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Thread: ECA stack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    ECA stack

    Hello, Unsure if this is the correct place to post this question, but I recently stumbled into the ECA stack thing on reddit from a post on BB dot com. More I read into I got interested and was curious as to yalls opinion on running the ECA stack and stories / info on it. I found a website that sells the stack 60mg Ep, 200mg caff, 30mg aspirin from the UK and ships here to the US. Is it optimal for cutting? I'm trying to cut down to 15% or below before I bulk and if this can somewhat speed up the process safely than I'm considering it.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    ECA stack works but it's not a wonder pill , diet first and training first the ECA stack will help yes it's proven over and over but it's not a miracle , nothing beats hard work,
    As for buying you ire Better off to buy it yourself 10000x cheaper buy caffeine pills 200mg ephedrine is a over the counter drug depending where you are my supplement stores sell them in Canada it's use for stuffy noses. The aspirin I would skip that can cause problems since it thins you're blood and coats you're stomach lining
    I would stick to 3x a day and EC only

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    It works better when your already under 15%.

    Well it looks like it's doing more for u. It's best for that little last step to get to your goals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    No offense but at 26 years old you shouldn't have much difficulty getting to 15% or below naturally.

    Imo ephedra extract is a waste of money because what was made illegal are products containing ephedrine alkaloids.

    There are many plants in the ephedra family but not all stimulate the CNS/SNS.

    Unless you're buying a product with the term alkaloids that usually means it's an extract and won't deliver the desired effects.

    I agree with JB, there's no need to use aspirin in the stack.

    If you can find ephedrine alkaloids then yohimbine is a nice addition.

    You'd be better off doing this cut through diet and exercise because drugs can't make up for large deficiencies in diet and you'll always be reliant on a fat loss aid in the future.

    You'll likely find it easier to source albuterol or clenbuterol over ephedrine alkaloids.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Okay thanks for the advice.

    Isn't it illegal in the US? So I would have to go after alternative choices at the pharm that contain ephedra?

    As for nutrition and all that. I'm around 20-25% bodyfat give or take, About 203LB 6'0, Running a caloric deficit at about 1941 (25%) reduction from my TDEE of 2575. I used to be inbetween 15-20% but that was 8 months ago before I had to stop lifting. In terms of training, I'm pretty adament about it, MWF strength program (F5), and T-Thr light cardio / form work.

    Was just curious into the idea of potentially boosting the fat burning process up a knotch with my current deficit + training. I know most who do it are those who compete which I clearly do not.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    For me personally I don't consider anything that stimulates my CNS for fat loss because I can't stand the crash associated with them, and if used for more than a few weeks there is a period of decreased energy when coming off them.

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