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Thread: Time to cut!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Time to cut!

    Ok guys, I am in the final stages of my cycle
    Week 1-20 test 400mg
    Week 1-18 eq 400mg
    Week 14-22 Fina 75mg Ed

    ....... and now I want to start dieting a bit. I haven't put on the size I had hoped with this cycle and I think it's because I kept the gear to 400mg a week. I wish I would have had the money to run it higher but oh well. Anyways I am slowly changing my diet from bulking to cutting and here's how it will look in a couple of weeks

    10 egg whites/ 1 yolk
    1 cup oats/ w 1 spoonfull natty pb

    2 chicken breast
    1 cup green beans

    turkey breast w/ salad greens mixed with oil and vinegar
    pb sandwhich (maybe)


    1 lb of lean ground chuck w/ side salad

    2 chicken breast
    1/2 cup green beans
    1/2 cup rice

    4pm pre-workout protein shake

    PWO shake 40g protein
    70g dextrose

    PWO meal
    2 chicken breast
    1 cup rice

    2nd PWO meal
    turkey or salmon
    1/2 cup rice
    3/4 cup green beans

    egg white omellette w/ salsa

    protein shake or cottage cheese

    I am also (hopefully) going to start working in some AM cardio. ANy and all suggestions are welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Ok guys, I am in the final stages of my cycle
    Week 1-20 test 400mg
    Week 1-18 eq 400mg
    Week 14-22 Fina 75mg Ed

    ....... and now I want to start dieting a bit. I haven't put on the size I had hoped with this cycle and I think it's because I kept the gear to 400mg a week. I wish I would have had the money to run it higher but oh well. Anyways I am slowly changing my diet from bulking to cutting and here's how it will look in a couple of weeks

    10 egg whites/ 1 yolk
    1 cup oats/ w 1 spoonfull natty pb

    2 chicken breast
    1 cup green beans

    turkey breast w/ salad greens mixed with oil and vinegar
    pb sandwhich (maybe)


    1 lb of lean ground chuck w/ side salad

    2 chicken breast
    1/2 cup green beans
    1/2 cup rice

    4pm pre-workout protein shake

    PWO shake 40g protein
    70g dextrose

    PWO meal
    2 chicken breast
    1 cup rice

    2nd PWO meal
    turkey or salmon
    1/2 cup rice
    3/4 cup green beans

    egg white omellette w/ salsa

    protein shake or cottage cheese

    I am also (hopefully) going to start working in some AM cardio. ANy and all suggestions are welcome.
    Looks great.... I would just cut (or very low) the carbs after the 7:00 meal or move them into the other meals in the begining of the day.

    Will you be using flax, primerose, r-ala, and cla? I think these sups help a ton while dieting.

    Like I said looks great. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    BT...I think it looks good, I think the carbs look good to. I hate seeing people go on "no carb" diets and loose muscle mass. It looks like your plannig on slowly triming the fat away, which i think is the best.

    I think it looks good, but then again...I ask you for diet advice!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Thanks guys! I used to follow the no carbs after such and such hour also but SwoleCat made me realize that after your workouts (if they are intense enough) your body needs carbs in your PWO meals to replenish your stores and to help the recovery process. But thanks all, not sure what the total macro breakdown is for sure but just going by gut unstinct on this one. I'll keep it updated with my progress on my cycle diary, to show how proper dieting looks like for these newbies. Watcha think of that? I feel posting a diet diary could benefit many of these guys that don't know how to properly diet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    That's a great idea..... too many of my friends that do train think eating turkey lunch meat and crap like and eating 3 or 4 times a day is a great diet

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Oh Mudman, I will be using flax in my bedtime shake along with one of my morning meals. As for the primerose r-ala, and cla, I have never used them before but will look into adding them in. thanks for the input fellas. I figure I will follow this diet for the next several months until my next cycle starts.

  7. #7
    Looks like a great plan. Have you thought about removing the PB from meal one, as that might make it a rather high calorie meal combining roughly 84g carbs with a Tbls of fat, albeit a good fat. How about adding it to your second meal so you have fat and protein with your veggies? You could add ALA to your post workout meals too, if you want to force feed the glycogen into your muscles. You know your shit, so I am nit picking here Bro. How soon after you finish your cycle do you plan on dieting? I have read that you should wait a couple of weeks to help with recovering and keeping your gains.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Yeah i think a Diet cycle diet is a kick ass idea. Especially to show people what "good" and "clean" food choices are. I hear ya mudman with the lunch meat crap, my roomate thinks the same way.

    I am really interested to see how progress comes along with out doing some dumb ass keto diet, or no carb diet...This could be a refreshing change in the diet scene. You know what your doing, and it sounds like you right on track again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Well with the pb in the morning I probably could use it in another meal, but it tastes so DAMN GOOD! I plan on slowly incorporating this into my last few weeks of my cycle and than at the end slowly raise the # of carbs back up until my recovery is back to norm and than take them back down. Or do ya'll think I should just keep bulking and after I recover switch to this diet?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Well with the pb in the morning I probably could use it in another meal, but it tastes so DAMN GOOD! I plan on slowly incorporating this into my last few weeks of my cycle and than at the end slowly raise the # of carbs back up until my recovery is back to norm and than take them back down. Or do ya'll think I should just keep bulking and after I recover switch to this diet?
    How is your bulking diet going? Did you put on more fat than you wanted too? I just wouldn't want to keep bulking and risking putting on more fat. It makes it that much harder when you have to start cutting. Maybe go into a maintence mode until after PCT. You want to try to keep as much of your gains as you can.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Gotcha!!! I haven't really put on extra fat (except this past week which was total hell and I was lucky to even eat a meal). But I really didn't lose any either while on this cycle. I'll probably level off and than go for it Postrecovery. I will keep a journal of it though, not sure to post it here in the diet forum or in the members cycle results forum.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I would keep the cals/pro/carbs high for now, then slowly taper them off after your first week of PCT....that should help you retain your gains better...besides whats a few more weeks on your current diet gonna hurt??? The cutting process will take a while, i would just be patient with it.

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