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  1. #1
    johnlawley is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2012

    The best cutting cycle on Tren/Test

    What's up guys ? I hope everyone is getting big , shredded , losing fat , gaining muscle or whatever the ''''' your goal is

    My goal is to lose some body fat from 18% down to 10% or so while on Test/Tren using the right diet followed by the beastmode mind set at the gym and I hope to get this down within the next 10 weeks.

    For now here is my status ( my cycle log posted in the forum is well )

    I am 28 ,

    I want you guys to share with me your experience with your cutting diet on ten/test, as well as suggestion and advises on my current diet.

    My TDEE : 2745
    target caloric intake : 2058
    My current diet :
    so after digging into my body fat goal and calculating my nutrition intake , I got my diet plan down to 1800-2200 cal a day with about 280-300 p / 100-130 c / 60-70 f .

    I lost 4% body fat while on this diet in 4 days !! but I still think I should post my current diet here and get some more advises and opinions , That way I know I am in the right track so I can give it all I can to achieve my goal.

    Thank you guys for your time


  2. #2
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    Nobody will recommend u go on a cycle at 18% body fat.

  3. #3
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    I don't see why u will take a bulking steroid while trying to cut..I never cycled so hopefully someone will chime in soon. I mean what's the point of u using the most powerful steroid if ur trying to cut..especially eating 1800 calories a day. U deft won't gain any muscle with that. Compunds aren't magical I don't think. But ur goal is losing fat. Still unsure why u chose tren then lol.

  4. #4
    johnlawley is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2012
    Whats up Marsoc ,

    Thank you for replying my brother .

    Well , it's a little complicated. I been training for the last 10 years. I have done 2 cycles in the past.
    I have a very good genetic and I respond very fast to good diet & workout.

    With that being said , I never exceeded 11% all my life. but due to some major changes that happened in my life from work and moving to different country and all that resulted in staying away from gym and gaining up to 7% body fat in 2 years. ( I never stopped my daily push up n pull ups since I was 18)

    So after a long time of reserching and refreshing my knowledge and memorie in this field ,

    I decided to go back to the gym and start a bulking cycle !!! I was wrong about my body fat percentage because of that stupid old machine I used at the gym. It showed me that I was 13 % pre cycle . and as I was keeping up with my progress , one week later I came to find out that I was 21% body fat !!!!! It really shocked me so much.

    For 1 , I didn't look like at it all as I can see veins on shoulder - chest - biceps - legs and I didn't expect to be that high on fat. #No 2 : I got shocked because I was planing and actually started on my bulking diet !!I was eating close to 5000 cal for about a week or so ! oh god . I can only Imagine bulking on %21

    As a result , I went home and I spent all day re planning the whole cycle. from compound replacement to dieting . I decided to replace the Anadrol with Tren Hex, and of course I kept the Test going & changed my cycle from bulking to cutting .

    So here is why I did what I did and I am where at now ....

  5. #5
    johnlawley is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2012
    And here is some pics pre cycle & current pics & copies of the body fat result .

    my Base pre cycle :
    The best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-2.jpgThe best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-3.jpg

    During cycle

    The best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-1.jpgThe best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-4.jpgThe best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-5.jpgThe best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-6.jpg

    This week

    The best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-7.jpgThe best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-8.jpg

  6. #6
    johnlawley is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2012
    Body fat % before diet :

    The best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-hghghghghgh.jpg

    Body fat % after diet :

    The best cutting cycle on Tren/Test-d.jpg

  7. #7
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I highly doubt you were 21% based off those pics posted. What method/machine did you use to get that number?

    I dont think you needed tren for this cycle TBH. How long have you been on it now?

  8. #8
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    You didn't lose 4% in 4 days. You'd need liposuction to achieve that.

    Test only and a good diet and cardio plan would help you get your goals. Hope you have amended your pct to take into account the tren .

    FWIW at 1800cals you are way too low but even if we take the lowest of the macro's listed you are at a minimum of 2000cals.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    I don't see why u will take a bulking steroid while trying to cut..I never cycled so hopefully someone will chime in soon. I mean what's the point of u using the most powerful steroid if ur trying to cut..especially eating 1800 calories a day. U deft won't gain any muscle with that. Compunds aren't magical I don't think. But ur goal is losing fat. Still unsure why u chose tren then lol.
    just for the record you can bulk or cut on any aas....sure compounds like deca , anadrol , d-bol tend to be used for bulking tren , winstrol for cutting but there is no set rule... any compound can be used for either as your diet ultimately determines your what I'm saying is you can cut or bulk with any aas...but you are correct they are not magic...

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