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Thread: nutritional values Pickled beetroot???

  1. #1
    The original jason Guest

    nutritional values Pickled beetroot???

    can anyone help me I cant find this one anywhere


  2. #2
    The original jason Guest
    hmm does anyone know??
    nobody got a jar they can read or can read it in the local store?? I really cant find ???


  3. #3
    ptbyjason Guest
    Sorry bro, I didn't see this earlier. I was just at the grocery store too. Ok see if this helps or this. That's the best I can do for now bro. Sorry. I will check at the grocery store next time.

  4. #4
    The original jason Guest
    thanks bro that helps somewhat although they contradict each other slightly I would still like to know drained values say per 100g sorry i dont understand cups as a measure (weird) if they are on a jar in the store for beetroot in vinegar thanks alot


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