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Thread: Losing 3-4 lbs per week

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Losing 3-4 lbs per week

    Disclaimer: I am not intending to use any of the AAS or compounds presented below or plan to utilize this strategy anytime soon, just wrapping my head around ideas. Also, nothing I am inquiring about would be relating to someone who is a beginner, more so someone who is seasoned with this stuff.

    So I know that the general consensus is that, apart from initial loss of water weight, we should all aim for fat loss at a rate of 1-2 lbs per week at max. This puts us around 3500-7000 calories below maintenance per week (yes I am aware that this 1-2 lbs is also partially muscle.) This puts us at 500-1000 calories below maintenance per day, which is very easy to fine tune with diet/workout.


    Now lets say some crazy motherfucker says "I am too impatient, I want it faster". They go ahead and drop their calories to 1000 below maintenance per day and do enough cardio and workout to burn up an additional 1000 calories, putting him at 14,000 per week....somewhere in the neighborhood of 4lbs per week if sustained.

    So here most people would jump in and say that the metabolism will slow way down to adjust for the difference. Solution: T3 (again, I'm talking about someone who knows what they're doing, not a beginner)


    Problem #3: It's will be really tough on you mentally! Solution: Stop being a little bitch.

    Someone please explain to me why this would not work. If metabolism is maintained and muscle loss is protected greatly and the person has the will and drive to push, why is 3-4 lbs fat loss (mostly) per week not possible??
    Again....also assuming that after they reach their goal, they slowly ramp their caloric intake back up to normal over the course of say 2-3 weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    im sure almost anything is possible with the right gear. On this board most people are not giving you whats possible, but whats safest in the long term. so , slow and steady works and no gear is required. overall a safer approach. that's just my 2 cents.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I ran a failed experiment with weight loss that you could read. Lost 10lb in 4-days:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    i read that when you posted it originally. Very entertaining.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Crash dieting is never the best approach IMO. starving yourself, over doing cardio and taking a bunch of drugs all at the same time to drop fat quickly because you're too impatient is a terrible idea IMO.

    I wouldn't do it if I were you.
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 01-12-2017 at 07:25 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thx for the replies guys.

    But this is exactly what I meant. Most people say something along the lines of what you guys said, "its safer to go slow" "it's a bad idea" etc. Nobody explains WHY though??

    Other than metabolism drop and muscle loss which have been covered. Can someone give me an actual logical reason WHY NOT?

    Btw, I am not trying to challenge any of you. I agree with you....but honestly, I don't even know why I agree with you lol. I am trying to find some logic to back up my feeling here.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I ran a failed experiment with weight loss that you could read. Lost 10lb in 4-days:
    And Tarmyg I read your thread.
    I am sorry to say but there were some issues there.
    First was that you were running keto diet. By 4 days time, you were not truly in deep enough ketosis for the shitty feelings to go away. And even if you could tolerate it for a little while longer....I still wouldn't use keto in this particular type of situation because of the higher muscle loss. Especially seeing as how your T4 is so high, obviously your energy is going to be in the toilet while in a transitional ketosis diet.
    Problem 2, your gear was only at slightly above TRT dose. I was thinking something more in the neighborhood of 400-500mg weekly Test. Maybe even an additional 30mg per day of Var or something.
    Problem 3, you were going for 1000 calories below maintenance AND 2000 in workout. I am proposing 1000 + 1000. Thats a big difference.

    Although I truly thank you for sharing the experience with all of us so we can learn from it, I think if you made a few modifications here and there, maybe you would have been able to sustain it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    the why is, you're adding compounds to your body that you may or may not have complications with. Some of these complications can be fixed with more drugs, some last a lifetime. seems like a bit of a gamble since you can get the same results naturally.

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