So I have been on HrT over three years now and have ran 8 cycles. I really did not get any great gains until the 20 month point on HrT. Now that I am comfortable with cycling I find my diet suffers from my travel. Each Quarter I spend:

6 weeks Philippines
5 weeks Hong Kong
3 weeks Beijing
5 weeks Hong Kong

In Hong Kong the food is Shrite...just horrible. My diet is the best in the matter of what I eat here but I do not eat meals at given times or quantities. Generally I have three meal plans I eat from.

Pan Stir Fried Chicken in garlic and hotsauce.
Can tuna in water in mustard with lettuce

In Philippines my diet is atrocious. The available food is horrible ...flips eat junk food as their primary food....I bought a farm just to have fresh veggies all the time I am here. My carb macro is always way higher than it should be...reflected i blood sugar level

In Beijing my diet is so food in the world. Eat my calories and macro and end up full and content.

The result of all the travel is progress toward a low bodyfat really is going way slower than I expected.I am taking 4 months off Q2 next year and staying put in Hong Kong with diet and cardo as top priority to get the bodyfat to where I want. I am ramping up my jogging to 8K daily until then to get my body in the groove so I can push hard. I expect to lose some of the muscle I have gained so far but will live with it. I am 100 lbs heaver than when I exited boot camp many many moons ago. I want to lower that gap by half or more. But back on the topic...I do not see how 80% travel business people do it. It is hellish to do things right when there are a billion reasons you get interrupted.

Anyone with same issues?