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Find out what works for you. But when coming off your hormone levels are going to be low.. Pretty hard to hold on to mass and keep off fat when they are so low, you're almost always catabolic. Then throwing in intense training which can tax the CNS and increase cortisol makes for an even more catabolic environment, which is the opposite of what you want. Being on testosterone and some other AAS decreases cortisol and provides a perfect environment for building muscle and recovering from those brutal workouts.
Rest, moderate training, and clean food is key in my experience. Until your hormones return to what they were before cycling, which they rarely do but at least you can maintain a physique when your levels come back up some.
Seeing the gains pack on from hard work for 15 weeks, then going off and losing half if not more with an even better diet than on cycle and training just as hard was discouraging. So I chose the blast and cruise route. At least with TRT doses you can maintain a lot, you won't have the freaky vascularity or fullness as when blasting but you can have a very good physique on 100-150mg of test a week. Btw I'm not advising trt, pinning all the time blows.