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Thread: First test e only cycle diet advice.

  1. #1

    First test e only cycle diet advice.

    Hi I'm gonna start a test e only cycle soon. Stats are: age 20, weight 143 pounds, height 5"10, bf 12%. Diet will be:
    Meal 1: 200 uncooked whole wheat pasta+180 gr salmon fish
    Meal 2: 100 gr uncooked white rice+ 200 gr chicken
    Meal 3: 1 protein shake
    Meal 4: 100 gr uncooked white rice+ 200 gr chicken
    Meal 5: 200 gr whole wheat bread+ 250 gr light mozzarella
    Calories: 3000
    Tdee: 2600: surplus 400
    Protein: 243 gr
    Carbs: 370 gr
    Fats: 60 gr
    Goal: gain as much of muscle mass as possible with little of fat gain as possible.
    What do you think? Should I change something or this is enough to accomplish my goal? Or should I just go with 1.5 gr of protein for pound of body weight, 0.45 gr of fat for pound of body weight and rest of carbs? In any case I will only eat whole healthy foods (rice, pasta, bread, milk, oil, chicken, tuna, meat and vegetables). Am I eating too much cholestorol with the chicken? Should I change it with more healthy salmon.
    Ps. Please don't say change your mind because I won't.
    Have a good day, Sam.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    id say your protein is too high. Id drop that.....and the test.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SMS1997 View Post
    Hi I'm gonna start a test e only cycle soon. Stats are: age 20, weight 143 pounds, height 5"10, bf 12%. Diet will be:
    Meal 1: 200 uncooked whole wheat pasta+180 gr salmon fish
    Meal 2: 100 gr uncooked white rice+ 200 gr chicken
    Meal 3: 1 protein shake
    Meal 4: 100 gr uncooked white rice+ 200 gr chicken
    Meal 5: 200 gr whole wheat bread+ 250 gr light mozzarella
    Calories: 3000
    Tdee: 2600: surplus 400
    Protein: 243 gr
    Carbs: 370 gr
    Fats: 60 gr
    Goal: gain as much of muscle mass as possible with little of fat gain as possible.
    What do you think? Should I change something or this is enough to accomplish my goal? Or should I just go with 1.5 gr of protein for pound of body weight, 0.45 gr of fat for pound of body weight and rest of carbs? In any case I will only eat whole healthy foods (rice, pasta, bread, milk, oil, chicken, tuna, meat and vegetables). Am I eating too much cholestorol with the chicken? Should I change it with more healthy salmon.
    Ps. Please don't say change your mind because I won't.
    Have a good day, Sam.
    You're very lean but I suggest you build a solid foundation, I am in the same boat as you and for the past month I've been adding calories, I'm 148, from 140 at the beginning. Track ur calories eat 3500 calories a day. You will see results and probally not do this cycle. The only reason you shouldn't imo is because you won't make as much gains after the cycle bc ur base level test won't be as high as it is because you're still young. Get a blood panel done to give yourself more assurance.

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