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Thread: Trying to Add a variety to the diet, What you think?

  1. #1

    Trying to Add a variety to the diet, What you think?

    So as I have posted in other threads, I am in the process of losing and getting back to my pre-marriage weight. Just want to add a little variety to my snacks instead of munching away on protein bars all day. Kind of hurts the wallet a bit too. I picked up this at my local grocery store, Publix. Figured I can spread it on slice of Ezekiel Bread, Maybe with some celery, even straight out of the tablespoon measuring thingamajig. I am losing weight and doing good. It is just that I also count my calories and sometimes I see I go under by like 200 calories. I figure with a serving of this, I can make up that deficit. Again this wont be an everyday eating. Just want to know what you guys and gals think?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20160817_191151.jpg 
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ID:	164972Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	164973

  2. #2
    As long as the majority of your carbs outside your workout time are low-gi, and your eating 200 under maintenance (imo 500/day under is ideal as it equals roughly -1lb/week) you will lose weight. Don't limit yourself so harshly in terms of dietary sources, it's not sustainable long term and can become a prison. Just my 02

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