Ok guys, I am in the final stages of my cycle
Week 1-20 test 400mg
Week 1-18 eq 400mg
Week 14-22 Fina 75mg Ed
....... and now I want to start dieting a bit. I haven't put on the size I had hoped with this cycle and I think it's because I kept the gear to 400mg a week. I wish I would have had the money to run it higher but oh well. Anyways I am slowly changing my diet from bulking to cutting and here's how it will look in a couple of weeks
10 egg whites/ 1 yolk
1 cup oats/ w 1 spoonfull natty pb
2 chicken breast
1 cup green beans
turkey breast w/ salad greens mixed with oil and vinegar
pb sandwhich (maybe)
1 lb of lean ground chuck w/ side salad
2 chicken breast
1/2 cup green beans
1/2 cup rice
4pm pre-workout protein shake
PWO shake 40g protein
70g dextrose
PWO meal
2 chicken breast
1 cup rice
2nd PWO meal
turkey or salmon
1/2 cup rice
3/4 cup green beans
egg white omellette w/ salsa
protein shake or cottage cheese
I am also (hopefully) going to start working in some AM cardio. ANy and all suggestions are welcome.