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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    CKD diet

    Will someone help me with a basic outline of the diet? Thanks, Doc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Michigan State University
    CKD is pretty much atkins except you carb up periodically.

    Something standard might be:

    12 Low carb days in a row (attempting to get into ketosis quickly)
    2 Hi Carb days in a row

    And then after that, weekdays are low carb days and weekends are carb ups.

    When i mean low carb day, i mean less than 30g of carbs for that day, and you might even go lower than that, i usually go for about 15g or so. Also, take in plenty of veggies, helps keep your pipes clean.

    On a hi carb day, most guys usually go all out. Whether or not you keep your carbs clean or not is your choice. As far as the amount of carbs go for a hi carb day, the sky is the limit, just try not to over eat.

    Thats a fairly basic CKD diet in a nut shell, i guess i'll wait for you to ask some more specific quesions before i go any further.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    No veggies during the week

    Veggies have too many carbs. Duchaine says you can have a little Romaine lettuce and celery, but watch out for veggies while trying to get into or remain in ketosis.

    Check out my diet if you want, it's attached. I developed it after Body Opus. I'm a little concerned that I'm drinking too much fruit juice and eating too much fruit (bananas and raisins) on the weekends, but we'll see how it goes. I just don't know what else to do for now for the liquid simple carbs early on in the carb up... I should probably buy Ultra Fuel eventually and drink that instead of so much juice, but I wanna see if this works out OK.

    I'm also working out 5 days instead of 3 days as suggested by Duchaine in Body Opus.

    Hope to get shredded!!

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  4. #4
    Ketosis isn't necessary for fat loss.

    If Ketosis is your aim though I'd keep my carbs under 10 grams per day. I've done the Opus many times and I've found that even chewing sugarless gum will knock me out of ketosis.

    If my cals are low enough (just a little under maintenance) not being in ketosis hasn't really effected how well the diet works. Too much protein can also keep you out of ketosis.

    I used a blood glucose meter for a while. I was dropping weight like crazy but according to the glucose meter I was close but never in ketosis.

    Too much protein can be converted to glucides and derail your CKD at least as far as ketosis is concerned but you'll still loose weight.

    One thing to keep in mind is not to be too focused on the 60 to 70% fat calories. Lyle McDonald has posted recently that it doesn't make sense to sacrifice protein to maintain this ratio. His CKD formula for carb depletion is as follows.

    .9 grams of protein per pound of lean body weight.

    Maintenance calories = protein + fat

    Basically get your required protein and the rest comes from fat. I find that doing this I start out close to 60 % fat calories but as I take away calories (from fat) I get closer to 50%.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thanks for your help so far, Ill try the basics to start off, i usually do keep my carbs low except after i train which is usually a banana. Other than that ill let you know how it goes. Doc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    I would really reccomend that if you are wanting to do a CKD diet that you stay below 30g carbs. The reason being is that on a CKD diet ideally you are consuming around 60-70% of you calories from fat. Now if you are not in ketosis (reason for staying below 30) then your body is still using carbs as it's primary energy source and that fat goes primarilly unused and stored. Now you can buy keto strips to test for ketosis and find out exactly how many carbs you can consume while staying ketonic. I find the problem is that lots of people will consume too few of both carbs and fat and then have no energy. So pick a diet, pick a method and stick with it. Either CKD all the way or don't. Just my .02. In other words that one bannana is one to many on a CKD.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thanks for all your input guys, Doc.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Demetri ... question for ya

    Were you testing ketosis with keto sticks? Maybe you didn't show too many ketones because you were burning them all up via exercise.

    OK, question for ya:

    Can you please check out my revised Body Opus diet and let me know what you think?

    One more: How important do you think the Body Opus 3 day workout is? I don't like the idea of upper body on Monday, lower body on Tuesday, and full body depletion on Friday. Did you do that?


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  9. #9
    Hey David,

    I used a blood glucose meter, never bothered with the keto sticks as they're not really accurate.

    I also never bothered with the depletion workout. I still did my 5 day split 5 days a week. I would shift the rotation each week so that I worked a different muscle group at the onset of my refeed. I found this worked really well in the long term.

    If you're going to do a depletion workout it makes more sense to me to do it at the start of the carb depletion cycle to help you get into ketosis and to help rid yourself of muscle glycogen. At least it makes more sense for fat loss.

    My opinion on Bodybuilding is that diet is the biggest component. If you're eating right you'll add size and burn fat with or without gear.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    thanks demetri

    great idea on switching up every other week for the "depletion" friday workout.. never thought of that!

    thanks bro

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