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Thread: Always feeling full

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Always feeling full

    I'm 54 6'4 currently 265 been on a very strict diet trying to consume 200 g protein approximately 100 g carbs 30 g fat what's killing me is the protein i.e.chicken breast, eggs etc. I'm always feeling uncomfortably.. right below the rib cage and above the belly button just need a little help getting past that uncomfortable feeling may be a different type of protein? More carbs?… trying to eat several small meals a day proximately 30 g protein per meal and proportionally others ..I am on a cutting diet to get ready for a cycle in the future, the weight is coming off which I'm very satisfied but just having a problem getting past this uncomfortableness..
    Last edited by tazmaniac1; 03-10-2016 at 08:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    How long have u been doing this diet?

    Usually most ppl get used to the feeling full or kinda hungry after 2 weeks or so. (At least I do) but when I start to feel comfortable about that I try and up the food. When I'm on cut I won't drop much lower 300 past maintance (don't want to lose my gains!)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Serious question, are you digesting your food? Are you staying regular with going to the restroom? And are you taking digestive enzymes?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    Serious question, are you digesting your food? Are you staying regular with going to the restroom? And are you taking digestive enzymes?
    Good call. I wasn't thinking about that at all. Expecially since he is cutting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Well, you barely eat anything so it's not from quantity of food unless you are only earring 1 or 2 meals per day?

    I'd like to know too how long you have been eating less than 1500cals per day. That figure needs to go up btw.

    What foods are you eating to fulfil your dietary requirements?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Deep Down South
    How can you feel full while only eating that? Like the others mentioned, you are not eating enough Do you have any food allergies? Maybe you could have an allergy causing your stomach to bloat. Have you ever been tested for gluten allergy?
    Last edited by RaginCajun; 03-11-2016 at 12:01 PM.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2010
    Only 3 weeks I have been on this diet and you are correct I do have to take some sort of laxative to keeps everything moving.
    for example for lunch I will have 6oz of salmon cup of green beans and Greek yogurt and it will sit like a lead balloon couple hours later some hard boiled eggs couple cashews.ect sit down meals are impossible with my job so I have to eat on the run quite often..I know one thing I have to drink more water only drinking 4-6 bottles a day, an hour or two before I go to the gym I try to eat like a small chicken breast little brown rice but that even makes me uncomfortable so I resort to protein shakes..

    typical day
    breakfast 3/4 oats..2 egg whites
    mid morning 2 hard boiled eggs, greek yogurt
    lunch large chicken breast,3/4 cup green beens maybe some brown rice if not to full
    mid afternoon aprox 3:00pm pre gym protein shake, apple ( if to full ill have protein shake immediately after gym)
    supper 2 small salmon squares 3/4 cup of brown rice small salad 1.5 table spoon low fat French
    go for a run or long walk then maybe before bed scrabble egg whites little salsa
    some of my snacks if I desire rice cakes dozen cashews (yes I count them lol)
    and the whole day being uncomfortable I did talk to my doctor about it he wasn't concerned
    I do take daily vitamins and supplements for gym
    I have cut 12lbs in 17 days im still feeling strong staying steady or increasing in the gym but agree need to increase calories maybe just doubling my water intake?
    MY job is a combination of a couple hours desk and rest of day driving around and checking on my crews, my gym is typically 1.5 hours all free weights and my cardio is abs between sets in the gym and run/walk outside of gym typically 2 miles, just bought a fit bit and it gives weekly report not sure how accurate but it said last week Feb 29th-March 6th I burned18665 calories or average 2666 per day
    Last edited by tazmaniac1; 03-11-2016 at 07:10 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    How can you feel full while only eating that?

    Like the others mentioned, you are eating enough

    Do you have any food allergies? Maybe you could have an allergy causing your stomach to bloat. Have you ever been tested for gluten allergy?
    It has been a concern if this doesn't straighten it self out

  9. #9
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    I want to lose right now on TRT but preparing for running a cycle once I get BF down and diet in order

  10. #10
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    It's great you lost a load of weight but what happens when the loss stops? You are only eating 1500cals per day. You'll end up eating 1000cals just to maintain weight.

    I'd take your calories up next week to 1700, the week after 1900 and so on until you hit 2500cals and stay at that for a couple of weeks and see where you are at.

    If you have changed very quickly from a particularly unhealthy diet to this then it might just be your body adapting.

    Your fibre content looks good because your food choices look good. You should be drinking minimum of a half gallon daily but you should look to gradually building that up towards a gallon a day especially if you are active at work.

    BTW 1.5 hours lifting weights is a long time, I bet you can shave 30 mins off that by upping the intensity and get better results.

    Post up your workout programme.

