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Thread: Help me with my lean bulk

  1. #1

    Help me with my lean bulk

    So I actually have no idea how to diet. Ive been training for 3 years and have always gone on instinct, and in that time I went from 55kg to 90kg (Now back to 85kg)
    Anyway I will be going on cycle soon (Tren e & test e, and a small dose of deca to repair my shoulder). Im also planning on taking clen during this period, as when I came off my last cycle I ate like crazy to maintain size, while i wasnt training due to injury and as a result I put on some fat while losing muscle.

    My goal in this cycle is to reach 90-91kg and be on 10-15% bodyfat (I'd say im on 20-25% at the moment). Here is my current diet, but please let me know if its worth changing, and consider than I will be on that cycle within a month, which will hopefully allow me to fit in some cardio without any major muscle loss.

    Meal 1 (7am)

    1 Cup oats with half scoop of protein (uncooked)
    8 Eggwhite with 2 yolks
    1L of water
    Half glass of milk, half glass of almond milk

    Meal 2 (10am)

    2 small cans of tuna
    Protein shake with added chia seeds

    Meal 3 (1pm)

    Steak/chicken breast
    Sweet potato

    Meal 4 (4pm) Pre workout meal

    Protein shake with added quarter cup of oats
    Small portion of sweet potato

    Meal 5 (7-8pm) Post Workout meal
    Protein shake taken straight after workout

    Chicken breast/kangaroo
    Small portion sweet potato

    Meal 6 (10pm) Before bed

    Protein shake (Half water half milk)
    4-6 egg whites, depending on how hungry I am

    Please help me out guys, thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    No offence but your goal of losing 8.5 kg of fat and gaining 13kg of muscle in one cycle isn't a reality.

    What is your cycle history and your full proposed cycle?

    What are the macros for the above diet and what results are you getting?

  3. #3
    Like i said man, i just eat on instinct so i dont count macros

    And okay lets say i lost 4 kgs of fat, id still be happy with that

    ive been on a few cycles before. 2 of them were sust and deca, and one was test e and tren e

    my next proposed cycle is:
    Tren A weeks 1-5
    test e weeks 1-14
    tren e weeks 4-14
    deca (low dose) for weeks 1-10

    Ive done this cycle before and went from 77kg-91kg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Why run ace at all if you are going to run tren e?

    Run test e for 14 weeks and tren e for 12 stopping 2 weeks before your test stops.

    No mention of ai, HCG, DA or PCT?

    You should easily be able to lose 4kg of fat before you start your cycle. You shouldn't cycle that high of a bidyfat anyway IMO, get down to 15% if you want your cycle to look truly productive.

    If you don't know what you eat how will you adjust for your goals?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    You are suggesting Tren-E, Test-E, and Deca here but in your second comment, you have added Tren-A for who knows what reason and also states you have been running that cycle before. What exactly do you plan on running?

    Please post a picture of your 20-25% body fat. As stated above, cycling at those fat storage levels is pretty dumb. I mean, you only have 63kg of lean mass so whatever you have been doing before, including your cycles seems to have been a complete waste of time, money and your own health.

  6. #6
    Tren A was and is being used to fill in for the time it takes for tren E to kick in.
    Arimidex and hcg will be taken alongside, and pct will most likely consist of clomid.

    Also when I came off that last cycle where I put on 14kg I was sitting on 14% body fat at the end of it.

    I can take a picture later tonight. The reason I suggest I'm between 20/25 (I haven't gotten it tested for a while) is because of my stomach. My upper body especially in my shoulders and arms is quite tight and looks ripped. Although my stomach fat is just getting out of control. Guessing that's just where my body tends to hold the weight.

    If I was to aim to lose say 5% body fat and then cycle afterwards, what changes to my diet would you suggest?
    Last edited by mfbanksy; 01-20-2016 at 02:36 PM.

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