feel free to ask. i expect to gain a lot from all of you. thank you!
    I don't want to comment on your cycle, that's not my thang. But please get bloodwork done and be smart; more isn't always better. By the way, how old are you?

    I have made some comments in bold in your diet.

    Last, at 5'6" 185 and 15%bf your cals could be a bit high so just keep an eye on any fat gain. Just because you are cycling doesn't mean you need to do crazy high cals, that isn't going to help anything. It would be better to destroy the weights and rest while eating a nice clean diet like the one you have here.

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