Hey guys,
So I ran a cycle at maintenance calories using IGF1 LR3 10 mcg per training day, with 200mg cyp, 40mg Var and 200mg Tren E, then upped the tren E to 400mg for last for weeks (10-14) until I threw it out because i was losing sleep and felt it was time to get off anyway. I was consuming 3000 calories 45/35/20
On that cycle and diet I basically re-comped at maintenance, which so many people say is impossible, but I did it. I started my cycle on 12% BF at 206, but now currently weight 215, and look as lean, but bigger when I was cutting at 201 my leanest. Of course I contribute most of this to the tren. I was training 5x a week, volume training.
However, I recently switched to HIT training (Dorian Yates style) , only 4x a week, and I must say, I love it. I've never pushed weights this high or sweat this much...I have always been a volume person, but no longer...not after doing this.
I am currently only running Masteron at 600mg and Test Cyp at 200mg; My Cyp is TRT so I'll never be coming off it.
I was planning to do a cut making a 3500 calorie deficit per week to aim for a 1 lb of fat off a week; I was debating whether to do straight 500 per day deficit, or carb cycle. However, when started this cut, only a week ago, I did LISS cardio on a Weds (off day), it literally fucked up my entire week. It seems my training is so intense, I don't even need to do cardio anymore...And my body is screaming for more calories because of my training, so I feel that maybe I should forget the cutting and keep growing or re-comping, whatever is happening to me at this time. And even being in a small calorie deficit, I feel I'm not recouping enough either...I've been sitting here researching everything I think I shouldn't even be in a deficit at my BF 12%...which brings me to this question: When is it when someone SHOULDN'T Cut...?
When I look at bodybuilders, who even are just on the off season, these guys usually have abs at 10% when they aren't trying to lose anything. My goal is basically to have 10% BF, I don't care to have a super shredded look that is basically not feasible all year round; especially when I'm just doing this for my sanity and have no desire to compete or anything.
I am probably 12% right now, and I certainly not at my maximum genetic potential, nor maximum muscle size at 5'11...My Arms are 17.5, my legs 26, waist 36, calves 16.25, chest 49. I would like bigger arms (18) and calves (to match), and I don't see that happening in a deficit. I'm feeling that I shouldn't cut until I reach such a size. I don't even think I need to "bulk up" because as I said, on gear I grew at maintenance. I find this whole bulking and cutting phases, in my opinion, not the most efficient way of doing things; at least for a recreational person.
I feel this HIT training is making me stronger and bigger and that I shouldn't cut right now; to forget this summer shred BS and just continue to grow...and then, I would probably just have 10% BF when I pack more muscle.
So really, I find it pointless for me to cut at all, if this is what my body is telling me to do. I have begun to listen to it more and rationalize that unless you have are a competitor or want to look shredded for an event, photo-shoot, or the beach, its probably better to just pack on muscle.
When I watched "Secrets of the Pros" by Milos Sarcev, he didn't advocate for a deficit diet; in fact, he said its not the best thing to even do, rather you should focus on the TEF and building muscle to burn more calories instead. Of course he was probably not referring to contest prep, which a deficit diet is inevitable to do, but like I said, bodybuilders seem to have abs all year round (not shredded abs but visible 6 pack), unless they go super bulking and gain a ton of fat.
At 12%, I am actually lean everywhere, veins in legs and except the lower back and stomach, but you an see my abs a bit...Again, 12% is my guess of where I am... But I'm starting to think and feel that unless you reached at point where you are a big as you can be, without crossing the threshold of using tons of anabolics and other peptides to go beyond genetic maintenance, one should not cut unless specifically trying to.
Below are two pictures;
me just standing in my backyard while I was on my Last cycle;
me in different light at 215
then me off of it (left pic) maintenance at 215, (right pic) 500 calorie deficit only a week in, weighting 207, the biggest difference I see is some water retention loss...
I just feel I should skip cutting this summer, continue with the HIT and build myself up...what do you guys think, looking like this but still being able to grow, I shouldn't be cutting am I right?