  11. #11
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    I would love to eat soon as I get rid of this full feeling I am hoping the water will help..
    typical gym I do 16-20 sets each body part 10/8/6/4 reps each and super set last one I try to keep my heart rate 95-100 entire time
    Monday Chest/Abs
    Tuesday Back/Shoulder/Abs
    Wed. Bi/Tri/Abs
    Thurs. light legs and run
    Depending on life I might take day off otherwise start rotation over

  12. #12
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    You are doing waaaaaaay to many sets

    You need to step up the intensity. After warming up thoroughly, do a weight you think you can only get about 4 times and go until you can't go any longer (bring the muscle to failure).

    As BiB mentioned, slowly increase your cals some and see how your body reacts

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    thank you for the advice i will try that. 4 reps how many sets per body part?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tazmaniac1
    thank you for the advice i will try that. 4 reps how many sets per body part?
    Try doing 1-2 warmup sets (about 12-15 reps), then go all out for 1-2 sets (4 reps to complete failure). If not to failure, throw in some negatives and drop sets. Tell you what, take a peak at the thread in the Anabolic lounge called Marcus Diary, and read from page 1

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun View Post
    Try doing 1-2 warmup sets (about 12-15 reps), then go all out for 1-2 sets (4 reps to complete failure). If not to failure, throw in some negatives and drop sets. Tell you what, take a peak at the thread in the Anabolic lounge called Marcus Diary, and read from page 1
    are you talking about the Hit Dungeon thread which otherwise I have search for Marcus Diary thread and cant find it there..again thanks for your help

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by tazmaniac1
    are you talking about the Hit Dungeon thread which otherwise I have search for Marcus Diary thread and cant find it there..again thanks for your help
    Yes sorry same thread

  17. #17
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    It's great you lost a load of weight but what happens when the loss stops? You are only eating 1500cals per day. You'll end up eating 1000cals just to maintain weight.
    X2. This so happened to me. I was down to 900 cal a day and not losing. It can't be sustained.

  18. #18
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859
    Serious question, are you digesting your food? Are you staying regular with going to the restroom? And are you taking digestive enzymes?
    This is a serious question. I changed my diet to low carb med fat and high carb. This plus 2 contributing meds landed me in ER. Intestinal obstruction is scientific term but ER doc called it a hUGe ball of poo.

    I now know whose the BOSS. Lol

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    This is a serious question. I changed my diet to low carb med fat and high carb. This plus 2 contributing meds landed me in ER. Intestinal obstruction is scientific term but ER doc called it a hUGe ball of poo.

    I now know whose the BOSS. Lol
    And that is a great question I do have an appointment coming up with doc.. because my TDEE is 3500 calories and to get to 3000 calories is 300/300/33 to cut yikes!! and trust me my diet is clean but impossible to consume that much without puking when i was cycling a few years back this was no problem but something changed my body, chest shoulders bigger defined stomach smaller but weight is stuck 2 weeks Im up to 2200 calories, I am happy with the progress so far in appearance, I am taking laxatives to help
    example today:
    breakfast 6:30am
    I cup oatmeal with water
    3 eggs

    mid morning 9:00am
    low fat greek yogurt
    celery sticks with NB peanut butter
    ground turkey pattie...extremely full at this point

    lunch 11:30am
    small chicken breast
    cup of green beans

    mid afternoon 1:30 pm
    dozen cashews
    hard boiled egg

    workout 3:00-4:15
    water/supplement after workout protein shake

    Supper..6:00pm below my rib cage is tight as a drum very uncomfortable dont want to eat!
    2 left over turkey patties with some salsa
    1/2 cup raisins and hope the laxative works lol
    Last edited by tazmaniac1; 03-23-2016 at 05:43 PM.

  20. #20
    Not sure what are you talking about... I've also been on such a diet. the uncomfortable feeling is ok. at least it has been there for me too. for about 2 weeks or so. I was feeling hungry. irritable. etc. etc. as much as I can understand, what you are experiencing is alright, but I can't be sure.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by tazmaniac1 View Post
    And that is a great question I do have an appointment coming up with doc.. because my TDEE is 3500 calories and to get to 3000 calories is 300/300/33 to cut yikes!! and trust me my diet is clean but impossible to consume that much without puking when i was cycling a few years back this was no problem but something changed my body, chest shoulders bigger defined stomach smaller but weight is stuck 2 weeks Im up to 2200 calories, I am happy with the progress so far in appearance, I am taking laxatives to help
    example today:
    breakfast 6:30am
    I cup oatmeal with water
    3 eggs

    mid morning 9:00am
    low fat greek yogurt
    celery sticks with NB peanut butter
    ground turkey pattie...extremely full at this point

    lunch 11:30am
    small chicken breast
    cup of green beans

    mid afternoon 1:30 pm
    dozen cashews
    hard boiled egg

    workout 3:00-4:15
    water/supplement after workout protein shake

    Supper..6:00pm below my rib cage is tight as a drum very uncomfortable dont want to eat!
    2 left over turkey patties with some salsa
    1/2 cup raisins and hope the laxative works lol
    sounds a good plan to me. hope it is gonna work

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